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Is the Non-Comp ARB for Ford 9" Really That Weak?

is that spidertrax locking collar made of a better material? The tooth area seems to be bigger. Just curious if its a material upgrade, design upgrade or both.
According to post #52...it's better material. Not sure if it's a different design. I doubt it could be dimensionally much different and still mesh with the existing ARB parts.
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Another update from one of the vendors above who carries the Atom-9 .....asked me what my use was. Told him for a pair of rear steer portal cars; recreational (not competition) wheeling.

His words[sic], "If it were for Ulltra 4 style racing, I would probably recommend the ARB over the Atom 9". He said that for crawling the Atom would be fine.

So...take it FWIW. I didn't press him on the issue since I'm obviously not doing U4 and I don't know his experience or qualifications in making the statement.

Looking over the photos of the Atom-9....looks like it has more tooth engagement than the original ARB RD99....but no idea on it vs. the RD99CE.
His words[sic], "If it were for Ulltra 4 style racing, I would probably recommend the ARB over the Atom 9". He said that for crawling the Atom would be fine.
Who said that? :laughing:
When a vendor is telling you to hesitant of their product. Run.
"Vendor" may have been the wrong choice of word and given the wrong impression...it's one of their dealers. Just want to clarify it's not the manufacturer of the Atom-9.
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