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Adventures of an old guy and PoF.

You laid great groundwork, how does she treat you?
Don't get lazy or take her for granted, make her a little jealous once in a while so she doesn't forget, tell her that the girl who cut your hair tells you dirty jokes, or mention that a customer liked your shirt, she might act a little pissy that afternoon, but she'll treat you like a king at bedtime

Well, it wasn't all that straightforward.

This chick moved into town, lead pharmacist at a local place. Totally smoking. Took three times, but I finally caught her on shift. Waiting in line. Walked right up. No pause, no nothing. Flat out asked her if she'd have dinner at my place. Well, she was going through a messy divorce, wasn't the best time, etc. But she had a friend. Her friend came over about a week later. Had dinner. She moved in about six months later. Engaged six months after that. Married six months after that. Started a family, bought our second home, etc. We're friends with the pharmacist, but don't see her often; she's an officer in the Army now. Trying to get the threesome down, but that's been a no-go so far. :grinpimp: :laughing:

Don't take her for granted at all. We suit each other perfectly. Have an awesome kiddo together. We butt heads now and then, but whatever. We've never actually gotten into a FIGHT. Don't want to disclose too much outside of TP, but she does have Chron's so that can heed bedtime stuff.
Yesterday was a total shit show. I had another court hearing with the soon to be ex and got hosed. She has been living with her mom and decided she wanted the house although she couldn't afford it. But she lied and connived her way into the judges heart and the prick gave me 48 hours to vacate the house and gave her the house for 45 days to find a place to live. Good thing it was a webx hearing or I seriously would be sitting in jail. How the fuck can she get the house for 45 days when she hasn't even been here since January? 48 hours vs 45 days. Where is the equality in that shit? She also got and received a no contact order which was strange because I have her blocked on my phone because she is always nasty. The judge ordered a no contact or for both of us and what did that dumb bitch do? Went to the house to wait on me and commenced to text, call and email me trying to get me to come to the house. Currently waiting on my lawyer to see if they are going to hold her in contempt or just let her get away with everything.

So in the afternoon, I did the mature and dignified thing and beat feet to number 3's house for dinner and a roll in the sack. I really like this woman. She is just fun to be around and I actually laugh with her. The sex was a disaster though. No nuts busted from either party because we were laughing so much.We promised that we would be more serious next time.She is going out of state tonight and I apparently will be packing up my camper to live in for the next 47 days until she vacates the house. Thank God I have the camper because I couldn't afford a hotel or apartment for that long.
So you left all your shit there and shes moving in for 47 days?

oof. Hope you have everything well documented.
Well, it wasn't all that straightforward.

This chick moved into town, lead pharmacist at a local place. Totally smoking. Took three times, but I finally caught her on shift. Waiting in line. Walked right up. No pause, no nothing. Flat out asked her if she'd have dinner at my place. Well, she was going through a messy divorce, wasn't the best time, etc. But she had a friend. Her friend came over about a week later. Had dinner. She moved in about six months later. Engaged six months after that. Married six months after that. Started a family, bought our second home, etc. We're friends with the pharmacist, but don't see her often; she's an officer in the Army now. Trying to get the threesome down, but that's been a no-go so far. :grinpimp: :laughing:

Don't take her for granted at all. We suit each other perfectly. Have an awesome kiddo together. We butt heads now and then, but whatever. We've never actually gotten into a FIGHT. Don't want to disclose too much outside of TP, but she does have Chron's so that can heed bedtime stuff.

Eh, you're a guy who's got the balls to talk to hot chicks when the sun is out, this puts you in the top of the field. Don't take her for granted, you've got to occasionally display that you are a badass valuable man to keep her attracted to you. Don't go full asshole, but occasionally make her uncomfortable and chase you a little, she'll enjoy it, and feel better about herself, and about your marriage when she competes with your unknown hairdresser and wins. Sounds ridiculous, that's women:laughing:
Yesterday was a total shit show. I had another court hearing with the soon to be ex and got hosed. She has been living with her mom and decided she wanted the house although she couldn't afford it. But she lied and connived her way into the judges heart and the prick gave me 48 hours to vacate the house and gave her the house for 45 days to find a place to live. Good thing it was a webx hearing or I seriously would be sitting in jail. How the fuck can she get the house for 45 days when she hasn't even been here since January? 48 hours vs 45 days. Where is the equality in that shit? She also got and received a no contact order which was strange because I have her blocked on my phone because she is always nasty. The judge ordered a no contact or for both of us and what did that dumb bitch do? Went to the house to wait on me and commenced to text, call and email me trying to get me to come to the house. Currently waiting on my lawyer to see if they are going to hold her in contempt or just let her get away with everything.

