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Beer Exchange 2020


Semi-Controlled rage
May 22, 2020
Member Number
Tahlequah, OK
Ill be updating this post as this continues

For the very few guys that have no idea what this is.

This is the christmas beer exchange, where i randomly pair people to exchange beer with eachother.

Signups last from Today 10-2-2020 to weekend of thanksgiving soo what is that 11-28-20. The goal is to have your shipment arrive with your tradee by 12-25-20

We used to ban people for ghosting or not shipping. New place new punishments?
Whos the mod here?

Can we make the sucker only see evernoob posts? entire forum only

New folks.
You pick 6 local craft beers to you and ship them off you can send more you cant send less. You can send knick knacks or not thats up to you'

If you want to do this post your location and if you want and are willing you can opt in for international trade. The canadians have some great beer.

One note about international trade is it does make it a little more expensive.

As far as packing tips i usually just ziplock bag my shit, wrap everything in bubble wrap and put it tightly in a box

That works 85% of the time. Some of the others might post their solutions to shipping i really dont want to copy the entire other place thread.

Like always if you have done this before tell me where you got your last shipment from ill try to make it different. I have lists from the last 4 years and if your name has stayed the same after the move ill also cross reference to those and TRY to ensure you dont get to trade with same person again.

Fuck yea...... Roy Washington....... I got 3 cans spray foam ready for shipping!!!!!!!
In from NJ. Mod here, freeloaders will be dealt with swiftly and without mercy:flipoff2:

Wait... your a mod? Excellent.

Im in, upstate NY and I specifically request for more beer than I intend to send.
In from nor cal. I’d do some unspeakable things for some treehouse or similar from your north east folks. :flipoff2:
In from nor cal. I’d do some unspeakable things for some treehouse or similar from your north east folks. :flipoff2:

I can send anything from Vermont. If we don't get paired, I'll do a side exchange with you.

Tree house is good. It's too far away from me to go stand in their bullshit lines.
I can send anything from Vermont. If we don't get paired, I'll do a side exchange with you.

Tree house is good. It's too far away from me to go stand in their bullshit lines.

sounds good! Would be happy to do a side exchange for anything you like up in that area. The brewery scene here has blown up in the last 2 years so we have some pretty solid choices in return.
I can send anything from Vermont. If we don't get paired, I'll do a side exchange with you.

Tree house is good. It's too far away from me to go stand in their bullshit lines.

Bullshit lines equates to mostly good beer... unfortunately!!!!
Luckily my nephew is a beer god as diagnosed by me, so when he’s up In Seattle standing In line at some brewery, he’ll sometimes call or text and ask if I want some!!!
Bullshit lines equates to mostly good beer... unfortunately!!!!
Luckily my nephew is a beer god as diagnosed by me, so when he’s up In Seattle standing In line at some brewery, he’ll sometimes call or text and ask if I want some!!!

In. I want to trade with Eric. :flipoff2:He always seems to send some good stuff.

Texas. We have steady supply from
local breweries this year so definitely gonna tap those gems.
Just a warning to the non-red skulls....do not fuck your partner on this. Justice will be swift and with it comes a membership to the dildo of the month club.
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