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2021 Firewood thread

My dads wood processor. The tail swings, and hydro lifts. All hydro and the 5 hp runs it all.

He’s retired. Likes to tinker.

Edit: added a poor video as requested.


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Shoulda put that load in the Ram if you wanted to drop panties :lmao:
F that pos, gotta lift the wood to high to get it in and it’s a short bed. What you can see of the ram is what a chubby chick would show you in a selfie :laughing:
didn't cut any firewood for myself this weekend but found more wood that I can cut in a lifetime
this is a paved road in the Forest. I walk the windfall area. 108 trees down in the road over a 4 mile stretch.

SF road .25m  before Silverfork Ranch.jpg
time to get an 070 or 090, ditch the shoes and pretend to be philipino
cash in on the whole lumber price thing
times like this I wish I had access to a band sawmill.

I have been asked by the Forest Service to help get this road cleared
Is this a request for help? My Saturday is free
they cannot technically ask for help cutting trees off the road unless people have been certified to use a chainsaw. that is why I have been working to have them get some more saw classes done.
that said, people can cut down trees at there own risk unless told specifically not to. Just like cutting firewood.
checking to see what my weekend is currently looking like.
and my current wood pile

wood pile 5-18.jpg

and just a few of the trees I dropped on the property last month to be cut up, split and donated locally

Ponderosa logs.jpg
they cannot technically ask for help cutting trees off the road unless people have been certified to use a chainsaw. that is why I have been working to have them get some more saw classes done.
that said, people can cut down trees at there own risk unless told specifically not to. Just like cutting firewood.
checking to see what my weekend is currently looking like.
Let me know, happy to provide some labor. I could use some sunshine and exercise. I can bring saw, truck and small trailer.
Let me know, happy to provide some labor. I could use some sunshine and exercise. I can bring saw, truck and small trailer.
I am going up Saturday morning at 9am, trying to get others but not working well now. only way there is up MET and then down Silverfork, do not come up from Kyburz. no trailer needed unless you are cutting wood to take home. I will be easy to find. look for the first tree still blocking the road and the angry beaver chewing through it :grinpimp:
sounds like a long day :eek:

how did you wedge the tree up so you could get that cutoff under to hold it up? or was the cutoff part of another tree and the cut one was a leaner?

as an East Coast guy, the trees out that way (oregon) blew my mind :smokin:
sounds like a long day :eek:

how did you wedge the tree up so you could get that cutoff under to hold it up? or was the cutoff part of another tree and the cut one was a leaner?

as an East Coast guy, the trees out that way (oregon) blew my mind :smokin:
even the Forest Service asked how we go that log under the tree. we never even thought about it, but it wasn't that difficult even though that short 12 ft piece weighs about 7K.

here is the tree before we cut it
you can see it is much lower to the ground. since it was blown over, the root ball is still at the bottom and attached to the ground
Ponderosa 1.jpg

when we made the first cut, the top end dropped and the lower end rose up

Ponderosa 2.jpg

then made the second cut in the upper section, put a block under it so we could get a choker around to to move once cut
Ponderosa 3.jpg

pulled on it with the truck and it spun 90 degrees.
since the road slopes to the left, we just cleared it and the two of us rolled it to the down hill side.
it stopped under the lower section and we moved on as the goal was to get the road passable, not fully cleared shoulder to shoulder.
there are 1000s of trees just like this that came down all the same day.
I got the wind speed records for that date from a local remote weather station just north of this area

95 mph average with gust up to 123mph:eek:

Wind Spider Lake 1-19-21.jpg
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I scored some wood today!
I brought home three loads by noon, hopefully going back tomorrow as long as it doesn't get too hot.



This was the second load of the day, each one got larger and larger...LOL
Today was the first time I got to really test the dump bed, it hardly grunts. I R happy :cool2:
Went up for Forest Service chainsaw certification at 7,200 feet and ended up sleeping in the snow cat shed, because it snowed about 6 inches and was about twenty degrees. They usually have the training below 1,000 feet, but moved it up because it’s too hot at 1,000 feet in late May. Ha! No weather even happened down lower, they’re oblivious to it.

I haven’t done much firewood cutting yet. What I did do was not good wood, and went in the burn pile. Already burned up. Some is partially good, and I might take up the splitter to split away the bad parts.
I was able to get out two nice loads and a half load today. Poor Ford is earning it's keep!
Now I gotta get ambitious and start processing it into firewood. I think I'm going to fill my racks and then just make a big pile with the rest. I'm really hoping to get a woodshed built this year.
1st load

2nd load

last bit
found the motherload of all wood piles yesterday :laughing:
how or why they spend the time to stack it just to sell it blows my mine.
there were two of those piles. about 50 x 50 x 15 each
almost 600 cords
price list shows that at about 300K in wood (over 500/ cord for oak)

looks like they stacked a perimeter then the inside in thrown in? either way that is a lot of firewood!
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