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27 million to Floyd family from city for death settlement

If this had to come from their pension fund....

:mr-t:s will be broke again within a few years..:flipoff2:
Let's not be so quick to judge. I am sure the family will utilize most, if not all, that money as a necessary reinvestment into their community. To make it better for ALL. I am sure of it. :homer:
That money was probably already spent at Darnells chicken and rims.
died from a drug overdose

Are any of these words not pulled right out of thin air?

Edit: I do remember trying to find any kind of info about drugs in his system after his death, but don't remember finding anything conclusive. I do not believe that the knee to the neck would have been fatal for the average person, but "drug overdose" seems a bit over the top from what I am finding.
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Are any of these words not pulled right out of thin air?

Edit: I do remember trying to find any kind of info about drugs in his system after his death, but don't remember finding anything conclusive. I do not believe that the knee to the neck would have been fatal for the average person, but "drug overdose" seems a bit over the top from what I am finding.
The medical examiners report lists fentanyl intoxication as a significant factor contributing to death.

[EDIT] And he was positive for corona virus!
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Are any of these words not pulled right out of thin air?

Edit: I do remember trying to find any kind of info about drugs in his system after his death, but don't remember finding anything conclusive. I do not believe that the knee to the neck would have been fatal for the average person, but "drug overdose" seems a bit over the top from what I am finding.

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And wasnt there a video of him prior to detained via knee where he stated he couldn't breath?

How the cops handled it was super F'ed up... had they done everything correctly he may have died anyway.

27 M is generational wealth if they actually cared about Floyds death (honored him) and the children/family.
27 M is generational wealth if they actually cared about Floyds death (honored him) and the children/family.
if you're smart about it even a million sitting in the market is paying enough dividends to live off of, fairly comfortably too if you're well outside the cities
Just FYI:

The estimated lethal dose of fentanyl in humans is 2 mg. The recommended serum concentration for analgesia is 1–2 ng/ml and for anaesthesia it is 10–20 ng/ml. Blood concentrations of approximately 7 ng/ml or greater have been associated with fatalities where poly-substance use was involved.

Dude was at 11 ng/ml with a bunch of other shit in him too.
Just FYI:

Dude was at 11 ng/ml with a bunch of other shit in him too.

Yep, but opiates build tolerance quickly, so without some idea of his usage history, it's tough to pin this down really at all.

I do think that the drugs in his system should be plenty to cast "reasonable doubt" on the manslaughter/murder charges.

Chauvin should burn for something, however. There was clearly no reason to continue to kneel on the dude's neck for over nine minutes. Fuck that guy. He's a prime example of police using excessive force.
I thought the mid-west cities still had brains. And you guys laugh at California :lmao:

city council is a bunch of fucking retards with that settlement, and before the criminal trial? Damn
Midwesterners are very naive and live a very sheltered life. They have very little to no interaction with people like Floyd. Their opinion of black people comes from CNN and the Cosby show.

And wasnt there a video of him prior to detained via knee where he stated he couldn't breath?

How the cops handled it was super F'ed up... had they done everything correctly he may have died anyway.

27 M is generational wealth if they actually cared about Floyds death (honored him) and the children/family.
Yes, the body cam footage shows the police stopping him inside his car, detaining him, and then attempting to put him into the back of a police car at which point he chimp's out saying he can't breafe inside the car and that he's claustrophobic a thousand times while he fights multiple officers. Typical criminal behavior. There was even some other black bystander that told him to stfu and sit in the car because he was going to make things worse for himself. Boy was he right.

Crackhead breaks the law, stopped by police, resists police, overdoses. End of story.
This is going to turn into a circus this summer. Televised courtroom. Rightwing media is barely even covering it. They are too scared, fucking pussies. Plan for more race roits in the name of black jesus, george floyd.
I get a medical procedure every few months . Fentanyl is used to put me into what they call a mild sedation. I recievec150 micro grams...How does this compare to what was in Floyd's blood?
I get a medical procedure every few months . Fentanyl is used to put me into what they call a mild sedation. I recievec150 micro grams...How does this compare to what was in Floyd's blood?

It's not outright how much, it's the concentration that matters.
its amazing how many of you are ok with the government deciding who dies and who doesn't. Whether this dude would have died from all the drugs in his system is another story. Cop was negligent to an extent contributing to his death.

Fuck George Floyd. He had at least 15 minutes to comply with police orders before he decided to overdose. George Floyd was 10 inches taller and 90 pounds heavier than Derek Chauvin. It just so happened that he died while resisting arrest.
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its amazing how many of you are ok with the government deciding who dies and who doesn't. Whether this dude would have died from all the drugs in his system is another story. Cop was negligent to an extent contributing to his death.

Not nearly as negligent as George was to an extent contributing to his own death.

fuck cops.

but fuck entitled scum even more.
so you're ok with cops being the judge, jury and executioner?

So you think that cops should provide life saving help to someone who doesn't want it and is not co-operating?

Those cops weren't judge jury and executioner. They were trying to wrestle a bull moose into a car.
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