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Yea I can honestly say this isn’t even a fraction of miami I would love to meet the gender confused I hate life writer just to out them and tried meager attempt at bashing probably lives in Wilton manors and only went one time south of county line.
I dont know Ive spent lots of time in Miami. Id say its pretty spot on. Most would agree Miami is a shithole unless you happen to be one of those oversexed immigrants that everyone else wishes would go back to where ever the hell you came from. Cuba most likely.

The guard should have mag dumped after he grazed the neck. Took forever for holmes to bleed out.

I can't embed the video, but it's worth going to the linkslide.

The guard was shot also. Different color blood behind the counter and trails off after the guard. He drips some more when he comes back.

Edit: Beat me to it.
squirter sure was dry firing that revolver a lot after they were already dead
adrenaline, man
play with the bull get the horns
fuck around and find out
and that is that
this is what gun control actually is

don't know what one applies here

The guard should have mag dumped after he grazed the neck. Took forever for holmes to bleed out.

I can't embed the video, but it's worth going to the linkslide.

Sign from our campsite this weekend. Worked well.

Knocked his shoes off!

Not sure who's side to be on, he ran the red light typical cyclist behavior, stupid should hurt, getting knocked across the intersection by a full-size bronco when I was 12 learned me pretty damn good :lmao: but she should have stopped, and she's a politician so rules for thee.
Knocked his shoes off!

Not sure who's side to be on, he ran the red light typical cyclist behavior, stupid should hurt, getting knocked across the intersection by a full-size bronco when I was 12 learned me pretty damn good :lmao: but she should have stopped, and she's a politician so rules for thee.

this is a classic collision of idiots

biker doing biker things
.gov doing .gov things
and people counting one flip as two, I am going to assume that they are employed by the elections office
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