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Fresh thread on Election Fraud and Legal action

Apparently he's one of her witnesses or whatever they are called. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeVK1KYyrec I'm watching this interview by BCP now. Not sure what he really has or not yet.

I'm not going to lie, I want to believe this stuff but I kind of feel like this is getting into some infowars territory. Either because it's so over the top deep state conspiracy theory that it's just not believeable or it's true and so over the top deep state conspiracy it's easier to believe it's not true and get back to work putting food on my table.
I'm not going to lie, I want to believe this stuff but I kind of feel like this is getting into some infowars territory. Either because it's so over the top deep state conspiracy theory that it's just not believeable or it's true and so over the top deep state conspiracy it's easier to believe it's not true and get back to work putting food on my table.

and if there were some real evidence of enough fraud to tip the election, it wouldn’t take dark web, Alex Jones types to unveil it!!!!!

on the lower court’s tossing these cases.... could it be that there’s just nothing there.... so they’re tossed????

Biden is your president!!!!!!
Fkn say it!!!!!
and if there were some real evidence of enough fraud to tip the election, it wouldn’t take dark web, Alex Jones types to unveil it!!!!!

on the lower court’s tossing these cases.... could it be that there’s just nothing there.... so they’re tossed????

Biden is your president!!!!!!
Fkn say it!!!!!

You're probably right, but there is a 1:1,000,000 chance (Dumb and Dumber voice) that the Orange Man wins.

Biden, for now, is my President-Elect. :flipoff2:
and if there were some real evidence of enough fraud to tip the election, it wouldn’t take dark web, Alex Jones types to unveil it!!!!!

on the lower court’s tossing these cases.... could it be that there’s just nothing there.... so they’re tossed????

Biden is your president!!!!!!
Fkn say it!!!!!

All the guy needs to do is show a video of him dragging the ballots over to Biden on the machine. I believe the guy and all the data supports it so far, but he needs to demonstrate it for anyone to believe it.
All the guy needs to do is show a video of him dragging the ballots over to Biden on the machine. I believe the guy and all the data supports it so far, but he needs to demonstrate it for anyone to believe it.

Yup, allegations are a great start to investigate but without actually showing hard evidence it's nothing more than a he said, she said case and that usually doesn't go too far.
and if there were some real evidence of enough fraud to tip the election, it wouldn’t take dark web, Alex Jones types to unveil it!!!!!

on the lower court’s tossing these cases.... could it be that there’s just nothing there.... so they’re tossed????

Biden is your president!!!!!!
Fkn say it!!!!!

From the rulings I've read on some of the lower courts tossing the suits that's what their rulings said......................................... nothing there.

I'm also having a real hard time buying into a lot of the claims made by the "Trump camp". So far most of what I've seen in "Info Wars" type of stuff.
If some real "hard evidence" is presented I'd definitely want it followed up. The integrity of the election IS important, but to overturn what we have
now MUST be based on solid evidence as overturning results based on rumor and innuendo is just as bad.
Yeah but does anyone really believe Biden got more votes than Obama?:flipoff2:

It's because there was a greater voter turn out. :rolleyes:

Good possibility. The voter turnout for this election was very high. IMO for two reasons.

1. Most voters had a mail-in ballot which made it super easy to vote.
2. Trump alienated many people so a number of people did the "anyone but Trump" vote.
Plus she has to explain it all to a judge whose technical knowledge peaked with the invention of the etch a sketch. I work with some very smart people whose IQ drops 30 points when you put them in front of a computer, they just don’t understand how they work, and don’t really care to learn.

I don't think people give this enough credit. I have worked with some brilliant legal minds on huge cases involving high tech stuff. It takes a LOT of time to find, hire and deliver an expert in the field to an attorney. Then it takes even longer to get that really really smart person to explain what to them is like riding a bike. I have spend hundreds of hours being the middle guy to help the expert dumb down the complicated tech so an attorney can formulate a legal argument. If you can get an attorney to understand it usually the Judge and jury will be fine. But we have had a few that we had to hit from multiple angles to get everyone on board. It's fun because you can look at the faces on the jury as see right away when you are making progress.
PA Judge stops Certiication....

