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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

I really would love the big three to just say fawk off to the union

Their labor cost is already high vs competitors. Hard to view "american" brands as value when you know their being extorted on labor rates. Shame no one else makes the new f250 i want.
I googled it the other day, while in a conversation with a co worker who agreed the unions are nuts for striking. Average pay for UAW workers is like 37 dollars an hour if I'm not mistaken. With their demanded 40% raise it would be damn near $50 per hour to stand there and bolt on the same thing all day every day. Fuck those people. If i ran any of the big 3 companies I'd shut it all down and move out of the US, or figure out how to get rid of unions and hire scabs. No way in hell would I pay some dumbass with a high school education 50 bucks per hour to do some menial task on an assembly line. Flame on to all the union nut swingers.
I googled it the other day, while in a conversation with a co worker who agreed the unions are nuts for striking. Average pay for UAW workers is like 37 dollars an hour if I'm not mistaken. With their demanded 40% raise it would be damn near $50 per hour to stand there and bolt on the same thing all day every day. Fuck those people. If i ran any of the big 3 companies I'd shut it all down and move out of the US, or figure out how to get rid of unions and hire scabs. No way in hell would I pay some dumbass with a high school education 50 bucks per hour to do some menial task on an assembly line. Flame on to all the union nut swingers.
Average COMPENSATION is like $37/hour, not pay. That includes retirement contributions, medical premiums paid by the company, and any other benefit they receive.

With that said, however, the union is bonkers holding out for a 40% increase. That's not to benefit the workers, that's to increase DUES by 40%
how much of that $37/hour is deducted and sent to the union? I know we look at these high per-hour numbers but if the union tax is substantial, the workers arent making out as good as it might look.
Does it really matter though? $50/hr is $50/hr to the company, whether it all goes to the employee or the union. Fuck the unions for driving up the costs for employers to benefit themselves. Its no different than a minimum wage hike, its all just going to fuck the consumer. Unions are a plague.
Average COMPENSATION is like $37/hour, not pay. That includes retirement contributions, medical premiums paid by the company, and any other benefit they receive.

With that said, however, the union is bonkers holding out for a 40% increase. That's not to benefit the workers, that's to increase DUES by 40%
and avg comp of 37 an hr is pretty low now a days.
Does it really matter though? $50/hr is $50/hr to the company, whether it all goes to the employee or the union. Fuck the unions for driving up the costs for employers to benefit themselves. Its no different than a minimum wage hike, its all just going to fuck the consumer. Unions are a plague.
Depends on your point of view. From the company side, sure makes no difference. From the employee side, everyone hates them for being so highly paid, but the take home is actually small. The Jackass in the situation is the union, effin the company and the employee at the same time.

Not all unions suck, but alot sure do.
Depends on your point of view. From the company side, sure makes no difference. From the employee side, everyone hates them for being so highly paid, but the take home is actually small. The Jackass in the situation is the union, effin the company and the employee at the same time.

Not all unions suck, but alot sure do.
Right, it makes no difference to the employer, they see an increase in cost for labor. It makes a difference if its $50/hr because of the union vs $50/hr because the employer deems thats an acceptable pay to the employee based on the companies ability to pay that. If the company is forced to pay it by a union, its just fucking everyone who works there thats not union and whoever the consumer is of their product. I dont care what union boys take home is after union dues, if hes making more than me because of the union hes taking potential money out of my pocket.
Right, it makes no difference to the employer, they see an increase in cost for labor. It makes a difference if its $50/hr because of the union vs $50/hr because the employer deems thats an acceptable pay to the employee based on the companies ability to pay that. If the company is forced to pay it by a union, its just fucking everyone who works there thats not union and whoever the consumer is of their product. I dont care what union boys take home is after union dues, if hes making more than me because of the union hes taking potential money out of my pocket.
but if he is making more because he is better at negotiating for more pay, your fine with it?

My 20 y/o 'hot shot' truck and trailer are $13,000/yr. Friend of mine 12yd dump truck is $18,000/yr. I local company (~50 trucks) closed the doors because they couldn't cover premiums.

