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Divorce...when is it time, when do you know. Facing the unknown.

This is a legit question. Are you?

If she has unresolved issues she needs/wants someone in her life that she can treat as the “bad guy” and focus all her negativity towards. In this case you’re it. She’ll put on her fun persona for everyone outside the house so she can feel like people love her, and save her ugly persona for her whipping post and outlet of all of her unresolved resentment and anger, which is you.

that’s how I feel. Again tonight
This is a legit question. Are you?

If she has unresolved issues she needs/wants someone in her life that she can treat as the “bad guy” and focus all her negativity towards. In this case you’re it. She’ll put on her fun persona for everyone outside the house so she can feel like people love her, and save her ugly persona for her whipping post and outlet of all of her unresolved resentment and anger, which is you.

Is like you're sitting in my house.
That's such a demarcate thing to say. Nobody wants to hear that shit. Think of others feeling before posting that Nazi rhetoric.:stirthepot:

op says that if she is boning someone else, he is out. Be a cuck if you like. and, you know, it is a forum where we can share what we think. you think if she is out fucking another dude it is okay, fine. I don't. that would be a deal breaker for me. The OP also stated that. But, hey, nice use of demarcate!:grinpimp:
op says that if she is boning someone else, he is out. Be a cuck if you like. and, you know, it is a forum where we can share what we think. you think if she is out fucking another dude it is okay, fine. I don't. that would be a deal breaker for me. The OP also stated that. But, hey, nice use of demarcate!:grinpimp:

I know right? :lmao:
Is like you're sitting in my house.

Kick her ass to the curb and you'll soon find there is plenty of ass out there:flipoff2:

My co-worker came home to divorce papers a few months ago. Asked her wtf and she admitted she had been seeing someone for a few weeks and wanted out. He was fucked in the head for a few weeks until he had some strange. After a few months he's got 4 regular fuck-buddies and swears he'll never get married again until he's too old and fat to pick em up. He's just hanging out with his kids, and spending every night enjoying his freedom from the dark cloud he was living with.
My brother is going through something similar, though it's pretty much over for good. I'm sure divorce papers are coming soon. They have been living separately for a year now and haven't had sex in 2.5 years. At least he hasn't.....poor bastatd
My brother is going through something similar, though it's pretty much over for good. I'm sure divorce papers are coming soon. They have been living separately for a year now and haven't had sex in 2.5 years. At least he hasn't.....poor bastatd

Jeezuz. My ex was saying she was trying to make me happy by us fawking more. Towards the end it was maybe once a week which was more than usual but not enough.

Seriously I'm a scorpio with an off the charts sex drive if I have a willing partner and not a chick that says maybe later which is simple code for no. My last girlfriend told me she was insatiable... I proved her wrong. :grinpimp:

2.5 years would make me freak the fuck out, no way, no how.
Jeezuz. My ex was saying she was trying to make me happy by us fawking more. Towards the end it was maybe once a week which was more than usual but not enough.

Seriously I'm a scorpio with an off the charts sex drive if I have a willing partner and not a chick that says maybe later which is simple code for no. My last girlfriend told me she was insatiable... I proved her wrong. :grinpimp:

2.5 years would make me freak the fuck out, no way, no how.

That's what I've been trying to tell him. I said he gets a free pass to fuck WHATEVER he wants after that long. Nobody can give you shit what she looks like or how fat she is, just get your god damn dick wet.

He's still super sad and holding out hope she'll change. She won't. She's a total fucking bitch and I've hated her since the day he introduced me to her. I told him not to marry her but he didn't listen. Super dick move on my part, I know....
That's what I've been trying to tell him. I said he gets a free pass to fuck WHATEVER he wants after that long. Nobody can give you shit what she looks like or how fat she is, just get your god damn dick wet.

He's still super sad and holding out hope she'll change. She won't. She's a total fucking bitch and I've hated her since the day he introduced me to her. I told him not to marry her but he didn't listen. Super dick move on my part, I know....

It's a hard thing to work through for a while after a long term deal. It took me probably 6 months to get to where I had the balls to make any kind of move on another chick. It wasn't from lack of wanting or from wanting the ex back, quite the opposite, it was trying to get my head worked through the whole deal. Getting my dick wet straightened me out a lot. Strange has a way of fixing a man when shit has gone sideways.

Tell your brother to go get some ass. He will be better for it. No divorced guy will say I'm wrong. :smokin:
Go see several Lawyers, find one that is no nosense, and will tell you your an idiot if you want to fight for the sofa or the TV... and leave the emotions out of it they don't play any role.

You will need to gather paperwork, tax filings, titles, debt, etc...

up here its No fault divorce for the reason why doesn't matter, not sure if where you are if it makes any difference but find out.

