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Are we still doing the Covid-19 thing?

If you want some amusement, go look at the case numbers in the states "being ravaged by the Delta virus". Gaslighting by the media and CDC as always....
So is there anywhere in the us still requiring masks and restricting how many people can do what? I’m going to be traveling a little in august so I need to know what states to avoid.
If have said it before and will say it again. We were seeing a ton of headlines regarding the busting of child trafficking rings. Then suddenly covid happened. Suddenly everyong looks the same and you can make a young girl look like a boy by throwing a different mask on them and swapping coats. #covidhelpstrafficking #stopthescamdemic.
Colorado is how it should have been all along, wear a mask if you so desire, don't wear a mask and no questions asked. They're encouraging vaccinating 12 and up with their propaganda machine now.
If have said it before and will say it again. We were seeing a ton of headlines regarding the busting of child trafficking rings. Then suddenly covid happened. Suddenly everyong looks the same and you can make a young girl look like a boy by throwing a different mask on them and swapping coats. #covidhelpstrafficking #stopthescamdemic.
So is there anywhere in the us still requiring masks and restricting how many people can do what? I’m going to be traveling a little in august so I need to know what states to avoid.
Surprisingly enough,I've received no pushback anywhere I've gone lately even in the socialist wasteland that is Calif.Lot's of people still wandering around with masks on,but even workers in the stores are ditching them.

So who's still doing the corona thing? NM just got permission to open up 100% finally.

470 days of lockdown.

Ive been over here since Wed night. Seems about 85% of normal from Tucumcari to Farmington and even in Abq.
Pretty much back to normal here, though I haven't paid much attention to any of it for over a year.

Still a few idiots wearing masks in cars, so that's amusing.

Recently been seeing the 'super scary Delta Variant' pop up, but people don't seem to be biting on that... People are over it but I don't think 'they' are done with this scamdemic yet.
When we left San Diego in May masks were still required and also in most places in Nevada. Idaho was mask free except for a couple of the big chain stores. That went away in June. No mask required anywhere I've seen here and very few people wearing them.
Please stop quoting him for those of us who already have. :laughing:
How are you seeing anything if you have said dbag on ignore ?

I have only one douche on ignore and I see nothing of his drivel and when he/she is quoted I don't see that text either.
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So who's still doing the corona thing? NM just got permission to open up 100% finally.

470 days of lockdown.
Isn't amazing one day we're locked down the next the panic is over go about your life like nothing has happened! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
What's this covidmaskhomobullshit you speak of? :flipoff2:
Only dumb fucks wearing a mask here are tourons.
Everyone who believes in the scam can eat a dick. That's the whiskey talking :homer:
Every part of NY I frequent is back to normal. I’m by Albany
I have been traveling all around the state.....well everywhere except new yuck shifty. Very very few drones are still wearing their masks.
The places I have been visiting are senior housing apartments....I would say 99% of the seniors are not wearing masks.
Post office has 2 handwritten signs stating “masks still required in federal buildings.” Nice lady behind the counter doesn’t tell me to put a mask on. I threw out the ones I had in may.

most everywhere else has taken down the plexiglass and no masks on most employees.
I haven't been anywhere since the Queen raised her scepter and made the royal decree, so I don't know what has changed.
The last I heard our bank still has the lobby locked up because corporate is in Ca and until they get their freedom back all the others have to follow their lead
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