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Iratest wife of IBB


Piss Artist Formerly Known As OllieNZ
May 19, 2020
Member Number
Managed to piss the wife off a goodun last night. She asked me to roll over so I'd stop snoring at about 2am and apparently I got angry and shouted her out of the bedroom (I have no recollection of this), she then tried to sleep on the couch but my fish tank was too noisy. Needless to say I got a rude awakening at 6am so she could go back to bed :laughing:
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She spent half a day today making sheer drapes for the kitchen windows. Txtd me pictures of how nice they came out. I complimented her efforts and suggested the coloration she chose was awesome. They're really that cool. Soon as I mentioned she could consider making a new panel for the passthrough on the RV, I got hollered at and was accused of not listening to her. It's that time of the month, and when I say it's that time, I mean it's that time she get my pulsing male pudendum up her glistening little butt.
my pulsing pudendum .

Well. at least that settles the "is Trampoleene a chick" debate :lmao::laughing:

She spent half a day today making sheer drapes for the kitchen windows. Txtd me pictures of how nice they came out. I complimented her efforts and suggested the coloration she chose was awesome. They're really that cool. Soon as I mentioned she could consider making a new panel for the passthrough on the RV, I got hollered at and was accused of not listening to her. It's that time of the month, and when I say it's that time, I mean it's that time she get my pulsing male pudendum up her glistening little butt.

Picture of glistening little butt so we can visualize the magnitude of this accusation?
Well, while driving home last night from our property, I suggested we order dinner since it was getting late and we were both tired. She said that sounded great, but didn't want to go in as she looked a mess. I said that was fine with me, she could call in the order and by the time we got into town it would be ready for pickup. Then we had to decide where to call. I finally suggested a place she was agrreeable to which turned out to be McCallister's (sandwich shop). I told her what I wanted and after about 5 minutes of driving, she still hadn't called and she was reading the menu out loud. I asked her if that was for my benfit or hers. She read silently after that. After 5 more minutes of silent reading, I pointed out we were going to be there before she got it ordered if she didn't make up her mind. After a minute more of no calling, I picked up my phone. Apparently that was the motivation for her to go ahead and dial the phone and yell at me for telling her how to make the damn sandwiches and stay in my lane and shit. :homer: I did pull into the lot as she was hanging up and we sat there for 15 mins in silence.:lmao: After we got our food, I just sat there. She couldn't take it more than 2 minutes and finally said Would you go to the house now?! I said, don't tell me how to drive. Then went on home. I'll probably have to get my own sammiches for a while now.
Let's see

Yesterday Morning 0500 the internet is down, but she doesn't know it, all she knows is she is being prompted to enter her email password. After 20 times she drags me out of bed as I.T. support, I realize no internet, So I get her phone going as a hotspot and get everything up..... BUT her email, Still prompting for password. She's mad as hell at me.... Mind you I'm no computer wizard. More ranting and raving, by 0700 I need to leave for work, She's on the Email server working off the internet and mad as hell still.

2 hrs later I get a text apology........She had been entering the wrong password. I quietly laughed to myself.
Managed to piss the wife off a goodun last night. She asked me to roll over so I'd stop snoring at about 2am and apparently I got angry and shouted her out of the bedroom (I have no recollection of this), she then tried to sleep on the couch but my fish tank was too noisy. Needless to say I got a rude awakening at 6am so she could go back to bed :laughing:

We don't have that problem as we both snore, so we sleep right thru it. :flipoff2:
Who else has a menopausal wife, Gary ?
Even being separated by 5 hours I can still troll that twat into a tizzy without issue. I pissed her off with facts and logic the other day and now she won't talk to me. Life is good. I just texted the potential next ex to see if she's down for french toast from a bad ass take out only place this am.
I got a good one. She actually admits thats funny.

Mine probably would too. I'm going to remember that one.

I have gotten grumped at and walked out the door only to return a moment later and repeat "Hi Honey I'm home!" like I just got there to point out she is being a grump and kind of reset her mood. Usually works. :grinpimp:
Mine probably would too. I'm going to remember that one.

I have gotten grumped at and walked out the door only to return a moment later and repeat "Hi Honey I'm home!" like I just got there to point out she is being a grump and kind of reset her mood. Usually works. :grinpimp:

Going to have to try that one:beer:
Next time she's pissed about something stupid tell her to hold on and grab a towel, fuck it in around her neck and tell her she's now Super Pissed! I did that and while I thought it was hilarious she however did not. :laughing:
I'm going to have to remember that one.

I bought a school bus 2 weeks ago without telling the wife, it only took her a couple of hours to notice it parked in the side yard. It's an 88 International with a DT360 and a 5 speed manual that runs good. I paid $800 for it which I told her was a screaming deal. She only likes deals it seems that involves clothes and shiny sparkly jewelry.
She's 50% Puerto Rican and 50% German, and every bit of both. Let that sink in.

Good thing I'm Norwegian. 🤣
Mine has been pissed off at me for something or another for the past ten or so years. Its getting old. I really pissed her off lately because I am in escrow for 46.5 acres of vacant, untouched high desert heaven in northern Arizona. I purchased it with inherited money and she is going apeshit because I need her to sign a disclaimer to the property so it can be in my name only.
Mine has been pissed off at me for something or another for the past ten or so years. Its getting old. I really pissed her off lately because I am in escrow for 46.5 acres of vacant, untouched high desert heaven in northern Arizona. I purchased it with inherited money and she is going apeshit because I need her to sign a disclaimer to the property so it can be in my name only.

Brian, it was your inheritance so it might be your slice of heaven away from her anger? Either way, good luck with them both and keep... on.... truckin...

I have my limits and any significant other that had the opportunity to push them, did push them. She doesn't get my asshole side without my gentleman side but now that I'm seasoned if you will, the opposite is also true.
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Things have been strained since my mom died last year and I didn't comingle my inheritance. I'm not even finished splitting up the estate and its already weird. I just know her too well. She thinks that money in the bank is to be spent as quickly as possible.
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