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Fuck around and find out (Israel / Palestine version)

Are there any videos of the Isreal people parading around dead bodies of men or women and beating on them like savages or shooting up little kids point blank on the floor?
War is war, I get that. But on a certain level it takes a serious depravity of mind to indulge in such acts and take pleasure in them.
I don't see Israel doing this shit.

Based on this alone I can't help but be on the side of Israel.

WARNING: Kids being shot in this one: WARNING, VERY GRAPHIC- Video Out Of Israel Shows A Room Full Of Mostly Children Massacred By Palestinian Militants
I read the dead woman in the back of the truck was a German citizen attending a music festival. Shani Luk, 30.
"Their" money from "their" accounts for "their" humanitarian uses...
iirc they were forced to sell oil only in USD, and to only get that money wired to one certain bank in the US
same as all of the places we've fucked over in the war on alternative currencies terror?
Cause they're not soulless shit bags that's why.

ETA; And if you don't understand that I can't fucking help you.

How did you come to pick your side?

The way I see it, for some reason when my grandfather was a teenager the president made some promises and gave away some land that he didn't own, and since then politicians have been sending a fuckton of taxpayer dollars there and promising to defend them with US lives.

I guess I'm not convinced
It’s to be spent on “humanitarian aid”…

I can only imagine what Iran considers humanitarian aid. Giving rockets and weapons to Hamas so they can rid themselves of the Jews would probably qualify to them.

Are there any videos of the Isreal people parading around dead bodies of men or women and beating on them like savages or shooting up little kids point blank on the floor?
War is war, I get that. But on a certain level it takes a serious depravity of mind to indulge in such acts and take pleasure in them.
I don't see Israel doing this shit.

Based on this alone I can't help but be on the side of Israel.

The Israelis don't do that. They're about as westernized as you'll find over there. That said, they do manage to bring a lot of hate upon themselves. I do admire how they deal with problems.

Hamas and a large portion of the Palestinians are animals and their lives have zero value. At least you can eat a cow or a goat.
iirc they were forced to sell oil only in USD, and to only get that money wired to one certain bank in the US
same as all of the places we've fucked over in the war on alternative currencies terror?
Iran stuff predates war on terror.

Currencies, much closer time line to the fiat rush
How did you come to pick your side?

The way I see it, for some reason when my grandfather was a teenager the president made some promises and gave away some land that he didn't own, and since then politicians have been sending a fuckton of taxpayer dollars there and promising to defend them with US lives.

I guess I'm not convinced
Your grandfather is one of then Europeans? The British and French owned it enough to give it away. Fall of the ottomans and all that jazz
Your grandfather is one of then Europeans? The British and French owned it enough to give it away. Fall of the ottomans and all that jazz

Negative, just using it to show how many generations ago my country became beholden to the chosen people for reason.
Well it’s the only democracy in the Middle East ,
I’m ok with supporting them just for that reason alone .

I dunno why the other folks keep attacking them though .
They lose land every time

They keep attacking from the high ground and then wonder why the people they attacked take and occupy the high ground

I’m surprised Israel hasn’t just told everyone in the area that keeps attacking them that they have 21 days to leave ,

After that will assume anyone left is an enemy combatant and we will kill anyone left in this area .
No shit huh? I never did understand why we stood with the chosen people
Well it’s the only democracy in the Middle East ,
I’m ok with supporting them just for that reason alone .

I dunno why the other folks keep attacking them though .
They lose land every time

They keep attacking from the high ground and then wonder why the people they attacked take and occupy the high ground

I’m surprised Israel hasn’t just told everyone in the area that keeps attacking them that they have 21 days to leave ,

After that will assume anyone left is an enemy combatant and we will kill anyone left in this area .
Israel is calling this war, I'm interested to see how far they go with it amd if they are going to be willing to claim the land as their spoils. Kick out all the POW to Syria
How did you come to pick your side?

The way I see it, for some reason when my grandfather was a teenager the president made some promises and gave away some land that he didn't own, and since then politicians have been sending a fuckton of taxpayer dollars there and promising to defend them with US lives.

I guess I'm not convinced

Israel is the only country in the ME that produces anything aside from oil and terrorism. They are our allie. You are right about the money.
How did you come to pick your side?

The way I see it, for some reason when my grandfather was a teenager the president made some promises and gave away some land that he didn't own, and since then politicians have been sending a fuckton of taxpayer dollars there and promising to defend them with US lives.

I guess I'm not convinced
The other countries pushed the Palestinians into Israel's claimed territory after they made Israel a country is how I've always understood it. Or at least that's what my old man told me. Basically they were not wanted in the other countries and all the Mohammedans hate the Jews just a little bit more than the Palestinians.

I support Israel for the reasons mentioned in this thread already. If they want to kick off another 7 days war and take more land and kick the Palestinians out, fuck it. So long as we stay out of it.
Not watching a video of kids being shot point blank. I won't be able to sleep.

Fuck the "palestinians" There are the people that cheer 9-11, support Hamas, and others, like Pablo Escobar was supported by citizens because he threw around a little money. None of their Muslim brethren want them either.

Israelis seemingly would live in peace if given the chance and certainly don't parade around dead and shoot children, bomb buses, etc.

I hope Israel wipes the land of them.

Saying that, I can't think of a scarier time with two major wars apparently going and Joe fucking Biden is "in charge" which really means fucksticks like Jake Sullivan and Susan Rice are in charge.

On top of that, prepare your asshole for the price of gas that cometh.
The simplest way to end any war is to make it completely unsustainable for the other side. They attack you you raze their city’s and sell the people into slavery or kill them if you can’t sell them. You use it as a warning to others then you take the new land and use it to expand your population and as a buffer against further invasions. Bonus points for your country being an environmental friendly country because you are decreasing enemy populations buy a few million a year Klaus Schwab approved.
Not an expert on Israel but can the Biden ran USA really keep the cuffs on Bibi with this happening?

I see Israel going all medieval on their asses.
It's not really Biden doing anything, but we tamped down all their other military actions, instead of letting them just get to it.

We have a history of stepping in and saying enough... and I think we should not do that anymore.
I do feel for the Israelis, but they also do a pretty good job at bringing anger onto themselves.

Right after WWII, millions of Germans were violently kicked out of their homes, as chunks of Germany were annexed by Poland, Czechoslovakia, France and the Soviet Union and they didn't want to deal with German populations. Instead of living in refugee camps and blowing shit up for the best part of 80 years, those Germans moved into whatever was left of Germany and lived peaceful, productive lives, minding their own business. This is one example of countless cases in the history of mankind.

Every national border is based on violence and conquest at some point or another, but for some reason Israel is the only one that cannot be accepted.

The UN created two nations, one Jewish and one Palestinean. In 1948 most of the Palestinean state was gobbled up by... Jordan. And we never hear anything about it. Israel has often offered the West Bank (population included) to Jordan, which could not say HELL NO fast enough. Jordan also kicked most of its Palestinians out in the 70s.

After 1948, Jews were kicked out of most Muslim nations, more than a million IIRC. You never hear about these people or how they have a right to return to their homes.

Hypocrites, the whole bunch.
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