So in the afternoon, I did the mature and dignified thing and beat feet to number 3's house for dinner and a roll in the sack. I really like this woman. She is just fun to be around and I actually laugh with her. The sex was a disaster though. No nuts busted from either party because we were laughing so much.We promised that we would be more serious next time.She is going out of state tonight and I apparently will be packing up my camper to live in for the next 47 days until she vacates the house. Thank God I have the camper because I couldn't afford a hotel or apartment for that long.

You need to have a come to Jesus with your lawyer, he needs an emergency injunction, shit just got real.

Got a job?

if not,

I suggest you contract corona immediately

do not contact her, that's a shit show, do not violate that order, and have your attorney address gets immediately

I'd strongly suggest you feeling feverish with a headache this weekend while your attorney sorts this out. Fuck her and her games
Eh, you're a guy who's got the balls to talk to hot chicks when the sun is out, this puts you in the top of the field. Don't take her for granted, you've got to occasionally display that you are a badass valuable man to keep her attracted to you. Don't go full asshole, but occasionally make her uncomfortable and chase you a little, she'll enjoy it, and feel better about herself, and about your marriage when she competes with your unknown hairdresser and wins. Sounds ridiculous, that's women:laughing:

If I learned any skills from my job, its that I can talk to anyone. Point out the hottest chick anywhere, I'll walk right up. No problem whatsoever. Before marriage, I did this all the time when I'd be with my friends. We'd go somewhere for beer and wings, I'd be leaving with the waitress's phone number on the slip. Three of us guys went to a bar with all these pool tables. There was a another table with three chicks playing. My two buddies just pointed them out and made some comments. I walked right over, introduced myself, introduced my friends, and away we went.

I'm pretty much a dick to my wife all the time. Its all in jest though, and she knows it. I'll spend 8h prepping firewood, shoot a turkey in the front yard, or sight in my bow for an hour and she's all giggity. :grinpimp:
I'm no expert in divorce, but when going through that process isn't banging another chick probably one of the worst things you can do?
I'm no expert in divorce, but when going through that process isn't banging another chick probably one of the worst things you can do?

No, bang them all, keeps you from going back to her

also, her friends and sister might jump on the train of "he's a pussy, you can do better, you go girl" but if it gets out you're a bid swinging dick, her friends tell her she's stupid and fucking up and making bad decisions.

also in a custody battle, a guy who's not getting any ass isn't trusted by women, they smell it. So dad one tries to win over teachers, court clerks, get the woman at the bank you get you your paperwork, you're up to your ears in bullshit, and it's all women in charge.

dad two shows up, dressed kinda sharp, but the office girl at the school is pretty sure you smell like last night's lay, you are a big swinging dick. Big swinging dicks don't usually stick around and fight for custody of their kids, and wives don't divorce big swinging dicks, so the only logical explanation is that you are a big swinging dick, you care greatly about your children, and your ex is beyond fucked up to screw this up, women will help you at every turn

don't be spending cash on women, or ditching your kids with the sitter to chase ass, anything brought up in court is just a single man making up for lost time

"When I'm married, I make the most of it, when I'm single, i make the most of it, next question"
I thought it made you look bad in the courts. /shrug
After papers are filed starting the process, doesn’t matter.

I can't speak for all states but he is correct for VA. As soon as there is a filing there is no more adultery. There is also no such thing as legal separation in VA. The clock basically starts as soon as you show intent to live separate lives. Not sleeping in the same bed or whatever.Both of my kids despise their mother and refuse to even speak with her. The 18 yo is always with me everywhere I go, the 16 yo would be too but he has virtual school and welding classes to attend.