(November 25, 2020, 12:18 PM EST) — A Pennsylvania judge has ordered the state to temporarily pause further action on certifying its 2020 election results until Friday, when her court will hold a hearing on a lawsuit seeking to declare all mail-in votes in the Keystone State unconstitutional.

Commonwealth Court Judge Patricia A. McCullough entered a preliminary order Wednesday granting an evidentiary hearing on a lawsuit brought by Republican Congress member Mike Kelly, candidates Sean Parnell and Wanda Logan and five additional voters, who say Pennsylvania’s October 2019 expansion of “no-excuse” mail-in voting violated the state constitution’s limits on who can cast an absentee ballot. Judge McCullough’s order said the state, which certified its election results for President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday, should halt any further steps toward finalizing the results or revising its vote count.

“To the extent that there remains any further action to perfect the certification of the results of the 2020 General Election … for the offices of president and vice president of the United States of America, respondents are preliminarily enjoined from doing so, pending an evidentiary hearing to be held on Friday, November 27, 2020,” the judge’s order said. “Inasmuch as respondents, based on their press release and briefs, have not undertaken certification of any of the other results of the election, respondents are preliminarily enjoined from certifying the remaining results of the election, pending the evidentiary hearing.”

Attorneys for the state and the Republican-majority legislature that had passed the expanded voting bill argued in briefs that the challengers’ requested relief of halting certification was too late, but the challengers filed a supplemental application for emergency relief late Tuesday night that laid out other steps in formalizing the election that the court could stop, up to and including an injunction stopping electors from meeting in Harrisburg in December.

“Should it be absolutely necessary, in order for this court to be empowered to provide adequate relief, petitioners may seek for leave from this court to join the slate of presidential and vice presidential electors as additional respondents in this action, and move to enjoin them from taking certain action,’ the petition said. “Because the electors, by law, must perform their duties at the ‘seat of government of this Commonwealth,’ this court may also enjoin respondents from permitting the electors to assemble at such location.”

The lawsuit seeks to declare the expansion of mail-in voting unconstitutional and to void those ballots cast in the 2020 election, or to have the state’s legislature choose who won Pennsylvania.

The plaintiffs alleged that Pennsylvania’s vote-by-mail stature—Act 77—is in violation of the state’s constitution.

“Act 77 is the most expansive and fundamental change to the Pennsylvania voting code, implemented illegally, to date,” the lawsuit, filed in the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania, states.

“As with prior historical attempts to illegally expand mail-in voting by statute, which have been struck down going as far back as the Military Absentee Ballot Act of 1839, Act 77 is another illegal attempt to override the limitations on absentee voting prescribed in the Pennsylvania Constitution, without first following the necessary procedure to amend the constitution to allow for the expansion.”

The plaintiffs include Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.), Republican congressional candidate Sean Parnell, and Pennsylvania House of Representatives candidate Wanda Logan.

Huge court win lets Trump present ballot evidence, could overturn Nevada result

by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist |

| November 25, 2020 12:36 PM
Print this articleSupporters of President Donald Trump protest in front of the Clark County Election Department after the Nov. 3 elections, Friday, Nov. 6, 2020, in North Las Vegas, Nev.Jae C. Hong/AP
In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to let the Trump campaign present its evidence that fraud and illegalities plagued the state’s election, enough to reverse Joe Biden's win and set an example for other state challenges.

According to Trump officials, the judge set a Dec. 3 hearing date and is allowing 15 depositions. What’s more, the campaign plans to present its evidence that could result in the rejection of tens of thousands of mail in ballots in Democratic Clark County where Biden ballots outnumbered Trump ballots by 91,000 in unofficial results.

