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Are we still doing the Covid-19 thing?

I find it fascinating that in all the research I've done on viruses, this one seems to contradict everything science knows about viruses. :homer:

For most viruses that can be transmitted through saliva or droplets, the infectious stages are only when symptoms show up in the host. Now apparently COVID-19 is one, if not the only, virus that spreads asymptomatically?

I watched Rand Paul confronting Fauci this morning (not sure when it was recorded, it just said NEW on YouTube). Fauci scoffed at the idea that New York City had reached herd immunity and that's why the numbers are so low right now. Funny thing is, all the states that were near the top of the list in the U.S. are now dropping, and it seemed to work from east to west, not west to east. California I think is the exception, because of their strict lock downs for what, 3 months? They're going to take longer to get over this.

Pennsylvania has reported 500-1,600 infected, every single day, since the onset of this. Though the mortality rate has DRASTICALLY decreased. For some reason this is just completely overlooked.

CA went lockdown early March. 6 1/2 months so far. Cuomo stated publicly back in April, or maybe late March after a State run random public survey that as much on 20% of NYC was positve. That was way back then. That was when I changed my mind about this. That and Rockybuggy84 preaching and screeching :laughing: Locally, Placer County is easing restrictions as allowed by the State, so their Public health director (Placer) resigned this week. She was promptly hired by neaby Yolo County, which as almost no cases except for the Davis area, home of UC Davis and about 60,000 students....
Going to visit grandma in the morning. 6 hour round trip. No touching grandma, no going in the house, sit in the garage with all the doors open 6ft apart and visit. Mom and aunt imposed rules. Grandma is 86 and could care less about the china flu.
Guess the winter holidays with grandma are canceled. :frown:
Been wondering how Black Friday will play out if this shit is still going on in November.
Been wondering how Black Friday will play out if this shit is still going on in November.

Black Fridays Matter.

Or we could get all Cray Cray and just start calling it Gray Friday (it might be a gray area soon).
I find it fascinating that in all the research I've done on viruses, this one seems to contradict everything science knows about viruses. :homer:

For most viruses that can be transmitted through saliva or droplets, the infectious stages are only when symptoms show up in the host. Now apparently COVID-19 is one, if not the only, virus that spreads asymptomatically?

I watched Rand Paul confronting Fauci this morning (not sure when it was recorded, it just said NEW on YouTube). Fauci scoffed at the idea that New York City had reached herd immunity and that's why the numbers are so low right now. Funny thing is, all the states that were near the top of the list in the U.S. are now dropping, and it seemed to work from east to west, not west to east. California I think is the exception, because of their strict lock downs for what, 3 months? They're going to take longer to get over this.

Pennsylvania has reported 500-1,600 infected, every single day, since the onset of this. Though the mortality rate has DRASTICALLY decreased. For some reason this is just completely overlooked.

You forget... the reason the rates are dropping is because government stepped in and forced businesses to close, people to wear body condoms and become shut-ins... Has nothing to do with herd immunity or natural course of virus... :flipoff2:
You forget... the reason the rates are dropping is because government stepped in and forced businesses to close, people to wear body condoms and become shut-ins... Has nothing to do with herd immunity or natural course of virus... :flipoff2:

Get the fuck out of here with that. :flipoff2::laughing:
WorldoMeter: Coronavirus...


Currently infected patients: 62,713

62,698 Mild

15 Severe

They had 417 positive test results yesterday and 2 deaths.

This has been their trend for weeks.

Yeah, the U.S. isn't Sweden, but it's like everyone wants to just ignore what's going on there.
Not a doctor and I always love a good conspiracy theory(no offence intended), but I suspect the reason why they to the nasal swab is because on the off chance you just got freshly infected and haven't started generating tons of little spiky covids to expel into the world yet, they are most likely to get some from there.

Or yeah, maybe we're being messing with. but if it is a grand conspiracy, who can you trust? I saw a picture of Trump wearing a mask the other day. Does that mean he's in on it? Or that his side has already lost?

That was for HIS protection in case RBG woke up.
Well the other thing they got exactly fucking wrong was the panic for the ventilators, gotta make millions of these things for when the hospitals get overrun. As it turns out, just having patients lie on their stomachs, and take anti-viral medicines works much better.

He posted this 2 days ago. People are waking up to the scamdemic

Well the other thing they got exactly fucking wrong was the panic for the ventilators, gotta make millions of these things for when the hospitals get overrun. As it turns out, just having patients lie on their stomachs, and take anti-viral medicines works much better.

Whats it like down there right now???

Up here theres a general sense of "fawk thyself" when the mask thing is brought up by local officials... the ONLY place I was asked to leave for not wearing a mask so far was Panda Express. I went back a half hour later with a change of clothes and my welding hood on (I really wanted Chinese food, don't judge).
Whats it like down there right now???

Up here theres a general sense of "fawk thyself" when the mask thing is brought up by local officials... the ONLY place I was asked to leave for not wearing a mask so far was Panda Express. I went back a half hour later with a change of clothes and my welding hood on (I really wanted Chinese food, don't judge).

You wore a welding hood in Panda Express? :laughing:
Panda Express is Chinese food? :laughing:

Yo it's food for thought, these fightin' rhymes
Hit every street corner like chinese take-out, vitamins for the mind
Nutrients for the brain, lyrical fluid
Is dirty like the chinese food in your hood but you're still addicted to it

Luckily in Southern Illinois you would never really even know the scary flu was a thing other than schools. No one gives a shit and hopefully it stays that way
Well the other thing they got exactly fucking wrong was the panic for the ventilators, gotta make millions of these things for when the hospitals get overrun. As it turns out, just having patients lie on their stomachs, and take anti-viral medicines works much better.

They killed a lot of people on those vents.
Here in Texas its about the only Chinese food that's edible. When I lived in New England, Panda Express was garbage mall food nobody ate. Funny how different it is down here. :laughing:

Meh, you just aren’t looking in the right spots. Maybe it’s because we’re on the coast, but there is plenty of decent Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese/etc. food here.
Meh, you just aren’t looking in the right spots. Maybe it’s because we’re on the coast, but there is plenty of decent Chinese/Japanese/Vietnamese/etc. food here.

If you have never eaten Chinese food from New England you don't know what your missing, so the garbage down here tastes "decent".

Burning some white rice in a frying pan is not "fried rice". :lmao:


So who's still doing the corona thing? NM just got permission to open up 100% finally.

470 days of lockdown.
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