I think I am going to slow my roll and hang with #3 for a bit. One thing that worries me is that I haven't suited up for any of these encounters and none of them have asked me to. It is a matter of time before I hit the bad one and my dick explodes or falls off.
One thing that worries me is that I haven't suited up for any of these encounters and none of them have asked me to. It is a matter of time before I hit the bad one and my dick explodes or falls off.

One thing that worries me is that I haven't suited up for any of these encounters and none of them have asked me to. It is a matter of time before I hit the bad one and my dick explodes or falls off.

User name checks out...
I have a habit of reading threads from the first post then skipping to the last post then reading in reverse. :homer: But always enjoy these kinds of reads and worked my way from the beginning. Last two pages brought the suck and boring with all the advice and marriage/ divorce shit. I need content and funny stories. Y’all lacking! :flipoff2:
I can't speak for all states but he is correct for VA. As soon as there is a filing there is no more adultery. There is also no such thing as legal separation in VA. The clock basically starts as soon as you show intent to live separate lives. Not sleeping in the same bed or whatever.Both of my kids despise their mother and refuse to even speak with her. The 18 yo is always with me everywhere I go, the 16 yo would be too but he has virtual school and welding classes to attend.

I think I am going to slow my roll and hang with #3 for a bit. One thing that worries me is that I haven't suited up for any of these encounters and none of them have asked me to. It is a matter of time before I hit the bad one and my dick explodes or falls off.

Not to worry...

It is estimated that, in the United States, 47.8% of people aged 14–49 have HSV-1, while 11.9% of Americans in the same age group have HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus, 2017). Theoretically, this means that over 195 million people in the United States might have genital herpes.Feb 4, 2020
I have a habit of reading threads from the first post then skipping to the last post then reading in reverse. :homer: But always enjoy these kinds of reads and worked my way from the beginning. Last two pages brought the suck and boring with all the advice and marriage/ divorce shit. I need content and funny stories. Y’all lacking! :flipoff2:

Hop across that boarder and if you live through it be sure to let us know about your adventure. I demand to be entertained on your dime and at your risk dammit.:flipoff2:
Not exactly. Hsv1 is just a cold sore that can turn into hsv2 but it only does that if oral is done while having an outbreak.

Wrong! :flipoff2: They're two separate viruses that are generally in one place, but can pop up where they're not normally at..... So you can get a cold sore on your hootus and herpes on your lips.:laughing:

Also, OP, you're bringing these ladies back to you camper on your buddies back 40? :lmao: That adds a whole new dimension to this!:flipoff2:
Wrong! :flipoff2: They're two separate viruses that are generally in one place, but can pop up where they're not normally at..... So you can get a cold sore on your hootus and herpes on your lips.:laughing:

Also, OP, you're bringing these ladies back to you camper on your buddies back 40? :lmao: That adds a whole new dimension to this!:flipoff2:

I have only brought one to the camper and that was out of desperation. I really am not proud of my present situation and I sure as hell don't want them to know where I live. Either their house or it ain't happening. And for the record, #3 is in love with me already. I explained that I am not settling down after being married for 19 years and she said she was ok with that. I didn't have time to explore what she meant at the time but will see her tomorrow night. Starting to think she is a bit of a freak. She always asks me strange questions but she has a sense of humor very much like mine so I don't know when she is just goofing on me or not. Oh, only 38 more days until the King returns to his castle,,,,
I have only brought one to the camper and that was out of desperation. I really am not proud of my present situation and I sure as hell don't want them to know where I live. Either their house or it ain't happening. And for the record.

Dude, your house has wheels, its moveable! Hell hitch that sum bitch up and take it with you to the date. Do dinner then just stroll to the parking lot for dessert.
You need a red skull to post this shit in the TP. I'll buy you one if you don't have the spare cash. I could use someone else to wallow in misery with. :laughing:

I had no idea about the red skull and there was a TP. I will investigate. Appreciate the offer though.
Dude, your house has wheels, its moveable! Hell hitch that sum bitch up and take it with you to the date. Do dinner then just stroll to the parking lot for dessert.

My wife used to work at a nursing home for dementia patients. There was a really sad case where a chick had early onset dementia so she was pretty young compared to the rest (and had fake titties too). Her husband would bring his motorhome and park it in front of the nursing home, check her out, and fuck her in the RV for a while then drop her back off again. :laughing:
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