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How hard is inflation going to hit, or has hit?

2 years now? Look where we were a year ago compared to today. If the trend continues its going to get real bad.

I can remember back in 70's pushing dad's truck to the gas pump for the 5gal ration and then going to the back of the line and starting over. Things were rough then...and I see it playing out again. This time, I'm not going hungry.

Believe what you like...
Bad, as in lack of stock for motorcycles, prices of GPU components, or $4 a gallon in gas? Sure. But really bad? Meh, it sucks, but most will manage. I guess that's bad for a lot of people.

However I think the reality of it, people don't even know what bad is.
Pretty much, yawp. I have means to make money. I've got tenants. They pay on time every month. Sure, the rent is $200 cheaper than the other places on the road, but I'm not playing that game. I find myself not buying new PC games every week, or throwing parts at the motorcycles. Usually I'll bike one motorcycle a year and rotate out another, but I kept everything this year. That sort of thing. So yea, I've cut back but like everything else, in Internet land, its the end of the world and we're all doomed.
Here's the deal, you're fairly young, a homeowner, a landlord, one of 2 working parents with one child, and have a government job, with a utility component. An outlier.
You're in a perfect position to deal with inflation.

Change a few of those things and see how it feels to get squeezed, then you may get concerned
Here's the deal, you're fairly young, a homeowner, a landlord, one of 2 working parents with one child, and have a government job, with a utility component. An outlier.
You're in a perfect position to deal with inflation.

Change a few of those things and see how it feels to get squeezed, then you may get concerned
That I understand. And honestly, I think a lot of people are in a similar situation as I am. Actually, probably better. Shit, my wife and I don't make much take home. If I wasn't tied to the insurance, I could be making twice as much somewhere else. Are there legit people that are scraping by and are getting walloped by this nonsense? Absolutely. However, the average person cannot make it by without their $7 cup of coffee or phone they're paying $25 a month for, for the next six years.

What I'm saying, the majority of people that say its going to get bad, don't even know what bad is.
Here's the deal, you're fairly young, a homeowner, a landlord, one of 2 working parents with one child, and have a government job, with a utility component. An outlier.
You're in a perfect position to deal with inflation.

Change a few of those things and see how it feels to get squeezed, then you may get concerned

That is a good point. I always thought i was in a good position to weather most things that could get thrown my way. Being essentially the sole provider for a family of 4 changed that. Things that I assumed would be somewhat static have gone up quick over the last 12 months. Gas, utilities, and groceries have all shot up for my family and it sucks. It seems that almost all my disposable income is gone and now spent on essentials.
That I understand. And honestly, I think a lot of people are in a similar situation as I am. Actually, probably better. Shit, my wife and I don't make much take home. If I wasn't tied to the insurance, I could be making twice as much somewhere else. Are there legit people that are scraping by and are getting walloped by this nonsense? Absolutely. However, the average person cannot make it by without their $7 cup of coffee or phone they're paying $25 a month for, for the next six years.

What I'm saying, the majority of people that say its going to get bad, don't even know what bad is.
I wish my service cost that much!
My girl sold her 2020 Subaru Forrester to Carvana for 6k more than she paid for it 1.5 years ago. Crazy times
simply stated inflation is when there is more money to buy products than products available.

Supply and demand will therefore have an impact on inflation. What this numbskull administration is doing is to fuck us on both sides. Added money while production is tanking and the supply chain is fucked.

The part that pisses me off is to see the people that have taught me so much in my life trying to get by on their retirement income that changes very little. If I need more money, I work harder. Those guys have put in their time and shouldn't have to do that type of shit any more if they weren't getting fucked. I don't mind helping on occasion, but this is a permanent thing as far as cost of living change. Inflation may stop or slow down, but you will never see deflation in our country as long as the government can manipulate the economy. So for fixed income people, this is a permanent fucking and those are the people that can least afford it.
and have a government job,
You're in a perfect position to deal with inflation.

