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California how bad does it suck ?

Born and raised in SoCal 50 yrs. Sold out and moved last year. Best thing I ever did.
Been spending a bunch of time lately in and around Mohave Valley, It's not the same place it was 25 years ago.

Nice but pretty busy.
Yes :flipoff2:
I don’t know shit about California but before anyone ask. New Jersey is full so stay the fuck out. :flipoff2:
Doesn't new Jersey have stupid taxes too? So...just like CA but your shit rusts out from under you and its cold in the winter...

Edit, and you're less than a day's drive from ArseSidewards.... CA is better.
No diesel emissions test at motor vehicle and the mob kicked your bad pizza asses out. :flipoff2:
My pizza is made by descendants of OG Dagos who came to this area by boat or wagon :grinpimp:

- do you, maybe, have a second thing that makes New Jersey desirable? :flipoff2:
My pizza is made by Mexicans and it's awesome.

....and we can buy tacos on every street corner (real tacos, not that shit that passes for mexican food on the east coast )
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The food is one of the best things about San Diego area. Any type is within a short drive. I'll miss that when I'm gone.
Californians gotz to pay grusome :flipoff:newsome $1 dollar per Gallon Gas Tax when they fill up their truck or prius with fuel..... and they have to get a back ground check and pay extra ghetto tax to buy a box off .22s and other ammo.

Go register your car or truck in at the DMV in Calif cost is what, $2500 per year ?:eek:
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Born and raised in SoCal 50 yrs. Sold out and moved last year. Best thing I ever did.
Born in raised in SoCal 55 years. Was finally able to escape 2 years ago. I live in a house three times the size, on a lot 10x the size, took a $30k/yr pay cut, and live better than I did there with more take home $, less taxes, utility costs, etc. If I had done this 20 years ago I'd be retired
Californians gotz to pay grusome :flipoff:newsome $1 dollar per Gallon Gas Tax when they fill up their truck or prius with fuel..... and they have to get a back ground check and pay extra ghetto tax to buy a box off .22s and other ammo.

Go register your car or truck in at the DMV in Calif cost is what, $2500 per year ?:eek:

More free rent.
I've lived in Southern California 90% of my life, was born in Mercy Hospital, San Diego. It's crowded, expensive, and sucks. It was awesome until about Y2K, then the slow slide into liberal insanity became a freefall. I make good money, have a good retirement. Last few years, I can't save money for shit because it's gotten so expensive.

All the cool neighbors have left the state. All of my friends are gone. My once upper middle neighborhood is overrun with foreign nationals who are buying track homes for millions with cash. Their kids are arrogant little assholes who drive their $80,000 cars at 20 MPH over the speed limit while texting in my once quiet residential neighborhood, and flip you off if you gesture for them to slow down.

The police won't even respond to traffic complaints because they are so understaffed. The roads suck. They are trashed. I pay over $8,000 a year in property taxes, for what?? The county and city government does nothing but give the money away to non-working and illegals. The infrastructure is falling apart, but they are too busy giving camping gear to the homeless to notice. Friend of mine in Mohave County, Arizona has a beautiful 4300 sq ft house with a pool and a two acre lot, in the expensive part of town, and he paid $940 last year.

Construction costs in San Diego are roughly $400 a square foot. It's $100 in Mohave County.

Spend a little time anywhere else and you will actually feel the difference.

All our state legislature is interested in doing is passing gun laws they know will fail constitutional challenges, and trying to figure out how to raise taxes even higher.
Californians gotz to pay grusome :flipoff:newsome $1 dollar per Gallon Gas Tax when they fill up their truck or prius with fuel..... and they have to get a back ground check and pay extra ghetto tax to buy a box off .22s and other ammo.

Go register your car or truck in at the DMV in Calif cost is what, $2500 per year ?:eek:
Keep your poor ass out of California, then . . . fucking peasant :shaking:

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