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Are we still doing the Covid-19 thing?

We have had 0-11 cases for months in a county the size of Road Island. A Baptist Church has since exploded Covid over us and the 7 surrounding counties. They got together repeatedly, even after being ordered not to and within days we had 270 cases. They really screwed up this entire part of the state. I don't know what the numbers are today, I am sure a lot higher. Many of the people who attended then lied to their schools, families, employers, and friends about being there. It looks very suspect. Now the church has lawyered up and they are trying to blame a wedding. I even know of a woman who got it, lied to work, got caught/fired, then while having Covid sent her kids to school.

"We're not getting the help from the church we were hoping to get," County Executive Christopher Moss said Sept. 10.

"They said, 'God will look out for them.' But they are coming in contact with elderly folks and children and the outbreak grows and grows."

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We have had 0-11 cases for months in a county the size of Road Island. A Baptist Church has since exploded Covid over us and the 7 surrounding counties. They got together repeatedly, even after being ordered not to and within days we had 270 cases. They really screwed up this entire part of the state. I don't know what the numbers are today, I am sure a lot higher. Many of the people who attended then lied to their schools, families, employers, and friends about being there. It looks very suspect. Now the church has lawyered up and they are trying to blame a wedding. I even know of a woman who got it, lied to work, got caught/fired, then while having Covid sent her kids to school.


Behold the power of the lord :laughing:
Still in full force in my area. On my daily commute, I see at least three drivers with their windows up wearing a mask. :homer:

Work environment: walk into the building with a mask, hand sanitizer as soon as entering, clock my temperature and O2 by another staff member, remove my mask, replace with an N95 then place a surgical mask on top then top it off with a face field (all three to be worn at all times in the facility), fill out a current “how you feeling” form, all this followed by a temp check at mid shift and end of shift. :homer:

All business enter with face masks in place but restaurants mask in place unless you’re sitting at your table. I went into the local lumber store last weekend and proceeded to walk up to an employee with my mask on to ask where a product was and she proceeded to step back about 3 steps before I realized the current social standards :homer:

I’ve been outside on a few occasions where I get glares for not wearing a mask. I just give them the stink eye back and they look away. I can’t wait for this shit to go away November 6. I need to get back to working more. :homer:
We were starting to forget about it then school started and our daily cases tripled exactly 2 weeks after schooll started. They're making a big deal out of it.

I have a serious question though. If the virus can be spread so easily by just breathing, why do they have to shove a swab all the way up someone's nose to get a sample?
Been to the dentist twice this month. Have to wear a mask and get your temperature taken when you walk in. They spray hand sanitizer on your hands when you go to the back. Once seated, you can take your mask off.

Everything else here is pretty much like the other Texas folk have described.
Germany = ultimate freedom

Well, I didn't know Germans could easily purchase hand guns and AR-15's or AK-47's and legally open or conceal carry their handguns as they wanted...news to me. Do you all really have freedom of speech over there? Thought there was something about someone being prosecuted for hurting feelings?

Ah, who cares, it's fucking Germany. Stay over there, we'll stay over here.
Still in full force in my area. On my daily commute, I see at least three drivers with their windows up wearing a mask. :homer:

I'm starting to understand this, after I made 4 stops at different stores all with in 5 mins of each other, I found myself with my mask on in my car, I just got sick of taking it on and off.
So, my wife saw my oldest son's test scores yesterday and flipped. He royally failed. So, she called the school to see if we could send him in before the 9 weeks is up (we chose not to send them, because of the mask mandate; we didn't want them wearing masks all day). Anyways, after talking with the guidance counselor, he pretty much said they have face shields if students want them, but a bunch of kids are out sick with upper respiratory infections. He wasn't concerned at all and pretty much expressed that if they were allowed, they wouldn't be wearing masks.

Another local school has said fuck it all, and have opened their sporting events to unlimited capacities, and just generally don't care. Kids go in not feeling well, they see the health department, they say you're fine and get back to class.

At the beginning our local papers were keeping a tally of everyone in the ICU with it, which only at one point reached double digits. They haven't even wasted their time reporting anything in almost 5 months.
I'm starting to understand this, after I made 4 stops at different stores all with in 5 mins of each other, I found myself with my mask on in my car, I just got sick of taking it on and off.

yep. 5 minute drive from work to the grocery store. I just leave my mask on when I go now. I'm also 40, and married with two kids so I stopped giving a crap about what I look like to others a long time ago.
Well, I didn't know Germans could easily purchase hand guns and AR-15's or AK-47's and legally open or conceal carry their handguns as they wanted...news to me. Do you all really have freedom of speech over there? Thought there was something about someone being prosecuted for hurting feelings?