“BIG news in Nevada: a Judge has allowed NV Republicans to present findings of widespread voter fraud in a Dec. 3rd hearing. Americans will now hear evidence from those who saw firsthand what happened -- a critical step for transparency and remedying illegal ballots. Stay tuned,” White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows tweeted.

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, one of those heading the Nevada case, told Secrets, “it gives us a real chance, if to do nothing else, to begin to show this historic level of fraud.”

Oddly, there has been a virtual news blackout of the Trump court victory. However, there were major headlines on the state Supreme Court’s certification of Biden’s victory Tuesday.

In its court filing from Nov. 17, the Trump team made several allegations of voter fraud, including votes by non-residents and the dead.

But its biggest claim was that the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials, as required by law.

What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, and even those machines were plagued with problems.

Schlapp said he is eager get a chance to finally show its evidence of fraud and for the campaign to present the thousands of examples of signature machine errors. Because many states require signature verification that is where the campaign’s fraud investigation is focused.

“The biggest thing which is true in all of these states we're talking about including in Georgia where a third of the ballots were cast in the mail Nevada half the ballots were cast in the mail, with no legal signature verification, certainly not in Clark County, that is the big treasure trove of illegal balloting in all of these states,” he said on Fox late Tuesday.

The campaign also has testimony from a blind person who claims somebody else voted for her, and that she was barred from voting as a result. And they plan to present evidence that Native Americans were offered bribes of TVs and gas cards for their vote.

“Our filing said we have over 15 individual and 10s of thousands more from mail in fraud. We have enough to switch the outcome,” Schlapp told us.

Late last night, he revealed the judge’s decision on Sean Hannity’s Fox show. Schlapp said, “For the first time in this whole tragic story of the 2020 presidential election, a state court has granted republicans in Nevada and the Trump campaign, the ability to present their case of widespread illegal balloting, and to just depose up to 15 people who know what went down in Clark County in the state of Nevada, so this is big news you know a lot of people in the national media have said, you know, if you have evidence of voter fraud, show it. Well we have thousands and thousands of examples of real people in real life instances of voter illegality. And I just think it's a great step that we're going to have a chance to present it. A court if we get a fair hearing. I believe the results in Nevada should be switched.”

and if there were some real evidence of enough fraud to tip the election, it wouldn’t take dark web, Alex Jones types to unveil it!!!!!

on the lower court’s tossing these cases.... could it be that there’s just nothing there.... so they’re tossed????

Biden is your president!!!!!!
Fkn say it!!!!!

I 100% agree with you and I thought you all were crazy for buying into the Trump Russia conspiracy that your “dark web” mainstream media was spewing 24/7 for the last 3 years, the difference then like now you don’t find many on my side claiming either of these “conspiracies” are fact until proven to be fact but instead we are sharing information we find interesting and trying to have civil conversation to find differing points of view to form a better well rounded opinion.
Telling me I need to accept your reality with nothing more than MSM talking points is neither productive nor likely to change my mind, if you want to engage in civil conversation and bring some counter facts to what Sidney Powell or Patrick Byrne are claiming to be their facts I’m all ears and would like to see what you have.
I 100% agree with you and I thought you all were crazy for buying into the Trump Russia conspiracy that your “dark web” mainstream media was spewing 24/7 for the last 3 years, the difference then like now you don’t find many on my side claiming either of these “conspiracies” are fact until proven to be fact but instead we are sharing information we find interesting and trying to have civil conversation to find differing points of view to form a better well rounded opinion.
Telling me I need to accept your reality with nothing more than MSM talking points is neither productive nor likely to change my mind, if you want to engage in civil conversation and bring some counter facts to what Sidney Powell or Patrick Byrne are claiming to be their facts I’m all ears and would like to see what you have.
Trumps team is who has to bring the evidence!!!!
I wish they’d being out the fking smoking gun yesterday!!!! It’s just not happening..... if they had anything concrete..... rumors would be flying around and there’d be no need hunting for them!!!!!
Trumps team is who has to bring the evidence!!!!
I wish they’d being out the fking smoking gun yesterday!!!! It’s just not happening..... if they had anything concrete..... rumors would be flying around and there’d be no need hunting for them!!!!!

