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Dude shoots neighbors/himself over snow removal

The dude pulls a gun and starts shooting and the mouthy bitch pulls her phone out to start recording.

First shots don't even phase her. She must have been thinking pulitzer? ...Phone is mightier than the gun? :confused: Well, never bring a phone to a gunfight I guess.
ZERO fight or flight instinct.

Shooter gets off 7-8 shots while they just stand there and yell. Nobody moves until mouthy guy gets hit (in the leg?) and starts screaming.

Not saying the outcome would have been different had they ran on shot 1 or 2, but holy shit they just stood there and let the guy do his thing. :confused:

I was really confused how he yelled for the police and they didn’t show up? That normally immediately saves you
ZERO fight or flight instinct.

Shooter gets off 7-8 shots while they just stand there and yell. Nobody moves until mouthy guy gets hit (in the leg?) and starts screaming.

Not saying the outcome would have been different had they ran on shot 1 or 2, but holy shit they just stood there and let the guy do his thing. :confused:

I had to watch that part a few times to make sure I was seeing it correctly, and still can’t wrap my head around it. Who doesn’t run when getting shot at if they don’t have a weapon to return fire? The gene pool is better off without any of these clowns in it.
I had to watch that part a few times to make sure I was seeing it correctly, and still can’t wrap my head around it. Who doesn’t run when getting shot at if they don’t have a weapon to return fire? The gene pool is better off without any of these clowns in it.

Same here, She was still recording after he gets hit and only stops when she gets hit. :homer: This phone shit is making people dumber than I originally thought.
Same here, She was still recording after he gets hit and only stops when she gets hit. :homer: This phone shit is making people dumber than I originally thought.

:rolleyes:She only quit recording because she got shot...i bet the phone has some interesting noises on it from when she was slowly going brain dead. I wonder what her last thoughts were?
That was a straight up execution...

More of society is on edge today. All by design...

When the color revolution's final movement goes into play and the "see something, say something" antics are pitting neighbor vs neighbor...

the triple mask karen enforcers on a search mission for their next doxxing target...

the "great reset" of the currency and stonks markets go kinetic...

the gun gwabbing goes full retard...

the fibbie goon squads put a hit on their local "domestic terrorist" targets...

all while high unemployment casualties & many small businesses crushed becomes just another line item in the obituaries page...

this is the scenario you can expect to see even more on a massive scale...

As it was written...

And so it shall be.

You're not wrong
I find it troubling how quick the guy was to abandon his wife in the street like that.

:confused:I thought that too.
Dude fires 6 shots, and they both stand there. I'm sorry, but I'm grabbing my wife and going instantly right to get behind the wall. Not standing there still taunting the guy. They both could've survived this with a touch of situational awareness.
:rolleyes:She only quit recording because she got shot...i bet the phone has some interesting noises on it from when she was slowly going brain dead. I wonder what her last thoughts were?

The last thing to go through her mind was lead.

I find it troubling how quick the guy was to abandon his wife in the street like that.

I would have told my GF to stfu and get her ass in the house well before it got to that point. There was no need for that woman to be out there involved in that when he acted like he was man enough to take care of it.
The last thing to go through her mind was lead.

I would have told my GF to stfu and get her ass in the house well before it got to that point. There was no need for that woman to be out there involved in that when he acted like he was man enough to take care of it.

:lmao:Haha :snort:

I'm assuming people like us have a far different way of dealing with life's drama. This guy needed his wife to help him puff up i guess. I would've also told the bitch to shut her mouth and go away so the neighbor and i can settle the situation. I also don't need to worry about where my snow goes, so i guess my neighbor won't be shooting me over that. I'm guessing it would be more along the lines of him being tired that his wife keeps oogling me from across the road:homer:
Stay classy Pennsylvania, stay classy.

The important lesson from this is always have a second magazine for you handgun ready to go. He had to go back into his house and grabbed another gun when the slide locked back. So damn inefficient.

:rolleyes:Couldn't have been that inefficient, they're both dead... they were likely gonna die from the first mag dump, getting the second gun was just to make sure they got the point.
I grew up there, I went to Plains Jr. High. I'm not surprised. This type of crap is exactly why I left, the region is full of apathy and misery.
Weird how some people go limp at the first gun shot to the head and she took 3 or 4 over a minute or 2 and still apeard to be trying to get up
It looked like the husband almost got back in the house. He was real close to only killing the wife, and having the tough guy husband get away. At that point, what do you do? You don’t really want to chase him through his own home. He’s got home field advantage and might be going for a firearm of his own to retaliate. Drop the mag, load the one you have tucked into your pocket, send the slide home and start shooting again as he’s scrambling through the door. It seems like the much better option than going inside to grab another magazine or gun and having to lose track of your target. At least in my mind. Hypothetically of course:flipoff2:

:flipoff2:Hypothetically you've planned this out. I doubt the shooter ever thought he'd be doing this:homer:But I'm sure he also thought it would be easy to kill them in one mag. He thought Hollywood was telling him the truth about head shots. Unfortunately his short barrel 9 wasn't accurate enough, and only wounded them both. Even when point blank to her head his 9 wasn't enough. His oh shit button got pushed and did what he thought he had to do. the husband was done laying by the garage door. Look closer at the video, he was hearted. Check the initial blood trail after he ran away. That first reaction was all instinct and adrenaline. He only had minutes left at that point, the second round of shots point blank was unnecessary. The dude didn't even struggle or make a noise when he pointed the ar at him. He was fucked

