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Riding buddy tried to knock down a tree today, didn't work out so well. Leg was pretty bruised up but nothing broken. Broke the foot peg and ripped the mount off the frame. Said he thinks the back tire kicked off a rock which pitched him sideways right as he was passing the tree.

Riding buddy tried to knock down a tree today, didn't work out so well. Leg was pretty bruised up but nothing broken. Broke the foot peg and ripped the mount off the frame. Said he thinks the back tire kicked off a rock which pitched him sideways right as he was passing the tree.

Ouch. He was going twice as fast as I would feel comfortable with. But I am not a very good rider.:homer:
I was going to say, when the truck hit that thing he hit a little off center. At first I thought it blew the passenger tire out but it didn't really look like it. If that was an expansion joint then it looked like it broke the front axle and folded it back under the truck.

Shitty deal all around.
I was going to say, when the truck hit that thing he hit a little off center. At first I thought it blew the passenger tire out but it didn't really look like it. If that was an expansion joint then it looked like it broke the front axle and folded it back under the truck.

Shitty deal all around.

I had assumed it hit the tie rod for the steering and just jacked that right front wheel over.
but maybe it folded the whole beam.

probably a raccoon.
had a pretty solid FAIL this weekend. decided to send a screw through a pipe at basically the foundation. so that was rad

I came across this on the book of faces. No other pictures so I posted it here instead of the ghetto thread.

He hasn’t been leader for quite some time. Spell the name properly. Do you have a problem with the PB? Do you sit down to pee? Do you have a problem with people sticking things in their own butt?

Yes and no in that order. The proud bois are nothing more than the right wing antifa and are a problem for the same reasons. A bunch of poorly adjusted schoolyard bully wannabes trying so hard to impress their daddy.
Yes and no in that order. The proud bois are nothing more than the right wing antifa and are a problem for the same reasons. A bunch of poorly adjusted schoolyard bully wannabes trying so hard to impress their daddy.

:confused: when did they attack and beat people? You're not even the smartest retard within your circle of retards.
that must have been a deliberate joke.
Although Georgia just showed is how dumb they are.
:confused: when did they attack and beat people? You're not even the smartest retard within your circle of retards.


about a month and a half ago. Was local to me. This guy was on the front page of our local paper knocking some counter protester down.

​​​​​​I know him, and on a side note I've seen his cousins boobs many times and they are spectacular:usa:
that must have been a deliberate joke.
Although Georgia just showed is how dumb they are.

No, that just the local FB marketplace.

Selling at Unimat DB200 watchmakers lathe/mill. Had someone ask if he could turn pivot pins for his backhoe on it.... Well, if its an RC backhoe then probably

about a month and a half ago. Was local to me. This guy was on the front page of our local paper knocking some counter protester down.

​​​​​​I know him, and on a side note I've seen his cousins boobs many times and they are spectacular:usa:

A statement like this demands PROOF! :flipoff2:

about a month and a half ago. Was local to me. This guy was on the front page of our local paper knocking some counter protester down.

​​​​​​I know him, and on a side note I've seen his cousins boobs many times and they are spectacular:usa:

Need proof.

I guess if his cousin has spectacular boobies we can cut him a little slack
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