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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

Ok, so now I am pissed off, what did that achieve?

I am angry,
I can't sleep well,
my body is tense
my shoulders hurt.
it negatively effected my sex life due to the stress

That still can't make the justice department act.

But if you are a prk dumbocrat snowflake sacremento has reparations for ya.:stirthepot:

Watch 5:00 and the last couple minutes for a great example of the swamp churning.

The guy @ 5:30....holy shit.

From the 13 minute mark, the Democrats just give up on questions and show their hand.....................attack when the facts are piling up against you. I don't the hearings are going to go the way the dems hoped they do.

Neither Biden or Trump will have 270 when all this is over.
Posted in the other thread too. I was listening to the local station and people were calling and emailing with the same stories.
They are receiving letters from the county that their signatures on the outside of their mail-in ballots did not match those on file and were not counted.
They then instruct them to go to the clerk's office to re-register. They are required to sign the outside of the envelope and give a phone number for any issues.
They could/should have been notified prior to election day but they waited until now to mail out the notices.
Posted in the other thread too. I was listening to the local station and people were calling and emailing with the same stories.
They are receiving letters from the county that their signatures on the outside of their mail-in ballots did not match those on file and were not counted.
They then instruct them to go to the clerk's office to re-register. They are required to sign the outside of the envelope and give a phone number for any issues.
They could/should have been notified prior to election day but they waited until now to mail out the notices.

What state?
Dont know if it was posted...but...

hearing in GA revealed sudden suitcases that appear to be staged under a table wheeled in by lady who later changed her outfit that was the chick in charge of counting or some such thing.

Then at 1030 that night, she told everyone count is over, leave and return. Only 4 people stayed back, her (in a different outfit changed sometime after the morning shuffle with the table with concealed ballots), 2 gals in yellow shirts, and a 4th. They only counted the suitcase ballots under the table. All recorded on the CCTV cams and played at the hearing.

Last week, a poll worker testified in arizona that an individual came up to her throughout the day, in a yellow shirt, and stated he was here to help biden win, as if the gal he talked to was aware of something.

The ga hearing video was super interesting and exposing. The yellow shirt thing could be a coincidence, but seems interesting observation from the past couple weeks watching bits and pieces

Ga hearing https://trib.al/fgG32w1
Dont know if it was posted...but...

hearing in GA revealed sudden suitcases that appear to be staged under a table wheeled in by lady who later changed her outfit that was the chick in charge of counting or some such thing.

Then at 1030 that night, she told everyone count is over, leave and return. Only 4 people stayed back, her (in a different outfit changed sometime after the morning shuffle with the table with concealed ballots), 2 gals in yellow shirts, and a 4th. They only counted the suitcase ballots under the table. All recorded on the CCTV cams and played at the hearing.

Last week, a poll worker testified in arizona that an individual came up to her throughout the day, in a yellow shirt, and stated he was here to help biden win, as if the gal he talked to was aware of something.

The ga hearing video was super interesting and exposing. The yellow shirt thing could be a coincidence, but seems interesting observation from the past couple weeks watching bits and pieces

Ga hearing https://trib.al/fgG32w1

multiple times.
Dont know if it was posted...but...

hearing in GA revealed sudden suitcases that appear to be staged under a table wheeled in by lady who later changed her outfit that was the chick in charge of counting or some such thing.

Then at 1030 that night, she told everyone count is over, leave and return. Only 4 people stayed back, her (in a different outfit changed sometime after the morning shuffle with the table with concealed ballots), 2 gals in yellow shirts, and a 4th. They only counted the suitcase ballots under the table. All recorded on the CCTV cams and played at the hearing.

Last week, a poll worker testified in arizona that an individual came up to her throughout the day, in a yellow shirt, and stated he was here to help biden win, as if the gal he talked to was aware of something.

The ga hearing video was super interesting and exposing. The yellow shirt thing could be a coincidence, but seems interesting observation from the past couple weeks watching bits and pieces

Ga hearing https://trib.al/fgG32w1

No whey!
Dunno if it is REALLY something. Maybe a weed-pipe and not a USB drive....still needs to be investigated and these people need to be questioned.
Watch this video of Ruby Freeman roaming around her office at 11:41pm one night with access to many thousands of ballots with no return addresses. They just keep coming in. And who did she make this video for and send it to? This **** needs to be in a jail cell with her daughter right now. But they won't be.

EDIT: timestamp appears incorrect FWIW. Doesn't change anything.

Just sit down and shut the fuck up for a few days. By the end of next week you can caw all you want.

Let the process play out Gregory , in the mean time STFUG ! :flipoff2:

I already told him. 2 weeks, as I said to him last Sunday. After that time is up, then you open your mouth.
Until then, STFU greg.

2 weeks is up guys!!!!!!

Say it loud and proud so the libs can hear it!!!!!
Seems roughly equivalent to tens of thousands of fake ballots counted in GA. Or any of the other states.

Whats the ladies name? Records of her conviction should be public record. Just seems awful convenient that two obviously partisan goofs just magically happen to find a stereotypical looking Trump voter, complete with a big dumb Trump flag, that just then happens to admit to voter fraud.

just laughing at the absurdity of the video is all. Not saying its 100% false and a setup. Bit i would be curious to know the old hags name and location so her criminal background could indeed be confirmed.

I'd certainly question the validity of that video more readily than a pile of sworn affidavits that hold the penalty of perjury for lying. 🤷‍♂️


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