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I like her.

A local lib stated she didn't like her because she wouldn't enforce the law if it went against her religious beliefs. Linked an article. I pointed out that was not what she said in the article. She stated that if she could not be impartial she would do the ethical thing and recuse herself from the case. (Which the law allows)

like Kagan should have done on the Obamacare bs that she helped to write.......crickets.
From what I have seen on social media so far the liberals are losing their shit over this. Lots of claims of her setting women back 70 years. Saying her religious group is a cult and that she believes in women being subservient to men. I have pointed out several times to a few of them that if she believed that as strongly as they are claiming she wouldn’t be accepting the nomination, she wouldn’t have even had the career she has had but would instead be in a bath robe and slippers in the kitchen all day making her man a sammich.

as usual, liberal logic at its finest. I really do love watching the liberal meltdowns every time. It’s so satisfying.
Trump has delivered again. He is the complete liberal mind fuck. And a few libertarians as well, apparently. :cookie:
A local lib stated she didn't like her because she wouldn't enforce the law if it went against her religious beliefs. Linked an article. I pointed out that was not what she said in the article. She stated that if she could not be impartial she would do the ethical thing and recuse herself from the case. (Which the law allows)

like Kagan should have done on the Obamacare bs that she helped to write.......crickets.
Tell your lib friend, Supreme Court justices don’t enforce laws.
Real men don't use memes :flipoff2:

But... its not really a meme... its just a screen grab of the dumb shit you people keep posting on the internet. :flipoff2:

FWIW, I'm fine with her appointment to the Supreme Court... I haven’t seen anything so far that's ruffled feathers worthy.
And if Biden wins, you will be one of the reasons for the new shit show. Hope that makes you feel "special". :shaking:

Biden will win his state already if he is still in Cali. Stop waiting for your next turn to respond and instead use that time to challenge your thought and see if they still hold water. :flipoff2:

Question your government, It’s one of the most patriotic things any citizen can do.
Good point....they are supposed to rule if something is constitutional or not....

...by reading the law the way it was written and endorsed through the people's representatives. When they reinterpret what words might mean, they mock democracy itself.
They've already bitched about her religion (catholic) during her confirmation to her present position on the Seventh Circuit. Look for them to do so again.

Feinstein, a Jew, taking Amy Barrett up on her religion:

With 3 out of 9 SCOTUS judges being Jewish (until now...), and Jewish over-representation in government in general, Diane Feinstein questioning a gentile about her religion is quite specifically a Crime Against Humanity.

No, I'm not fucking larping. No, I'm not a Nazi. Read the Whitaker Report, or the body of work surrounding Nuremberg.

Jews like Feinstein and Schumer should be brought up on charges for that kind of religio/ethnic chauvinism.

Over-representation at Ivy League colleges as well. Over-representation in the Media.

These are facts. Someone needs to call out Feinsteiny and Schumer for that bullshit.
Has DiFi had a DNA test done on it ? That surely is a man with those hands , that's a dude for sure.:lmao:
Larping, Lemminger may I have another "L" word ? I learn here every day :trooper: Chuck Schumer is a Jew ??

Chucky reminds me on an actor. Can't quite put my finger on it. Thought it was from Gremlins but that is not it.
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it is all fun and games until your niece needs an abortion.
cavanaugh and gorsuch are like the last repub nominee, roberts. they act one way, then go another once they are in.
it is all fun and games until your niece needs an abortion.
cavanaugh and gorsuch are like the last repub nominee, roberts. they act one way, then go another once they are in.

I don't care about any of the 'hot button' issues. Roberts is still what they call a 'constructionist'.

Everyone thinks abortion is the big issue, nobody believes Roe v Wade will ever be overturned, and I don't care.

What I care about is Legislating from the Bench, and Gorsuch, Kav, and Roberts will put a stop to that with a conservative majority.

Political Action groups are probably lining up the cases right now.
I don't care about any of the 'hot button' issues. Roberts is still what they call a 'constructionist'.

Everyone thinks abortion is the big issue, nobody believes Roe v Wade will ever be overturned, and I don't care.

What I care about is Legislating from the Bench, and Gorsuch, Kav, and Roberts will put a stop to that with a conservative majority.

Political Action groups are probably lining up the cases right now.

I agree.
I don't care about any of the 'hot button' issues. Roberts is still what they call a 'constructionist'.

Everyone thinks abortion is the big issue, nobody believes Roe v Wade will ever be overturned, and I don't care.

What I care about is Legislating from the Bench, and Gorsuch, Kav, and Roberts will put a stop to that with a conservative majority.

Political Action groups are probably lining up the cases right now.

I really have to wonder about that too. What are the chances of roe actually ever getting overturned? I mean it’s almost ancient history at this point having been decided back in the 70s. It’s not like the Supreme Court ever arbitrarily decides to pull a now 50 year old case to revisit. As I understand the way it works is some anti abortion group would have to file an appeal in the lower courts and it would then have to work its way up thru the lower, then the circuits, to finally the Supreme Court where they would have to even agree to look at it. How often has that ever really happened where the Supreme Court went back and revisited something like that? I just don’t see it ever happening no matter the makeup of the SCOTUS.
I don't care about any of the 'hot button' issues. Roberts is still what they call a 'constructionist'.

Everyone thinks abortion is the big issue, nobody believes Roe v Wade will ever be overturned, and I don't care.

What I care about is Legislating from the Bench, and Gorsuch, Kav, and Roberts will put a stop to that with a conservative majority.

Political Action groups are probably lining up the cases right now.

I live with two hard core libtards. If they are in any way representative of the wacked out liberal left, then they very much believe that another SCJ appointed by Trump will result in the overturn of Roe v Wade.
I really have to wonder about that too. What are the chances of roe actually ever getting overturned? I mean it’s almost ancient history at this point having been decided back in the 70s. It’s not like the Supreme Court ever arbitrarily decides to pull a now 50 year old case to revisit. As I understand the way it works is some anti abortion group would have to file an appeal in the lower courts and it would then have to work its way up thru the lower, then the circuits, to finally the Supreme Court where they would have to even agree to look at it. How often has that ever really happened where the Supreme Court went back and revisited something like that? I just don’t see it ever happening no matter the makeup of the SCOTUS.

Couldn't it also hit the Supreme Court if someone decided to fight new restrictive State laws?
Couldn't it also hit the Supreme Court if someone decided to fight new restrictive State laws?

Yup. A number of states have passed very restrictive laws that clearly violate the Roe v Wade decision. That's the most likely way it'll make it to the court.
Close enough to the male ring of top power - perfect for a woman of handmaid color.
Separate church and state. Else, become Iran.
You sir, are an idiot. And not realizing why, makes you an even bigger idiot.

actually he's 100% correct.

“Every minor party or independent candidate who has run in modern history has taken some votes from (both parties),” said Burden, who has authored numerous studies on the impact of third-party candidates. “It’s also incorrect to say the votes come even disproportionately from a Democratic candidate.”

The Volokh Conspiracy blog on washingtonpost.com cited exit polls in reporting Johnson likely moved the final margin about 0.4% in Trump’s favor. And a study from Devine going through peer review found Johnson voters would have favored Trump by a 2-to-1 margin in a two-person race.
but that's if you actually believe math and not bullshit.
apparently you still believe the bullshit, even though the math has disproved it for 20 years.

Just googled her and all i found were family pics with their two adopted black kids.

I am a pass. Next


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