Ah, who cares, it's fucking Germany. Stay over there, we'll stay over here.

A society like Germany has no use for guns. They are something of the past. I could go sports shooting any day though.
I'll agree a bit on the free speech, as people here cannot display the Swastika or do the Nazi salute. But, should they be able to? Or is it something that SHOULD be outlawed?

When I talk of freedom, I am speaking of freedom to hurt yourself, to get sick, to go to a free university or secondary education, a way to learn a trade and get respected that way, freedom to travel and freedom of speech. Equality. Of falling and being caught.

Germany is LIVING the American experiment, the constitutional freedoms, and doing well at it.
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yep. 5 minute drive from work to the grocery store. I just leave my mask on when I go now. I'm also 40, and married with two kids so I stopped giving a crap about what I look like to others a long time ago.

Ok. I’m still saying you look like an idiot driving with a mask that takes 2 seconds to remove and put back on. :homer::laughing:
Masks are still .50¢

I'll wait until they hit a quarter before I buy into any of that bullshit, flecker. :lmao:


Ya know... I gotta hand it to some people. Specifically the way they are training their kids these days too. My favorite pandemic (insert air quotes there), I went out a couple weekends back to hit up some garage sales and one of them had a little "local honey" stand in front. Cool! Loves me some local honey. The couple having the yard sale put the kids in charge of the honey sales... when I approached the table the little entrepreneur showed me her variety of jarred goods. I see a little stack of mask on the side with a $1 sign "Masks for sale"... I ask the kids where's your guys masks? Without skipping a beat the little girl behind the older sister pipes up with "We don't wear em! My dad says it's all bullshit. He says everything is bullshit!".

I bought the big jar of honey after I about died laughing. :flipoff2:
Ok. I’m still saying you look like an idiot driving with a mask that takes 2 seconds to remove and put back on. :homer::laughing:

Eh. Probably. I work in a building used by "the unwashed horde", and the only way out is using the same doors. We get notifications of gross stuff like tuberculosis or hepatitis exposures all the time. So much so, that when my first kid was born way before covid, I would still not hold him when I got home until I changed my clothes and washed my hands. When I drive to the grocery store, the first thing I do is go wash my hands there. I'm not down with putting my Maybe COVID/hepatitis/tuburculosis/herpagonosyphilaids hands up by my face to put on and take off my mask in the car.
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A society like Germany has no use for guns. They are something of the past. I could go sports shooting any day though.
I'll agree a bit on the free speech, as people here cannot display the Swastika or do the Nazi salute. But, should they be able to? Or is it something that SHOULD be outlawed?

When I talk of freedom, I am speaking of freedom to hurt yourself, to get sick, to go to a free university or secondary education, a way to learn a trade and get respected that way, freedom to travel and freedom of speech. Equality. Of falling and being caught.

Germany is LIVING the American experiment, the constitutional freedoms, and doing well at it.

so much contradiction
post :confused:
His posts are seemingly not as shockingly stupid to me anymore. I've kind of come to terms with the fact that he's really just that much of an idiot.

However, each post of his I read, I get just a little closer to hitting that ignore button.

Beat me to it by a second :laughing: No, not really. I canned the bitch and the fake Mexican a month ago and everything is just better. Try it :rolleyes:
Eh. Probably. I work in a building used by "the unwashed horde", and the only way out is using the same doors. We get notifications of gross stuff like tuberculosis or hepatitis exposures all the time. So much so, that when my first kid was born way before covid, I would still not hold him when I got home until I changed my clothes and washed my hands. When I drive to the grocery store, the first thing I do is go wash my hands there. I'm not down with putting my Maybe COVID/hepatitis/tuburculosis/herpagonosyphilaids hands up by my face to put on and take off my mask in the car.

