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I like her.


May 21, 2020
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Because a descriptive title, statements of what the fuck you're talking about, and a name to go with the picture is too hard for you...........:rolleyes:

I know you're talking about Trumps announcement of supreme court pick he just made, but I wanted a name and her positions & qualifications :laughing::flipoff2:
Because a descriptive title, statements of what the fuck you're talking about, and a name to go with the picture is too hard for you...........:rolleyes:

I know you're talking about Trumps announcement of supreme court pick he just made, but I wanted a name and her positions & qualifications :laughing::flipoff2:

Amy Coney Barrett.


Nominated to the Supreme Court of the United States.

The most remarkable endorsement of her qualifications comes from her students. I place great stock in the opinions of the people she was charged to mentor, and Trump's introduction rightfully emphasized that.

The esteem of people she worked with, and who worked FOR HER, make my opinion.
I like her too from what I have read.

Most importantly, the future of the United States has been severely altered with the 2016 Trump win. Seemingly THREE SC Justices that were NOT appointed by Hillary Clinton for the fucking win.

Like Trump or hate him, if you love freedom and the United States for a freedom loving beacon of light, I have no idea how you could not revel in in the judicial gains in the last 3.5 years.
A lot of comments echo why we dont waste votes on Libertarian non sense tools. Play it to win it. Remember this. SDCJ and a steaming pile of others . . .:barf:

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A lot of comments echo why we dont waste votes on Libertarian non sense tools. Play it to win it. Remember this. SDCJ and a steaming pile of others . . .:barf:


my libertarian vote in 2016 didn't ensure a clinton victory, despite 2015 being the largest haul for the L candidate in history (with ~5 Million votes)

so wtf was your point again? :flipoff2:
Yeah, you and your War On Drugs keep telling yourself that...

(saying "We won!" when you compromised your principles to do so is a hollow victory)

Huh ? Drugs ?? Wut ?? Here is the synthesis of sumtin for ya. If more clowns had voted for Lib Tare Tards Trump WOULD HAVE LOST. Can ya figure that shit out ??
I don't know.... she took an asprin in 2008. Dems are gpom to torpedo her! Oooh.... I think she had a black paper boy! TOAST! :stirthepot:
A lot of comments echo why we dont waste votes on Libertarian non sense tools. Play it to win it. Remember this. SDCJ and a steaming pile of others . . .:barf:


Still voting for the "status quo". You're one of the reasons we're stuck in this shit show we've had for decades.
And if Biden wins, you will be one of the reasons for the new shit show. Hope that makes you feel "special". :shaking:

Utter bullshit. That's just the same old crap that's been disproven people like you status quo idiots spew out every time this comes up. Stop with the "blatant scare mongery" ( borrowed from Johann).
Utter bullshit. That's just the same old crap that's been disproven people like you status quo idiots spew out every time this comes up. Stop with the "blatant scare mongery" ( borrowed from Johann).

You sir, are an idiot. And not realizing why, makes you an even bigger idiot.
The religion issue is confusing, if she was Muslim it would be one of the greatest accomplishments ever. But her being Catholic is seen as damaging to people's rights.
Your "party" has less than a ZERO chance of winning and you know that. So voting independent is the same as throwing Biden a vote. That makes you part of the problem, not the solution.

Prove me wrong.

Her response to the religion questions should have been...The courts don't make law, you do, how many Congressmen are Christians and do we need to get them out of office? Also how is it that you misunderstand the role of the courts? Are you used to your appointees voting based on their personal views?
Still voting for the "status quo". You're one of the reasons we're stuck in this shit show we've had for decades.

I really hate to use your terms and illogic that has plauged us for decades, but I have no choice. :laughing: Your reading comprehension fails. :laughing::laughing: Again. :laughing::laughing::laughing:And with the reading fail is the cognitive ego complex you have that kicks in and is on full display. The thread topic is about the SCJ nominee, and a subtopic is the effect Trump has had on this. My specific point is that Trump GOT elected and made real change. Undisputed. And no Liber Tard has any chance of winning. And the more votes that go tard, the closer the margin of defeat is for Trump. So senor, yes, I am one of millions of reasons trump got elected. Because, like a lot of people, I realize the importance of the end result, and not some petty, snobbish elitist unarguable superiority complex candidate. I voted for Coney. You voted for nobody. :usa::usa::usa:
Your "party" has less than a ZERO chance of winning and you know that. So voting independent is the same as throwing Biden a vote. That makes you part of the problem, not the solution.

Prove me wrong.


You've already been proven wrong on the other BB and on this BB many times. I won't bother repeating that since you won't listen anyway. Your way of thinking is what's gotten this country in the shit show we now have.
You've already been proven wrong on the other BB and on this BB many times. I won't bother repeating that since you won't listen anyway. Your way of thinking is what's gotten this country in the shit show we now have.

So you got nothing...... Understood.

Fuck I wasted typing all that shit and {gary} didn't even spill his coffee :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Love you old man. :flipoff2: Come on out angry and swinging :grinpimp:
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