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Dude shoots neighbors/himself over snow removal

Seems fitting. People used to get shot dead in the street for calling someone a liar back in the day.
I wouldn’t be standing my ground because I have any ideas about walking away from the encounter. It would just be to keep him focused on me to get the old lady more time to get away. But I also would have told her to get her ass in the house when things started to get heated, and made her go and lock the doors when he headed inside. I’m always carrying too, so that would have played a factor in my choices.

The biggest thing I’d have done differently though, is not be a **** and stack my snow on someone else’s property without permission first. “Hey man, is it cool if I pile this snow up against your retaining wall here? It’s convenient for me and shouldn’t be in your way at all. No? Okay, I’ll put it on my property then.” Done. Entire problem avoided.

This....when shit gets heated, back down and de-escalate. Screw being the "tough guy", never worth it, just say sorry, ask how you can fix it, and then call it a day.
Seems fitting. People used to get shot dead in the street for calling someone a liar back in the day.
ha, most of the guys here would be dead if the computer could shoot.?
And it was ok to beat your wife and kids.
I see lots of fuck you from the neighbor and his wife. Appears they "were" assholes and pushing their snow up on his sidewalk. As someone who has lived and shoveled snow in lake affect snow areas, that certainly is fighting actions. Looks like the old guy got off the porch and decided to handle the situation himself. People are being pushed to this point by others and the people pushing need to realize THEY are the one forcing others to violence.
I see lots of fuck you from the neighbor and his wife. Appears they "were" assholes and pushing their snow up on his sidewalk. As someone who has lived and shoveled snow in lake affect snow areas, that certainly is fighting actions. Looks like the old guy got off the porch and decided to handle the situation himself. People are being pushed to this point by others and the people pushing need to realize THEY are the one forcing others to violence.

It seems that it's OK to push buttons, but not OK to retaliate in this society...
obviously shooter got seriously dramatic, but the escalators (haha) pushed him. I doubt this is the first time they've had words. I'm gonna bet it will come out that the tough guy neighbor and his wife have actually assaulted this guy a time or two before this situation.
I see lots of fuck you from the neighbor and his wife. Appears they "were" assholes and pushing their snow up on his sidewalk. As someone who has lived and shoveled snow in lake affect snow areas, that certainly is fighting actions. Looks like the old guy got off the porch and decided to handle the situation himself. People are being pushed to this point by others and the people pushing need to realize THEY are the one forcing others to violence.

This is what I was thinking but I watched the video on mute:homer: I'll have to re watch it.
"You should have kept your fucking mouth shut" blam blam

"pussy, huh?" Blam blam

I don't think that he intended on shooting them, he just got the gun to scare them. They kept on hazing him and at this point standing there with his gun drawn he was out of options he had to use it.

Now this could have been all avoided if the neighbors would have just left him alone and listened to his request of not piling snow on his property or side of the street.
The last thing to go through her mind was lead.

I would have told my GF to stfu and get her ass in the house well before it got to that point. There was no need for that woman to be out there involved in that when he acted like he was man enough to take care of it.

Seriously, part of the function of a romantic relationship is to offset the madness of the other partner. We're all certifiably looney in some way.

Most couples aren't cancelling sine waves, some are complementary sine waves (and some are just signal noise so there's random addition and subtraction). This couple was not the first set of people. :laughing:
Stay classy Pennsylvania, stay classy.

The important lesson from this is always have a second magazine for you handgun ready to go. He had to go back into his house and grabbed another gun when the slide locked back. So damn inefficient.

No, a handguns purpose is to fight your way back to your rifle which you shouldn't have sat down in the first place.
He did the right thing.

They just stood there when he retrieved a gun. Wtf. Do People not live in real-life anymore? Fucking run FUCKING RUN.

Some life advice, don't yell "pussy" to an armed person.
I don't think that he intended on shooting them, he just got the gun to scare them. They kept on hazing him and at this point standing there with his gun drawn he was out of options he had to use it.

Now this could have been all avoided if the neighbors would have just left him alone and listened to his request of not piling snow on his property or side of the street.

Nope can't do that, looks like they felt tough and empowered by bullying the old guy. They pushed, he pushed back harder. Comes down to just some simple consideration can go a long way for everyone.
Don't be a doormat, but always choose your battles wisely. Many were time bombs even before the fake plague and fake election. They would be alive if they didn't instigate, and the shooter missed an opportunity to target someone who actually mattered.
:rolleyes:She only quit recording because she got shot...i bet the phone has some interesting noises on it from when

she was slowly going brain dead.

I wonder what her last thoughts were?

The first headshot completely fried her electrical/neuro system.

She was instantly braindead/non-brain functioning
The first headshot completely fried her electrical/neuro system.

She was instantly braindead/non-brain functioning

Nah, she blurts out "you fucker" or something along those lines before he finished her. She was still cognitive after the initial attack imo. But that's only worth what you're willing to pay, and i know what I'm willing to pay:lmao:
Nah, she blurts out "you fucker" or something along those lines before he finished her. She was still cognitive after the initial attack imo. But that's only worth what you're willing to pay, and i know what I'm willing to pay:lmao:

Then he didn't hit the brain.

An expanding bullet hitting the brain shreds said brain.
I don't even get the beef, they were shoveling snow from around their car to his curb across the street? Its not like when the plow goes by there isn't gonna be a big berm of snow there. Whatever, unstable whites gonna be unstable whites.

:laughing:Plenty of people get shot in the brain and don't die.

We have different definitions of plenty then. I have seen lots of suicides of head shots first hand. Zero survived. One was a little ol derringer, one shot one kill.

yes it is possible to survive a bullet to the brain but extremely unlikely in my experience.
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