I have been divorced twice. First time I was emotional and wanted things to work out. Which gave my ex 7-8 months to plan her escape and to cover her ass. I went to race the King of the Hammers and I came home to an empty house and no kids.
She created debt that I didn't know about, and I am sure she actually just tucked away the $ elsewhere, didn't matter it was "family debt" . I was on the hook for half of it and had to pay her out for my house (i owned for 5 years prior to meeting her), my tools and equipment. I also got screwed on the custody do to me not fighting the changes she had made to the normal routine to ones that worked for her while we tried " to work things out"

2nd divorce, I got the paperwork done and protected my assets ASAP. It saved me a lot of headache, stress and money.

and I got married again :shaking: and some of the things you are saying, I have heard again this go around 5 years in... so I am being proactive, while still hoping we can sort it out, but I am also a realist and been here before, go speak to a lawyer.
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Here's my thinking on this. She likes the "family" but doesn't love it. She may "like" you, but doesn't love you.

My guess is she feels extremely guilty for feeling the way she does. She may be being told how great she has it and she can't understand why she's not happy. This could be WHY she says she doesn't know....because she doesn't. Honestly, I think SHE is struggling to come to terms with her feelings of not being as invested in the family and you as she should be. She keeps trying to feel differently, but just can't. Your post about her saying it's weird being jus the 2 of you....that threw up flags for me. IF she isn't cheating physically, she is likely cheating emotionally. She may have found someone that brings back all the spark and excitement of a new relationship....and this fuels her feelings of guilt.

With that said, I'd tell her it's done. That she needs to move out (she asked if you wanted her to, she is willing) Let her have a little freedom and see if that opens her eyes to what she wants. My guess is someone is making her feel the fun and excitement and she is thinking "grass is greener" It never is, just different grass. She won't know until she finds out....however, YOU have given everything you can from the sound of it. Time to get yourself right and be there for your kids. No need to villianize her....she just doesn't feel the same way.

Honest words.

Its been about 11 years since my first marriage started to break up...and i STILL hate reading threads like this. It makes my blood pressure spike. I feel like I'm right back in it. So many people sharing the same carbon copy experience. Your gut sent you in a direction that made you start looking for signs, and it wasn't wrong. You've found them. Signs EXACTLY like yours that were like fireworks to everyone else, were just a dim night light to me. I disregarded them. I couldn't make myself accept them for what they were. I refused to believe/listen to my closest friends. I wanted nothing more than to save my wife. It took about a year and a half (multiple off/on attempts) before I was able to come to grips that I couldn't. Finally, I had to save myself. It was painful. Letting go of her was not easy. But once I did, I started being able to take care of me and life got a little better every day. I wasn't scared anymore. I stopped walk around feeling guilty for "not trying hard enough". I could be happy again.

No one can tell you what to do. Only you can make your decisions. But, after reading all the experiences here, after seeing my sister and my best friend, and having gone through it myself....there's something to be said about the common outcome for most of us.
No sex for 8 months is a HUGE red flag. She is either getting sex somewhere else, or she has major problems and needs medical help.

100% this.

A happy, healthy couple should be wanting to do the nasty.

Barring a known medical condition, if my wife flat out said no to sex it would be the end of things. After a couple months there would be a serious conversation. Hell, we've had occasional funks/rough patches where we didn't click or feel close for a week or two and it usually ends with a semi-serious conversation and some make-up sex.

So yeah, 8 months is a major issue. Either she is experiencing a serious mental or physical health issue or she's getting the dick elsewhere.

Again, OP, you need to act NOW. See my previous posts for my input on that.
Go see several Lawyers, find one that is no nosense, and will tell you your an idiot if you want to fight for the sofa or the TV... and leave the emotions out of it they don't play any role.

You will need to gather paperwork, tax filings, titles, debt, etc...

up here its No fault divorce for the reason why doesn't matter, not sure if where you are if it makes any difference but find out.

I have been divorced twice. First time I was emotional and wanted things to work out. Which gave my ex 7-8 months to plan her escape and to cover her ass. I went to race the King of the Hammers and I came home to an empty house and no kids.
She created debt that I didn't know about, and I am sure she actually just tucked away the $ elsewhere, didn't matter it was "family debt" . I was on the hook for half of it and had to pay her out for my house (i owned for 5 years prior to meeting her), my tools and equipment. I also got screwed on the custody do to me not fighting the changes she had made to the normal routine to ones that worked for her while we tried " to work things out"

2nd divorce, I got the paperwork done and protected my assets ASAP. It saved me a lot of headache, stress and money.

and I got married again :shaking: and some of the things you are saying, I have heard again this go around 5 years in... so I am being proactive, while still hoping we can sort it out, but I am also a realist and been here before, go speak to a lawyer.

Fourth times the charm...? :homer::flipoff2:
Kick her ass to the curb and you'll soon find there is plenty of ass out there:flipoff2:

I all ready have ass lined up, There are other factors in play though. She goes in for a hysterectomy in 2 weeks and will be down for 4-6 weeks. She has some tumors and other shit going on so they are going to make a big hole to get it all. I may be a dick, but I'm not that big of dick. Then there's always figuring out how much this is going to cost me....... I should have just stuck with hookers and random 1 night stands. It worked for the first 40 years of My life, why did I have to go mess with success?
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