There's been many articles on zero hedge about it, none that stick out in particular
"New billionaires covid" search, would tell you who the big winners were
"Household savings rate" "credit card usage trends " etc
But I think it's pretty safe to say that hot money fueled the party like tequila and now we have a queasy feeling and the puke is gonna happen.
I stopped by an acquaintances transmission shop when the stimulus checks were getting sent, he was up to his eyes in work, all the people that had been trying to save up for a 2500 transmission all of a sudden had the money. Actually a pretty good use of the funds.
But if he went and took out loans to expand his shop, he may be fucked when the party is over. If he over hired, he can lay off, but if his guys all took on alumaduty and maxam boat loans, they're fucked too.
From my stomping grounds since the 80s, I've got a pretty good idea on the areas economics, solid middle class, mostly clean 4 year old cars, with 3% hammered dog shit on one end of the curve, and 3% brand new high end on the other, either bmw with paper plates or lifted denali type shit.
Starting about 2020 there were no more beaters on the road, no hoods up, no bald tires in the parking lot, no tow trucks, no tape holding up windows, no mirrors hanging from wires, that shit was GONE.
It's back
Now hiring signs are disappearing
In spring of 21 I called 8 concrete guys to get a quote, couldn't get calls back, couldn't get them to show up to quote. One guy said he would, then called 30 min late, and stated asking me what size I wanted, how flat the ground was, and how solid the ground was
I had some work done 2 weeks ago, everybody called back, everybody wanted to quote it, guys that had quoted were sending me texts "hey, I thought maybe I'd missed your call"
Imo we're at that point where you leaned too far back in your chair to save it, but haven't fallen yet