Just sit down and shut the fuck up for a few days. By the end of next week you can caw all you want.
Just sit down and shut the fuck up for a few days. By the end of next week you can caw all you want.

Will do!!!!
you’re making this to Fkn easy man!!!!
Just sit down and shut the fuck up for a few days. By the end of next week you can caw all you want.

I already told him. 2 weeks, as I said to him last Sunday. After that time is up, then you open your mouth.
Until then, STFU greg.
Trumps team is who has to bring the evidence!!!!
I wish they’d being out the fking smoking gun yesterday!!!! It’s just not happening..... if they had anything concrete..... rumors would be flying around and there’d be no need hunting for them!!!!!

Is this your best attempt at civil intelligent conversation?
Clearly more than one of Trump’s team members believes that the evidence they have will hold up in court given enough time to package it in a way that the judge in the case will understand the details,
I’ll admit that some of the details I’m reading I don’t fully understand so I need to take them at face value from the person presenting them, I don’t come from an IT background so when they get deep in the weeds with the backside of the interwebs and the interworking’s of cyber security I’m completely out of my area of expertise and I enjoy some of the chatter here from the guys that clearly have a better understanding than I. Unfortunately several of the guys with differing political views start crapping in the threads and what should be conversation that could hypothetically help all of us understand differing views from our own turns into shit flinging contest and nobody benefits.
I also don’t pretend that confusing facts make a good court case so even though what they are saying could be factually true and point to real crime and voter fraud that any of this could or would change the outcome of the election. With that said it’s hard to ignore that some of these irregularities would appear to be intentional misconduct and regardless what side of the aisle you sit on this should concern you enough to look outside mainstream media and dig into the story.
Is this your best attempt at civil intelligent conversation?
Clearly more than one of Trump’s team members believes that the evidence they have will hold up in court given enough time to package it in a way that the judge in the case will understand the details,
I’ll admit that some of the details I’m reading I don’t fully understand so I need to take them at face value from the person presenting them, I don’t come from an IT background so when they get deep in the weeds with the backside of the interwebs and the interworking’s of cyber security I’m completely out of my area of expertise and I enjoy some of the chatter here from the guys that clearly have a better understanding than I. Unfortunately several of the guys with differing political views start crapping in the threads and what should be conversation that could hypothetically help all of us understand differing views from our own turns into shit flinging contest and nobody benefits.
I also don’t pretend that confusing facts make a good court case so even though what they are saying could be factually true and point to real crime and voter fraud that any of this could or would change the outcome of the election. With that said it’s hard to ignore that some of these irregularities would appear to be intentional misconduct and regardless what side of the aisle you sit on this should concern you enough to look outside mainstream media and dig into the story.

Agreed.... it’s been 3 weeks and I’m getting impatient.....
The flame is flickering!!!!
They don’t have to identify and remove every fraudulent ballot. If they can prove that coordinated fraud took place, it will result in constitutional remedies that favor Trump.

There is enough statistical evidence of fraud that finding a smoking gun should be fairly easy.

finding an honest court is the real trick.

Highlighted part is the biggie.

Our Founding Fathers were once again brilliant and put in place measures to deal with what just happened.

The Dems were sloppy with their cheating and that's going to bite them in the ass once again.
In between checking the turkey here I've been doing a little reading and some of the exhibits for the MI filing were posted online. One "big" one is 105, https://www.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mied.350905/gov.uscourts.mied.350905.1.15.pdf This document is pure BS. It outlines all these links between all of these corporations and foreign govt's - Iran, China, etc. They imply that the renamed ACORN organization is using SCORECARD because one of their domain names. All they've done in this document is link a bunch of websites that do nothing. They aren't using SCORECARD for anything, either. Technobabble that has obviously confused some lawyers or they are going to just use it in the media. It's bunk, disappointed to see it.
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