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Biden dropping out

Does he have a choice?
Sure. Pull the whole not debating a felon thing. There's way more risk in him looking like a demented old fool. He won't lose many votes over it. No one is voting FOR him as it is. Biden votes are just anti-Trump votes. The ironic thing is that Trump is the only person who can win a Republican primary right now while at the same time probably being the only Republican candidate that could potentially lose a general election to Joe Biden. Virtually every vote cast this fall will be driven by Donald Trump. Yay or nay. Nobody is showing up specifically to vote for Joe Biden.
Sure. Pull the whole not debating a felon thing. There's way more risk in him looking like a demented old fool. He won't lose many votes over it. No one is voting FOR him as it is. Biden votes are just anti-Trump votes. The ironic thing is that Trump is the only person who can win a Republican primary right now while at the same time probably being the only Republican candidate that could potentially lose a general election to Joe Biden. Virtually every vote cast this fall will be driven by Donald Trump. Yay or nay. Nobody is showing up specifically to vote for Joe Biden.
Damn, aint that the truth
Sure. Pull the whole not debating a felon thing. There's way more risk in him looking like a demented old fool. He won't lose many votes over it. No one is voting FOR him as it is. Biden votes are just anti-Trump votes. The ironic thing is that Trump is the only person who can win a Republican primary right now while at the same time probably being the only Republican candidate that could potentially lose a general election to Joe Biden. Virtually every vote cast this fall will be driven by Donald Trump. Yay or nay. Nobody is showing up specifically to vote for Joe Biden.

Bs. Its the same rhetoric every election. Any Republican that runs will be the new Hitler. People will show up to ensure “progress” continues regardless of who is at the top of the Republican tickets.

Fact is Trump pulls more votes for Republicans than anyone else in history and polling suggests he is poised to pick up even more. Especially among blacks, Hispanics, and women. Which except for the clown world 2020 election, anytime a president running for reelection picks up votes…he wins. History says that should hold true if its any where near a fair election.
Sure. Pull the whole not debating a felon thing. There's way more risk in him looking like a demented old fool. He won't lose many votes over it. No one is voting FOR him as it is. Biden votes are just anti-Trump votes. The ironic thing is that Trump is the only person who can win a Republican primary right now while at the same time probably being the only Republican candidate that could potentially lose a general election to Joe Biden. Virtually every vote cast this fall will be driven by Donald Trump. Yay or nay. Nobody is showing up specifically to vote for Joe Biden.
You're deluding yourself if you think the liberals wouldn't vilify ANY GOP candidate the same way, might as well have the one with a grudge running. We are all Trump to them now, and will be for the next several election cycles.
You're deluding yourself if you think the liberals wouldn't vilify ANY GOP candidate the same way, might as well have the one with a grudge running. We are all Trump to them now, and will be for the next several election cycles.
Of course they will. But no actual liberals are voting for a Republican anyway. Presidential elections are decided by which candidate can more energize their base to get out and vote on high numbers and how a small sliver of true swing voters fall.

Trump energizes the hell out of both bases and turns off a lot of swing voters with his bullshit.
Sure. Pull the whole not debating a felon thing. There's way more risk in him looking like a demented old fool. He won't lose many votes over it. No one is voting FOR him as it is. Biden votes are just anti-Trump votes. The ironic thing is that Trump is the only person who can win a Republican primary right now while at the same time probably being the only Republican candidate that could potentially lose a general election to Joe Biden. Virtually every vote cast this fall will be driven by Donald Trump. Yay or nay. Nobody is showing up specifically to vote for Joe Biden.
Quoted for 100% truth.
Some people would fly in a plane piloted by a diversity hire that received their license only because it was graded on a curve over an skilled , proven ace pilot because they are stupid as hell, and by some people I am talking about 1/2 the country.
Of course they will. But no actual liberals are voting for a Republican anyway. Presidential elections are decided by which candidate can more energize their base to get out and vote on high numbers and how a small sliver of true swing voters fall.