The fault lies somewhere between megacarrier steer wheel holders and ambulance chasers.
but if he is making more because he is better at negotiating for more pay, your fine with it?
Unions bully for more pay with labor strikes regardless of the skillset of the employees so they can line their own pockets. If a non union employee negotiates for a raise and receives it his negotiations were successful. That single employee brings something to the table the company evaluated and deemed valuable enough to pay more for. Thats not how unions negotiate. Yes I'm 100% OK with an employee more valuable to the company than me to get paid more if that is the case, not for 50 retards to get paid more because the union bullied the business with a strike and forced their hands. Sure that shows the employess are valuable to the company since they cannot immediately replace them if they say no to the raise, but it doesnt point towards an individuals value nor whether their work ethic is of value versus just their presence as needed labor. If I were to negotiate for a raise an fail where others succeeded, I am obviously not as high of value to the business and am free to seek employment elsewhere.

We are currently employing people we are actively seeking to remove. They are not of high value. They do show up (sometimes) and do get SOME work done so we needed them for the time being. They are not getting a raise, period. If they were union, our hand would be forced. Non union allows us to seek out better more valuable employees and individually reward those that are more valuable instead of wasting money on the useless ones. Fuck unions.

My 20 y/o 'hot shot' truck and trailer are $13,000/yr. Friend of mine 12yd dump truck is $18,000/yr. I local company (~50 trucks) closed the doors because they couldn't cover premiums.

The fault lies somewhere between megacarrier steer wheel holders and ambulance chasers.
Not quite, just another entity that mega carriers wine and dine on the expense of owner ops/smaller fleets.

Look at the proposed speed limiters, all mega carrier doing to eliminate competiton.

Monopolies staging to rule the world is what is coming.
It is low, by the design.
I agree with this completely. I have been talking about this with friends for the last decade. The country is racking up debt and it is almost to the point where the interest isnt covered by incoming tax dollars. They have a hard time increasing taxes without people getting pissed so they have to drag that process over decades.

They can however print a shit ton of money and devalue the dollar by 10-15% for a few years on end then slow it down for 5 years and ramp it back up. Soon enough that 30T of debt is really worth the 3T of debt we had 30 or whatever years ago.

It will take a while for wages to bounce back, but that part of the fucking has been lagging and a losing battle since every crash since the 1920s
I agree with this completely. I have been talking about this with friends for the last decade. The country is racking up debt and it is almost to the point where the interest isnt covered by incoming tax dollars. They have a hard time increasing taxes without people getting pissed so they have to drag that process over decades.

They can however print a shit ton of money and devalue the dollar by 10-15% for a few years on end then slow it down for 5 years and ramp it back up. Soon enough that 30T of debt is really worth the 3T of debt we had 30 or whatever years ago.

It will take a while for wages to bounce back, but that part of the fucking has been lagging and a losing battle since every crash since the 1920s

That only works if there is a sudden change in spending and excess spending stops. The only change we are seeing in govt spending is to increase the deficit. This is simply accelerating the problem. Market inflation is really just racing to catch up. We arent far from spending all tax income to simply pay the interest on the debt.
Average COMPENSATION is like $37/hour, not pay. That includes retirement contributions, medical premiums paid by the company, and any other benefit they receive.

With that said, however, the union is bonkers holding out for a 40% increase. That's not to benefit the workers, that's to increase DUES by 40%
Per the washington post.

What is the average UAW autoworker’s wage?​

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Full-time employees at the Big Three make on average $18 to $32 an hour, depending on seniority — wages that haven’t kept up with inflation.

