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Anyone running Starlink internet yet?

Anyone have anything new to add to this thread?

My GF just sent me a picture of the antenna that her work got, so apparently it is now available in my area.

Are the speeds better now or still the same? Any customer service issues? How about outages?
A friend got it a while ago and he's happy with it. He's getting way better speeds than he was getting with pocket iNet. Like I just looked and he sent me a screen shot of 63.1 down and 13.2 upload and I know his old internet maxed at 6 down.
Sofar not an issue. Here is my speed test. From the other day.
Still waiting on mine. Been on the waiting list for over a year and my account says to expect coverage mid to late 2021. Elon tweeted a couple months ago to expect a full rollout by the end of August….so don’t hold your breath I guess.
Still waiting on mine. Been on the waiting list for over a year and my account says to expect coverage mid to late 2021. Elon tweeted a couple months ago to expect a full rollout by the end of August….so don’t hold your breath I guess.
This is what I'm afraid of. According to the IT guys at my GF's work, they paid $599 and got it in 2 weeks. When I put in my address my only option is the $99 deposit.
I’m still waiting also. Says mid to late 21’

My att fixed wireless has been down for just over 2weeks. 4 techs, nearly 12hrs of their time at my house and they still can’t figure out why it won’t work.

This can’t come quick enough.
We have been Starlink customers about 6 months or so
- took about two weeks to find the ideal spot for the antennae where it was not blocked by the house. I want the antennae easily accessible to clear snow in the winter. With the heated antennae it may not be as much of an issue as the Directv dish which needs snow cleared in storms over 8" or so, about 3 - 5 times a winter on average. The snow melts off the Starlink so have not had to clear it, yet

In this location I get coverage 24/7 but
  • lose a few minutes of coverage each day as it switches between satellites, typically less than 2 minutes, total per day
  • it will lose coverage in really bad rain. Really bad, like downpour leading to flash flooding rain. We got dumped on about a month ago, 1 1/2" in about 2 hours, and we lost coverage for about 15 mins in that time, the Directv was out almost 90 mins by comparison. Normal Colorado Summer rain storm no problems.
  • they do push through updates both for the hardware and the app. One of the app updates I had to re-log in. I have hard reset the hardware twice in 6 months, once post a power outage, once because I moved the dishy, and unplugged the cable

Rarely while streaming, it may stutter or delay, but honestly rarely, cannot recall the last instance, so not in the past couple months

Overall, two thumbs up, and good value for money. I don't game so cannot comment on latency issues
This is what I'm afraid of. According to the IT guys at my GF's work, they paid $599 and got it in 2 weeks. When I put in my address my only option is the $99 deposit.
You are only going to get Starlink when the swarm of satellites can provide your part of the country with adequate reliable coverage, and even then this is still a Beta program. From my understanding the coverage is basically coming from north to south, and I was on the waiting list maybe 9 months or so before they were made available in northern colorado.

Is your zip the same as your girlfriends work zip?

We are on a waiting list for the mobile units for the race trailer, we even have software developed for it, for data collection and transmission straight to race vehicles. We have been told it may take another 18 months to get the prototype unit to us, again something, something, coverage, something, southern states last, something, something.
Elon doesn't have the best track record for launching products on time. I've had my deposit down for 6 months now, still nothing shows up on their website giving any indication of when beta will end and a broader rollout will start...
You are only going to get Starlink when the swarm of satellites can provide your part of the country with adequate reliable coverage, and even then this is still a Beta program. From my understanding the coverage is basically coming from north to south, and I was on the waiting list maybe 9 months or so before they were made available in northern colorado.

Is your zip the same as your girlfriends work zip?

We are on a waiting list for the mobile units for the race trailer, we even have software developed for it, for data collection and transmission straight to race vehicles. We have been told it may take another 18 months to get the prototype unit to us, again something, something, coverage, something, southern states last, something, something.
No, our zips are not the same. My house is 20ish miles north of her work. My house is rural and her work is in a city of about 50k people.

Thanks for the updates. How hard was it to find a good spot for the antenna? My house is surrounded by trees. I could easily get it on top of the roof, but that still wouldn't put it above the tree line.
We’ve been running it since the end of June here in Maine. It’s been pretty rock solid. Started in the driveway where I had some tree obstructions. Then moved it to the roof and did a little tree topping to make sure I now have zero obstructions. It’s been good to us so far. Wife has been working from home with no issues. Speed has been good. We’ve only had one outage since we had it when Starlink pushed a large update which took everyone down for like ten minutes a few weeks back.

would definitely recommend for rural internet. It’s by far the best satellite internet option out there. If you can actually get a dish of course.
I am gonna put my name on the list too. We have DSL now since that is the only game in town other than Hughesnet or a local company that wont even come out and check for signal at my house since I told them they were not going to put a receiver on my roof.
They just announced another batch of satellites ready for launch, so the coverage should start expanding soon.
I almost ordered it, waiting on the portable RV dish to be released before I order so I only need to buy the hardware once
From what I've gathered, they really wanted to transition into this new generation of Starlink sats with laser interconnectivity (improving service further) pretty seamlessly without a pause in their launches, but they weren't able to ramp the production as fast as they initially hoped and had to pause for almost 10 weeks while getting them ready. Prior to the pause they were doing starlink launches almost every week this year so at that rate, the pause cost them an additional 400-600 sats in orbit which would put them much further along by now. Now that they're launching them again, I'd expect them to ramp things back up. Hopefully that means they'll wrap up the beta and move into full service this year still
I’m still waiting also. Says mid to late 21’

My att fixed wireless has been down for just over 2weeks. 4 techs, nearly 12hrs of their time at my house and they still can’t figure out why it won’t work.