Trump energizes the hell out of both bases and turns off a lot of swing voters with his bullshit.
His bullshit or his perceived bullshit as broadcast by the left. Honestly Trump has been pretty middle of the road on most issues. and his "mean tweets" were a justified way to cut through the media filter. All GOP will be treated the same, and the "swing voters" being in the middle are a bit of a myth. The swing voters are the the ones disillusioned with the whole process that can be back into the fray by someone that will actually take action. Biden is just as polarizing if not more so at this point to bring people to out of the darkness to vote against him.

Obama Panics As His Biden Remote Control Loses Connection


LOS ANGELES, CA — The most powerful man in America was forced to deal with an unexpected emergency last night, with former President Barack Obama suffering a moment of panic due to his Biden remote control suddenly losing connection.
The incident occurred during a ritzy fundraiser where Obama was once again using his state-of-the-art remote control to guide President Joe Biden through a pre-programmed routine as he rubbed elbows with Hollywood celebrities to raise cash for his re-election campaign.
"Oh… oh no… not again," Obama was heard muttering on stage as Biden appeared to experience yet another of his frequent glitches and freeze, leaving Obama at a loss as to what to do. "Why can't they get this thing fixed?! C'mon, man! He's frozen out there like a mannequin again. Those maintenance techs are going to get a piece of my mind!"
Witnesses reported seeing Obama frantically and repeatedly smacking the remote control with his hand. "He was obviously frustrated, as if this is something that happens a lot," one person present at the fundraiser said. "Biden was stopped in his tracks and showed no signs of coming back to life, and Obama was just out there desperately trying to get his control to work properly."
"I pushed every button multiple times!" Obama reportedly said to Biden's handlers. "I tried to do a hard restart, and it still didn't work. We've got to get this figured out before November, folks."
At publishing time, the team of technicians who had been in charge of ensuring the usability of Obama's Biden remote was reportedly being taken for an impromptu paddleboarding excursion at Obama's Martha's Vineyard estate.

G7 Officially Changed To G6 After Biden Wanders Off Again
WORLD·Jun 15, 2024 · BabylonBee.com


BARI, ITALY — The heads of state gathered in Italy for the G7 summit have decided to go ahead and officially change the name to "G6" after President Biden wandered off again.
"Welp, there goes number seven," said Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, watching as Biden meandered off into a forest. "Let's just go down to six nations, guys... I'm so tired of fetching him."
According to sources present, the other world leaders quickly ratified the proposal. "We've spent so much time chasing Biden down, we've barely been able to get anything done," complained German chancellor Olaf Scholz. "Also, he spent half the last meeting trying to talk to Willhelm the Second. He just doesn't bring much to the table other than ice cream. I will miss the ice cream."
Biden was reportedly furious at being kicked out of the Group of Seven, demanding immediate reinstatement. "Listen here, bub! I built these seven nations with my bare hands! I drove an eighteen-wheeler!" screamed Biden. "You think you can kick me out? I'll kick you out! I'll fight you all, right here, right now! Let's go!"
Unfortunately, Biden's speech fell on deaf ears as he was addressing a small pack of wild dogs.
At publishing time, Italian authorities had issued a missing person report after Biden had again wandered off declaring he was, "off to fight the Matterhorn".
That should be in the clown world thread... he'll die of natural causes by Hillary

yeah, thats the plan. i mean, we live in clown world so it fits.

Kamala drops out to be UN ambassador or SOS, Hildog takes her spot, Biden "wins" with 100 million votes, most popular president ever, Biden has a "worrysome health episode", possibly a "new" diagnosis of his current disease, he resigns by Memorial Day, Hildog is President. Kamala gets nominated to the SC in her first term. they overturn Dobbs, Bruen, and Heller in their first term. Roberts sides with the women.
yeah, thats the plan. i mean, we live in clown world so it fits.

Kamala drops out to be UN ambassador or SOS, Hildog takes her spot, Biden "wins" with 100 million votes, most popular president ever, Biden has a "worrysome health episode", possibly a "new" diagnosis of his current disease, he resigns by Memorial Day, Hildog is President. Kamala gets nominated to the SC in her first term. they overturn Dobbs, Bruen, and Heller in their first term. Roberts sides with the women.

And if that all went down like that and the US population didn't come out with their guns blazing it would literally be the end of this country as we know it.
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