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get on Google maps, type in 'similk bay'. you'll see 'turners bay' up in there. at that head is where it is. the marine construction place my brother still works, and the whole place is the end of a rail line where the timber industry dumped logs to float off to mills.
This it?


close, just slightly more north. the barge is right next to a wooden boat (actually looks like a boat from over head). it looks like they have something stacked on it whenever the image is from.

what you have pictured I believe is a fish farm that they are taking apart for scrap. all the fish farms here got shut down.

Fail on me :shaking:
My dd/exploring rig is a pretty cherry 2000 grand Cherokee. Low mileage, zero rust, clean body.
Finally dialed in the suspension after the 4" long arm install and was cruising pretty good down a forestry road, admiring how the suspension was soaking up the bumps. This is a little used, dead end, unmaintained road going into an old clearcut but it is in free range land for the local ranchers and yeah, one of them had put up a barbed wire and stick gate across the road in the last week or so. There was a pretty good hailstorm going at the time as well so the combo of speed, visibility and....yes, inattention...and I slammed into it. No major damage but one of the supports swung around and hit the driver fender :frown:
Not so cherry anymore
Then had to fix the gate of course
ETA I should mention this gate is just 4 strands of barbed wire strung across the road, with 4 or 5 sticks wired in across the length.
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