This can’t come quick enough.

I don't know what is more of a sore subject, that AT&T bullshit or fucking hueghsnet :mad3:

I got duped into the AT&T to replace hueghsnet, guy came out. Ran tests, it was streaming great, so we did it. Worked so good that day, I recommended it to 2 other people who only had satalite as an option. Since that day, it's never worked good at all. It will sometimes work fine, but right in the middle of a movie or whatever, it just stops, will not do anything. It was also worthless for web surfing and wifi calling.

Our new place is in town, a small town, but I figured some type of reliable internet would be available. Everyone said no. Then talked to a different person at ziply fiber (bought out frontier) and found out we can get internet..........fucking 3mps 

The stupid part is, the guy I talked to was at my buddies rural property, 20 miles from town and really anything. They get 25 mps:homer::homer::homer:

Seeing this thread, I feel like I should just wait for stark link.
My address still says mid to late 2021. There are people around me getting them in. I was really early on the reservation list, I wonder if they are able to keep up on the receiver production.
I live south of St. Louis about 40 miles and have been running Starlink since March. It has been awesome. No DSL where I live and just barely too far down the hillside for fixed wireless. and I had used Exced, and then AT&T wireless home internet. Both could barely handle steaming and had data caps.

I will see download speeds between 150 and 200mbs during non peak times and 30-80 during peak times, but they have been improving. Drop-outs and no sat issues have been decreasing as well. I am a little disappointed in the rain fade, people online act like it takes a monsoon to knock out the signal, but to me all it takes is what I would call a normal downpour, but I'm sure people have different ways of describing a downpour.
I live south of St. Louis about 40 miles and have been running Starlink since March. It has been awesome. No DSL where I live and just barely too far down the hillside for fixed wireless. and I had used Exced, and then AT&T wireless home internet. Both could barely handle steaming and had data caps.

I will see download speeds between 150 and 200mbs during non peak times and 30-80 during peak times, but they have been improving. Drop-outs and no sat issues have been decreasing as well. I am a little disappointed in the rain fade, people online act like it takes a monsoon to knock out the signal, but to me all it takes is what I would call a normal downpour, but I'm sure people have different ways of describing a downpour.
signal strength plays a big part in fade.
if you're a marginal signal to start with, well.
I live south of St. Louis about 40 miles and have been running Starlink since March. It has been awesome. No DSL where I live and just barely too far down the hillside for fixed wireless. and I had used Exced, and then AT&T wireless home internet. Both could barely handle steaming and had data caps.

I will see download speeds between 150 and 200mbs during non peak times and 30-80 during peak times, but they have been improving. Drop-outs and no sat issues have been decreasing as well. I am a little disappointed in the rain fade, people online act like it takes a monsoon to knock out the signal, but to me all it takes is what I would call a normal downpour, but I'm sure people have different ways of describing a downpour.
Odd on the rain comment. I’ve purposely run speed tests during downpours here and still been in the 20 to 25 MB down range every time. If this thunderstorm we are supposed to get sometime today hits ilol run another one and report the results.

right now with no rain, but wind and heavy cloud cover I just pulled 159 MB down, 7.63 MB up with a 54ms ping.
Still waiting. Supposed to be available in my area sometimes during the second half of this year. Been on the list for the last six months or so.
I don't know what is more of a sore subject, that AT&T bullshit or fucking hueghsnet :mad3:

I got duped into the AT&T to replace hueghsnet, guy came out. Ran tests, it was streaming great, so we did it. Worked so good that day, I recommended it to 2 other people who only had satalite as an option. Since that day, it's never worked good at all. It will sometimes work fine, but right in the middle of a movie or whatever, it just stops, will not do anything. It was also worthless for web surfing and wifi calling.

Our new place is in town, a small town, but I figured some type of reliable internet would be available. Everyone said no. Then talked to a different person at ziply fiber (bought out frontier) and found out we can get internet..........fucking 3mps 

The stupid part is, the guy I talked to was at my buddies rural property, 20 miles from town and really anything. They get 25 mps:homer::homer::homer:

Seeing this thread, I feel like I should just wait for stark link.

It’s so frustrating. Been over 2 weeks and they have no solution. Idiot call center says they need to send a tech out and tech says I can’t fix it. We had it fine for 1 1/2 yrs.
It’s so frustrating. Been over 2 weeks and they have no solution. Idiot call center says they need to send a tech out and tech says I can’t fix it. We had it fine for 1 1/2 yrs.

Well at least you aren't calling a lawyer yet. My friends had it none functional for 5-6 months and they were still charging their card. :laughing:
Recieved our first one about 2 months ago, for our summer place. It's in the middle of nowhere. This summer the local WISP finally put up a repeater to bounce a signal into our valley. Got it hooked up the day before we got notified our Starlink shipped. :laughing:

Set up could not be easier, it comes all hooked up. Give the dish a clear view of the Northern sky and plug it in. Done, takes longer to establish the link the first time, than it does to set up.

WISP was a fixed 1.9mbps up/down enough for us to keep in contact for work, but we'd have to drive to town to send/ receive bigger files.

Starlink is all over the place but the slowest I've seen is 20mbps, it averages 60 down/ 20 up, fastest I've seen is about double that. We stream content, and can do our work no problem.

Far better than our home internet! :barf:

We are right at the edge of service for everything, so we're stuck with fixed LTE, and it's meh at best. Just ran Fast.com and it cam in at 27 down, but it's erratic as hell for us.

Looking forward to trying Starlink at home.
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