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Ginsburg dead..


At least we can forget about the current fake crisis and move onto a even biggeb shit storm.
Trump needs to come out tomorrow and say

"The nation should be in mourning...
Until Monday morning at 0800 EDT. At which time I'll announce my 3rd SCOTUS pick."

Fuck cancer. But maybe this time our country can make some good of it.
I'm a libtard. I have no idea who is getting another pick. You are so smart. Wow. Teach me who's getting another pick. Pls. So much knowledge. Much Intelligence. Extra wow.

It's easy... President Trump gets to pick. Hopefully another Demtard SCOTUS Judge dies in a car crash during President Trump's 2nd term and he gets to add one more and then cleans out the 9TH Circuit of liberals.
It’s about damn time that old bat finally bit the big one. Good riddance. Now President Trump gets another pick and things go further into our favor.

enjoy hell Ruth.
The Biden Precedent is to not nominate or confirm in a split WH/Senate in an election year.

We do not have a split.

FoxNews is reporting that Mitch McConnell said:

"There will be a vote for President Trump's nomination in the Senate"

Did you mean to quote me, or someone else? Not sure why this statement is aimed at me. I realize we do not have a split... which is why I am advocating to confirm his pick. Apparently McConnell is on board too...
A lot of folks disagree with her positions. Me too.
But one thing that I find to stick out about her is that even though she was a liberal, she was friends with a conservative and didn't hate him, before he also died.
That's rare to see, so for that alone I say rest in peace and I hope future liberals will be as tolerant as you.
What a glorious night we had around this house upon hearing the news. We had just settled in for a movie or two and some beers when I see on my news app she kicked the bucket. GF says really? Well let me check IRATE:laughing: Yea babe it's true. Well the movies got put on hold as she pulled out the canoe and we went for a cruise on the river of liberal tears. Turns out she has a lot of liberal friends on her FB, well she used to but not anymore:laughing:

I told her she needs to surround herself with more like minded people, she says like those fake internet friends you have on IRATE? Yea babe something like that. I guess we will see another new member around here pretty soon.:laughing:

Oh yea RIH RBG
Trump will now steal the election.
Have fun in your dictatorship.

Not that there was any doubt in the first place concerning your lack of knowledge about how things actually work but you insist on reinforcing that fact constantly as if nobody knows how sad you really are.

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I wonder how long the old bag has actually been dead for. I'm guessing a year at least.
The country is better off with her dead and not playing activist on the bench.
It's going to be interesting to see if McConnell can twist the arms of the wavering R senators to get a yes vote on the nominee.
The Dem's saw this scenario coming and asked Ginsburg to retire so Obama could name a younger successor, she refused. She gambled the outcome of the election thinking Clinton would win..

I hope Trump names her replacement this coming week..
I wonder how long the old bag has actually been dead for. I'm guessing a year at least.
The country is better off with her dead and not playing activist on the bench.

I found it a bit odd the 5-7 days ago that with all the prime pre-election garbage the msm has to dumpster dive they ran stories of Trump's SC nomination list and Bidens refusal to do so.
Now in hindsight, it was rather odd.
I didn't I didn't think much of it. But I'm also not much of a conspiracy theorist.
Lets see how many republicans fold :mad3:

Romney for sure

Romney (Utah), Murkowski (Alaska), and Dukakis (Maine) are the Senators both sides have their eye on.

Republicans have 53 out of 100, that means if those 3 defect, they can't get a confirmation.

This is a pure, straight up, 'play it by ear' political game to see which way the wind blows.

No principle, law, or previous statement matters at all right now. It's purely whether a handful of Senators believe they will be better served defecting from the Trump/Republican campaign, or toeing the line.

This is why polls matter right here. Because Trump is behind, but he was before. So it's political instinct right now. Some low-level campaign chump is right now deciding the future of the SCOTUS by sending a meme (lol memO) up the chain.
My MOTHER is fucking flipping out!; she is a full blown "Kill Trump" nutcase!. If she had a gun; Trump would be bacon. RGB must have started stinking real bad and they have to admit that she is dead. Fucking Trump should start dropping names in 1...2...3...BOOM!. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Same. My mom is extreme left and a hardcore feminist. She has been such a train wreck since Trump got elected that her kids and grandkids have pretty much stopped communicating with her or visiting.

This is making her completely lose her mind.
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