That’s one of the problems. People should have been incorporating daily hygiene into their lives EVEN before COVID. It’s surprising how many people I’ve seen come out of the stall after shitting and not washing their hands. Actually it’s not surprising how disgusting people can be. We practice sanitizing our hands upon exiting the store then removing our masks.
My second Covid test results just came back, negative. First one was back in mid May. From pharmacy walk up in NW Ohio pharmacy. Insurance was requested so I gave. No idea yet on the final billing. 2 brief lines of result and a full page, 25 lines of text disclaimer. :lmao: For a walk in no insurance here in Sacramento CA I was quoted $185 for the test and another $100 for the lab bill. Just an FYI.

I'll repeat here everyone in NW Ohio was masked inside the Box stores. Virtually 100%. The local Raleys market here, similar, probably 95% masked.
My second Covid test results just came back, negative. First one was back in mid May. From pharmacy walk up in NW Ohio pharmacy. Insurance was requested so I gave. No idea yet on the final billing. 2 brief lines of result and a full page, 25 lines of text disclaimer. :lmao: For a walk in no insurance here in Sacramento CA I was quoted $185 for the test and another $100 for the lab bill. Just an FYI.

I'll repeat here everyone in NW Ohio was masked inside the Box stores. Virtually 100%. The local Raleys market here, similar, probably 95% masked.

How come you got tested? Showing symptoms or some other requirement?
We still have a state-wide mask mandate but its for inside public places, outside no mask required. There are exemptions for children under age 10 and people with medical or religious reasons and if someone says its for med or religious reasons no one is allowed to question them on it. A lot of the businesses aren't enforcing the mask rule and I'd guesstimate mask wearing is at about 50 - 60%. Most businesses have been open for quite a while and they've been upping the capacities for restaurants, private gatherings, outdoor gatherings and other places as well as upping last call at bars to 12:00 am. A couple of days ago however, Governor Polesmoker did warn of a "3rd spike" in covid cases (which I think is bullshit) to try to scare everyone some more. :rolleyes:
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Still full force here. Governor completely stopped talking about plans to reopen anything after the phase we're in now. Just vague threats on occasion about how he can shut shit back down if he wants. :rolleyes:

I keep a bandana in my truck to throw in for the liquor store or walmart. Haven't worn one in months anywhere else. Started open carrying a while back and now people just keep their mouth shut about the lack of mask. :laughing: State run liquor store won't let you in without something, Walmart and other corporate places here have security guards at the entrance enforcing the mask bullshit, but of course half the employees have them around their neck or pulled down halfway.

There's two bars I go to on occasion that don't give a shit other than if you have one with you in case someone from the ABC board shows up. Most of the other restaurants around here are either out of business thanks to this shutdown bullshit or 100% supporting the shit that's driving them out of business.

They're not going anywhere any time soon here unfortunately. Same people that voted dems and Northam into power last year are full kool aid on this shit.
A society like Germany has no use for guns. They are something of the past. I could go sports shooting any day though.
I'll agree a bit on the free speech, as people here cannot display the Swastika or do the Nazi salute. But, should they be able to? Or is it something that SHOULD be outlawed?

When I talk of freedom, I am speaking of freedom to hurt yourself, to get sick, to go to a free university or secondary education, a way to learn a trade and get respected that way, freedom to travel and freedom of speech. Equality. Of falling and being caught.

Germany is LIVING the American experiment, the constitutional freedoms, and doing well at it.

No use for guns? We'll see what happens when Germany decides to do some stupid shit for a THIRD time.

Yes, they should be allowed. Just like in America, we let stupid people like you spout at the mouth to show just how ridiculous you are. Same could be said for Neo Nazis.

When you talk of freedom, you have no concept of what freedom is, so it's all horseshit.
How come you got tested? Showing symptoms or some other requirement?

I simply wanted to know. I have a decent chance of contact as my two daughters have worked the entire time in a public setting, cashier and fast food. No symptoms from nobody. Just wanted to know. A near instant low cost test has been announced as near ready several times by several sources. Home test or similar.
If your school requires masks, then your position as a parent should be "it's not safe".
If the teachers can play that game, so can we.

Tell the school to show you that it's safe by taking off the mask.

The only time this country ever required masks was during Spanish Flu, so if it's required right now then you must assume whatever we are dealing with is as bad as Spanish Flu.

No mask indoors = $400 first offence here in LA. Not sure if thats OTD cost or + penalty assessment
No mask indoors = $400 first offence here in LA. Not sure if thats OTD cost or + penalty assessment

Our county has fines up to $500. First offence $100, Second, $200, anything after that is $500 and it can be prosecuted as a misdemeanor if our DA so chooses.
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