I can't help the cost of living in Detroit, but 18 to 32 an hour isn't bad here in NC. Say we're dumb fucks etc.. but at the local mine that pays awesome it's $25 per hour starting out. Sheetz pays like 16 per hour for a cashier that is worthless. I make almost 23 per hour now working for the city, as a heavy equipment operator. I have way more credentials than just a heavy equipment operator, contractor's license, etc.. so even for the city I can make maybe 25 per hour or a little better, but that is paying for skills, not for some union dumbfuck to turn a bolt to bolt on a door all day every day. And before anybody flames me for being a city worker, I'm looking for a way out as fast as I can. I hate being part of the drain on taxpayers.
With inflation and cost of living its not unreasonable. When your paycheck buys less and less you want a bigger check.

Vicious cycle that ends with the dollar worth less.
Iirc my steelworker dues were 1% of my pretax. Not super pro union, just the lesser of two evils where I was. When we went on strike they did more for me than I could have imagined, including paying my rent monthly for 2 years straight. They paid me more than I ever put in :homer:

*both the company and the union had unreasonable demands, and the company baited the union to strike and the retards took it. Then folded when copper went up and skilled labor was in hot demand, wtf? :laughing:

Don't really have a dog in this, just that's my experience
Wife said she was looking over the breakfast sausage tonight at the grocery store, and the woman beside her said, “I have to decide if I want to be full and broke, or starve and have money.”

Over breakfast sausage.

My wife said she didn’t even have a cart. Just her hands full of groceries.

This is a well-to-do area and I can see people feeling the pinch, hard. Things aren’t selling off Facebook or Craigslist anymore. Dealerships are flooded with new cars. People are keeping their shitboxes on the road for as long as they can now. Haven’t seen this since the later Obama years.

Buckle up.
LThings aren’t selling off Facebook or Craigslist anymore. Dealerships are flooded with new cars. People are keeping their shitboxes on the road for as long as they can now. Haven’t seen this since the later Obama years.

Buckle up.

people are still buying/selling, the price range has shifted. Sub $15k cars fly out of lots, rarely last a week. $50k+ are sitting.

Guys shop next to mine flips couches. He rarely posts anything as, apparently, clean sub $1k furniture is in high demand.

Housing went stagnant. I was watching cracker box houses dried in within a few days... now I seeing frames sitting so long the wood is turning black.
Things aren’t selling off Facebook or Craigslist anymore.

Buckle up.
Truth. I missed the boat on selling the wife's toy (91 Firebird) because she "wasn't ready" now the market is fucked and we're stuck with it.

I swear she must have been here reading threads on listing your projects for astronomical prices so they intentionally dont sell :flipoff2:

My 20 y/o 'hot shot' truck and trailer are $13,000/yr. Friend of mine 12yd dump truck is $18,000/yr. I local company (~50 trucks) closed the doors because they couldn't cover premiums.

The fault lies somewhere between megacarrier steer wheel holders and ambulance chasers.
Mostly the latter.

Nuclear verdicts are driving commercial insurance through the roof. Examples:

1. Company driver trainee and trainer are driving in a winter storm. Drizzle turns to freezing drizzle. Mom and kids are driving the opposite direction in a pickup, lose control, cross the median, and collide with the semi that is traveling 48 mph. Verdict for the plaintiff of $100 million, because the truck company didn't have ambient air temperature sensors/displays. Had they been available to the driver, he might have pulled over before the collision. In addition, they put a trainee on a JIT load (news flash, they are almost all JIT loads), and that means the company fostered an unsafe culture.

2. Driver goes over HOS and plows into a line of stopped traffic. He's a single owner-operator, and now deceased. Lawyers scored nuclear verdict against the company who owned the trailer and brokered out the power-only load (Owner/operator pulls their load in their trailer, only providing himself and the tractor for the specific load), because had they not contracted with this O/O, the crash wouldn't have occurred. In reality, they contracted with a broker who sold the load to the O/O who crashed. Imagine having nothing to do with a collision other than your trailer and your customer's load yet facing a $92 million verdict.

That, in a nutshell, is why commercial insurance is going sky high. The lawyers know it, that's why you see "Hit by a truck? Call Chuck!" billboards and their ilk scattered across the country. 30% + expenses on a $100 million verdict makes the lawyers rich as hell.
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