Remember back in the dumparoo 12 years or so ago? How many .gov employees were let go or had their salaries reduced? None that I know of. But I did know a bunch of people working private industry that took big pay cuts or flat out lost the job. I was on frozen pay with a sizeable "temporary" cut for several years. Then we had the opportunity to listen to .gov employees complain that their raises were too small.

Best place to be during an inflationary period is working for the gov or in the military.
Remember back in the dumparoo 12 years or so ago? How many .gov employees were let go or had their salaries reduced? None that I know of. But I did know a bunch of people working private industry that took big pay cuts or flat out lost the job. I was on frozen pay with a sizeable "temporary" cut for several years. Then we had the opportunity to listen to .gov employees complain that their raises were too small.

Best place to be during an inflationary period is working for the gov or in the military.
Bingo, my dad is a teacher and started crying about a pay freeze, I told him I lost 20k in bonuses and overtime, and most of my friends were laid off and I didn't want to hear it
Bingo, my dad is a teacher and started crying about a pay freeze, I told him I lost 20k in bonuses and overtime, and most of my friends were laid off and I didn't want to hear it
Yeah, but the work for the government wage is usually way lower than the outside industry wages. I retired from the local school district. I could have made way more in the private sector per hour. But was playing the long game for a pension. I worked for decades in non government places. Pick your poison. If your in the private sector then you better be planning for your retirement.
I might sell the f350 if that's the case... damn.
Just for shit when I saw his post I ran my wifes 2013 legacy through their site. 12k. We paid 19k in 2014 with 6k miles on it. We were going to replace it last year but the new car availability has scared me into holding onto it. At 12k it is probably worth flipping it. They actually have a few, year old, low mile cars for reasonable pricing on there too.
Current job has been rolling out 1% pay increases for the last 5 years and were promising promotions for that entire time, promotion finally came to fruition this year but had to haggle for a decent raise. They followed that up by almost doubling the cost of benefits; no vaccine? thats $125/month, spouse works but is on your insurance? another $100/month on top of the cost of a family plan...

Real estate in the area is up 30-40%
2013 Ram 2500 is worth more than I paid for it 3 years ago
Groceries have been crazy... My kids school food (muffins, a couple snacks and a big lunchable) is close to $50/week depending on the sales.
Yeah, but the work for the government wage is usually way lower than the outside industry wages. I retired from the local school district. I could have made way more in the private sector per hour. But was playing the long game for a pension. I worked for decades in non government places. Pick your poison. If your in the private sector then you better be planning for your retirement.

That may be true in your case, but that is not typical across the board. Used to be less pay but compensated with great benefits/pension. Now, for most equivalent positions in and out of govt, the govt position pays equivalent or better, has better bennies and nearly bulletproof job security. Downside is you have to work with other govt employees and often have not enough duties to stay busy. Personally, I cant deal with those two items.
Check this out…

It’s a Crypto newsfeed but for the first five minutes it has a Tucker Carlson news clip on inflation. Numbers are scary, and way above the 6.8% that the fed has stated.

Just for shit when I saw his post I ran my wifes 2013 legacy through their site. 12k. We paid 19k in 2014 with 6k miles on it. We were going to replace it last year but the new car availability has scared me into holding onto it. At 12k it is probably worth flipping it. They actually have a few, year old, low mile cars for reasonable pricing on there too.
According to kbb… my truck is worth over 10 points more than I paid in November of last year.

Damned tempted to sell and build an OBS
Check this out…

It’s a Crypto newsfeed but for the first five minutes it has a Tucker Carlson news clip on inflation. Numbers are scary, and way above the 6.8% that the fed has stated.

Of course.

But crypto is - overall - down over the last month.

Isn’t this thread about inflation?

So you’re now saying that crypto is NOT a hedge against inflation? Even thought you’ve been pretty vocal about it. Wing a savior against the dollar?

I’m honestly confused. Crypto ftw… and yet it’s deflating.
So you’re now saying that crypto is NOT a hedge against inflation? Even thought you’ve been pretty vocal about it. Wing a savior against the dollar?

I’m honestly confused. Crypto ftw… and yet it’s deflating.

Just because it happened to drop does not mean there is a correlation
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