I do fully agree with you, be prepared, that's the way i think as well, in everything. I doubt the shooter had this mentality, considering his thought process on any given Thursday night leads him to murder his neighbors over snow and hurt feelings:rolleyes:
More reasons for the gun control crowd to push for mental evaluations....
Weird how some people go limp at the first gun shot to the head and she took 3 or 4 over a minute or 2 and still apeard to be trying to get up

I was questioning this too. What caliber was the handgun? I'd think getting domed by anything larger than 22 I'm down for the count? Three shots, still alive and conscious? Unless adrenaline keeping her alive?
I was questioning this too. What caliber was the handgun? I'd think getting domed by anything larger than 22 I'm down for the count? Three shots, still alive and conscious? Unless adrenaline keeping her alive?

I think it's a short barrel 9. Makes sense considering tons of people survive head shots from nines.
Either he was an awful shot and took her face out, or she the devil? It kind of looks like from the first 2 shots her jaw is kind of drooping like it was about to fall off.
:confused:I thought that too.
Dude fires 6 shots, and they both stand there. I'm sorry, but I'm grabbing my wife and going instantly right to get behind the wall. Not standing there still taunting the guy. They both could've survived this with a touch of situational awareness.

I don't think so. He was determined and would have giving chase. They would have had to of gotten to a secure structure or separated going in different directions and possibly hid from him.

But certainly not just stand there until he actually hits his targets.
More reasons for the gun control crowd to push for mental evaluations....

This is honestly the biggest thing i worry about. Between shit like this and children shooting other kids by accident(obviously dumb fucking parents fault) and school shootings, the Karen's will make sure our guns are gone in 5-10 years.
I don't think so. He was determined and would have giving chase. They would have had to of gotten to a secure structure or separated going in different directions and possibly hid from him.

But certainly not just stand there until he actually hits his targets.

:flipoff2:Obviously that is my first(from the couch) reaction, the plan would definitely evolve from there:laughing::confused:Plus the dude missed his first 6 shots, if they actually ran, he would've missed them all. Then while he's inside I'm going to get into a neighbors house or some shit. Fuck sitting around waiting to die.
Standing there and yelling at the dude isn't an option though:homer:
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Nope, snow makes me happy, so fuck your southern stupidity

I find it troubling how quick the guy was to abandon his wife in the street like that.

He probably had just figured out what a dumb **** she was, trying to film her own death.
Are you watching this on a 4K tv or something? Different angle maybe? The only blood I can see on my phone is what pools up under her after he pops her with the rifle. All I can see of the husband after he runs off is his foot flopping around, the rest is obscured by the roofline.

It does seem like he was someone who watched john wick more than actually training with his firearms, seeing as he missed 6 shots at maybe 15 yards on stationary targets before finally connecting. Hollywood had him convinced that a handgun should be his go to, when in reality it’s a last resort. That rifle he ended up grabbing was the right tool for the job from the start.

Yes I’ve planned it out. Doesn’t everyone? What’s that saying again? Be polite, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet:flipoff2:

I have an analytical mind. I like to look at things and figure out what could have been done differently and how that would effect the outcome. I’m also pretty fucked up (I am a member here after all), so “how to murder your neighbors more effectively” is something I’m interested in analyzing.

:flipoff2:OK so i was mistaking his first step in the snow as a blood pool. I am color blind as fuck and was more paying attention to the shooter after i(wrongly:rolleyes:) determined it was a blood pool.

Don't worry, you're not the only one to think this way, we're all sick in the head...
I am in complete agreement here. If they ran, he wouldn’t have hit shit. Combine moving targets with increasing the range he was firing from, and he would have been incredibly lucky if he hit even once.

I might have stood my ground and dealt with him, but I damn sure would have made sure the old lady was booking it.

:laughing:Like i said, the plan certainly evolves as the situation unfolds. There would've been a couple Holy fuck moments that's for sure:eek:

Standing my ground once i realize he's going back in wouldn't be any idea, unless i was armed. Knowing he was going back to his guns and ammo would've made it clear i needed to flight instead of fight.
It's a fucked up thing that's for sure. These people didn't wake up in the morning thinking they were gonna be murdered, mercilessly, but I'll bet the neighbor had been at his boiling point for quite a while with these 2 mouthy fucks.
It really didn't take him long to get either of his guns, so they were gtg, he was just waiting for the right time... imo
Damn. I mean, i know theres some crazy coal crackers up in Luzerne but thats pretty nuts. Full on executed them right there in the street.
I wouldn’t be standing my ground because I have any ideas about walking away from the encounter. It would just be to keep him focused on me to get the old lady more time to get away. But I also would have told her to get her ass in the house when things started to get heated, and made her go and lock the doors when he headed inside. I’m always carrying too, so that would have played a factor in my choices.

The biggest thing I’d have done differently though, is not be a **** and stack my snow on someone else’s property without permission first. “Hey man, is it cool if I pile this snow up against your retaining wall here? It’s convenient for me and shouldn’t be in your way at all. No? Okay, I’ll put it on my property then.” Done. Entire problem avoided.

:smokin:Fully fuckin agreed
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