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Ginsburg dead..

Here’s my take is what’s gonna happen. Trump is gonna nominate a justice. It really isn’t gonna matter if she get confirmed or not. We just need to have confirmation hearings.

Team antifa and blm start looting and burning even more shit. This pisses off the general population enough to give trump huge electoral win, keeping the senate and making gains in the house.

if he doesn’t get the confirmation before nov 4 he’ll get it after.
I think Susan Collins is on the ballot this cycle, the other Rinos aren't. I do think she's kinda conservative, so she might be the 51st vote. Romney doesn't care. I still don't understand how he even got elected in the first place. People really misjudged him, me thinks.

There will be a nom and a vote before election day.
Now what the turtle needs to do is repeal the current filibuster rules in the senate and pass a new rule that takes 61 voltes to repeal it. There is tons of chatter on the libtard forums. As soon as the Democrats can they are gonna put 5 more justice on the surpreme court and make dc and pr states so they can have another 4 more senators.
Here’s my take is what’s gonna happen. Trump is gonna nominate a justice. It really isn’t gonna matter if she get confirmed or not. We just need to have confirmation hearings.

Team antifa and blm start looting and burning even more shit. This pisses off the general population enough to give trump huge electoral win, keeping the senate and making gains in the house.

if he doesn’t get the confirmation before nov 4 he’ll get it after.

To add to this, the covid chatter on msm is going to fade. This diversion will allow areas to start opening up businesses again without the msm climbing on their backs.
Romney (Utah), Murkowski (Alaska), and Dukakis (Maine) are the Senators both sides have their eye on.

Republicans have 53 out of 100, that means if those 3 defect, they can't get a confirmation.

This is a pure, straight up, 'play it by ear' political game to see which way the wind blows.

No principle, law, or previous statement matters at all right now. It's purely whether a handful of Senators believe they will be better served defecting from the Trump/Republican campaign, or toeing the line.

This is why polls matter right here. Because Trump is behind, but he was before. So it's political instinct right now. Some low-level campaign chump is right now deciding the future of the SCOTUS by sending a meme (lol memO) up the chain.

Even if the three of them defect, Pence will break a 50-50 tie to confirm.
Here’s my take is what’s gonna happen. Trump is gonna nominate a justice. It really isn’t gonna matter if she get confirmed or not. We just need to have confirmation hearings.

Team antifa and blm start looting and burning even more shit. This pisses off the general population enough to give trump huge electoral win, keeping the senate and making gains in the house.

if he doesn’t get the confirmation before nov 4 he’ll get it after.

Liberal cities will continue to burn.
Biden is going to be destroyed in the debates and at the polls.
Romney (Utah), Murkowski (Alaska), and Dukakis (Maine) are the Senators both sides have their eye on.

Republicans have 53 out of 100, that means if those 3 defect, they can't get a confirmation.

This is a pure, straight up, 'play it by ear' political game to see which way the wind blows.

No principle, law, or previous statement matters at all right now. It's purely whether a handful of Senators believe they will be better served defecting from the Trump/Republican campaign, or toeing the line.

This is why polls matter right here. Because Trump is behind, but he was before. So it's political instinct right now. Some low-level campaign chump is right now deciding the future of the SCOTUS by sending a meme (lol memO) up the chain.

Wrong again bird brain. Even with a 50/50 senate vote Pence can break the tie and the nomination will pass.

Can the vice president break a tie on a Supreme Court nomination?
The vice president of the United States is the ex officio president of the Senate, as provided in Article I, Section 3, Clause 4, of the United States Constitution, but may only vote in order to break a tie.
Even if the three of them defect, Pence will break a 50-50 tie to confirm.

Yep, that's right.

Wrong again bird brain. Even with a 50/50 senate vote Pence can break the tie and the nomination will pass.

Can the vice president break a tie on a Supreme Court nomination?
The vice president of the United States is the ex officio president of the Senate, as provided in Article I, Section 3, Clause 4, of the United States Constitution, but may only vote in order to break a tie.

My mistake is a cause of celebration for you. lol.

The practice is not an actual "rule" and has not always been followed in the past, with presidents continuing to appoint and the Senate continuing to confirm judicial nominees during election years.

Although described by experts as a myth, the "rule" has been inconsistently invoked by senators from both political parties, usually when politically advantageous to do so.

it's funny that wikipedia has the first line highlighted, but not these follow on 2 lines :lmao: hasn't EVERY president made the nomination and the senate just blusters if they want to or not? hypocrisy is not a monopoly on either side, that IS the swamp and neither own that high ground
We have the senate , nominate now and let the shit show commence , covid on the back burner now. :lmao:

that would be awesome

edit: i hadn't considered it, and now i fully support it. nominate and vet away, i don't care if confirmation goes through or not, but overload and break the news cycle!

That meme is great :laughing:

I Really enjoyed Reading it

. . . in this thread . . .

. . . yesterday :homer:

You should try reading the threads in which you post :rolleyes:
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that would be awesome

edit: i hadn't considered it, and now i fully support it. nominate and vet away, i don't care if confirmation goes through or not, but overload and break the news cycle!

Exactly. Get the media and the libtards angry at something else and Coronavirus gets dropped like a bad habit. :smokin:
I wouldn’t be surprised if she died a while ago, when was the last confirmed outing? Seems like the riots and Covid are dying fast and they need the division with only a month and a half left before the election.
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Hope they pick somebody intersectional just to fuck with the Democrats, like Condoleezza Rice.
Nope, hardcore Catholic.


Yep, she's a Catholic trans-nationalist who adopted children from Haiti while kids here have needs.

>They live in South Bend and have seven children: five biological children and two children adopted from Haiti. Their youngest biological child has special needs.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][68][/SUP][SUP][69][/SUP]

She is also a member of and has extensive ties to the People of Praise.

>People of Praise is a charismatic Christian parachurch organization that provides community, spiritual direction, and opportunities for service to its members. It is not a church or denomination, and membership is open to any baptized Christian who affirms the Nicene Creed and agrees to the community's covenant. The majority of its members are Catholics, but Protestants can also join. It has 21 branches in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean, with approximately 3,000 members including children. It founded a group of nondenominational Christian schools, Trinity Schools.

I hope to hell he doesn't pick this wacko. SCOTUS already has 5 Roman Catholics.

Jesus he can't find a fucking Constructionist Nationalist in the entire legal community? Fuck :shaking:


This do-gooding Karen needs to be kicked off the 7th Circuit anyway and sent back to her bake sales goddamit.
wiki says she’s a Jew

You must be looking at the wrong Wiki page as this is Amy Coney Barrett, and she's a hardcore Catholic.


"In 1990 Barrett graduated from St. Mary's Dominican High School, where she was vice president of the student body.[SUP][14][/SUP] In 1994, Barrett graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in English literature from Rhodes College, where she was a Phi Beta Kappa member.[SUP][15][/SUP] She then attended Notre Dame Law School as a Kiley Fellow (a full-tuition scholarship)"

So what if she's Catholic? She's a humanitarian who takes care of special needs kids and you don't like her as a result? You suck as a person if you have anything bad to say about a person who would go out of her way to help others and sacrifice her time in order to help the unfortunate and needy.
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I wouldn’t be surprised if she died a while ago, when was the last confirmed outing? Seems like the riots and Covid are dying fast and they need the division with only a month and a half left before the election.

They couldn’t hold out for the October surprise I guess.
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