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Because it shows he doesn't give a shit about the policies he claimed to be the champion of. They were nothing but campaign slogans.

Well we’ve got 4 years of amazing policies coming our way🤪
once again showing how naive and moronic you are...go on believing that basement Joe won with no shenanigans...

that's the "fail"

They had literally months to present evidence and failed to do so. Kind of like how russiagate fell apart.
They had literally months to present evidence and failed to do so. Kind of like how russiagate fell apart.

once again, incorrect.

Most of the suits were thrown out on legal technicalities and process issues. Excuse? No. But stop saying there was/is no evidence. It's old and false. Hundreds of legal avadavat should be enough to accept you're wrong.
once again, incorrect.

Most of the suits were thrown out on legal technicalities and process issues. Excuse? No. But stop saying there was/is no evidence. It's old and false. Hundreds of legal avadavat should be enough to accept you're wrong.

LOL then why haven't they done anything with this massive pile of evidence?
You guys need to quit shitting in the Fail thread. We're sitting at nearly an entire page of no entertaining pictures, gifs, or video.

To fix things, here's some original content I snapped in the Safeway parking lot in South Lake Tahoe a few years back:
Because it shows he doesn't give a shit about the policies he claimed to be the champion of. They were nothing but campaign slogans.

I'ts a little early in the biden administration to be that cynical. You should give it at least a few weeks and see how you feel.
I'ts a little early in the biden administration to be that cynical. You should give it at least a few weeks and see how you feel.

Nah, I remember him as the veep, err gaffe-maker in chief. It's going to be a cringe filled shitshow.
Nah, I remember him as the veep, err gaffe-maker in chief. It's going to be a cringe filled shitshow.

I agree with you there. The sad part is that all the late night talk shows made a living off of beating on trump for 4 years and now here is someone that will probably be a goldmine of material and they won't be allowed to touch any of it. I hope their collective hears explode. Wonder if they are going to still beat on trump (probably) or actually try to write new material.
I agree with you there. The sad part is that all the late night talk shows made a living off of beating on trump for 4 years and now here is someone that will probably be a goldmine of material and they won't be allowed to touch any of it. I hope their collective hears explode. Wonder if they are going to still beat on trump (probably) or actually try to write new material.

It won't be nearly as savage but I'm sure they'll still find something to poke fun at. But with as long as they beat on dubya, I doubt there's going to be much in the way of making fun of joe in the next year or two.
I agree with you there. The sad part is that all the late night talk shows made a living off of beating on trump for 4 years and now here is someone that will probably be a goldmine of material and they won't be allowed to touch any of it. I hope their collective hears explode. Wonder if they are going to still beat on trump (probably) or actually try to write new material.

Im hoping tbeir heads explode. Literally.
Obama era got 4 years of blaming bush for everything. You think that old crow and hnic wont do the same?

Usually the financial decisions of previous presidents will last far in to the next president's term. Until COVID, Trump was doing great job on the economy side of things, so I don't see how they could blame him. My guess is that any problems with the economy during Biden's term will be blamed on COVID and spun as how we're trying to make a valiant recovery.
Usually the financial decisions of previous presidents will last far in to the next president's term. Until COVID, Trump was doing great job on the economy side of things, so I don't see how they could blame him. My guess is that any problems with the economy during Biden's term will be blamed on COVID and spun as how we're trying to make a valiant recovery.

They are already blaming Trump for the response to Covid. So they will ride that one all the way through this and once it does turn around they will will crow how they did it better. Never mind that the vaccine would likely still be in trials if Trump had not cleared the way.
I agree with you there. The sad part is that all the late night talk shows made a living off of beating on trump for 4 years and now here is someone that will probably be a goldmine of material and they won't be allowed to touch any of it. I hope their collective hears explode. Wonder if they are going to still beat on trump (probably) or actually try to write new material.

Is will be racist, sexist, ageist, unamerican, and domestic terrorism to even think ill of the current administration. Having a thought is now a punishable offense.
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Lets not forget how they gave Obama credit for the gains in Trump's term. What is the FAIL for the Dem's is that they are now preaching unity while maliciously prosecuting everyone who disagrees with them. We are all supposed to forget how Trump was treated and just fall in line. They really don't seem to understand middle America and how pissed off they are right now.
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