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Who Plays the Lottery

Woman at work was obsessed with scratch off’s. She won 3 million a few months ago on a scratch off.

I can’t justify spending the money. So I don’t play and my luck sucks.

I'm shocked my stepdad hasn't lucked out on that yet.

He buys scratchers all day long. He goes to 711 for them probably 4-5 times a day 7 days a week. You open the passenger door of his truck and piles of them fall out. He does win a lot, but with as much as he buys them I don't see how you couldn't and I doubt he breaks even.

On the plus side, it makes it easy on me for getting him birthday and Christmas gifts. I pick him up two packs of Marlboro Reds, 2 $5 scratchers, a Bic, and a 711 coffee and he's thrilled to death every time. Costs me like $20. :laughing:
1. Not legal in my state.
2. not going to win so I don’t play
3. played as a young adult a handful of times and won a scratcher like one time. It enough to make me want to play more. Just losing money.

4. why play lottery when I can sports bet from my phone or gamble legally instead of waiting for a magic 8th number once a week or month?
I'm shocked my stepdad hasn't lucked out on that yet.

He buys scratchers all day long. He goes to 711 for them probably 4-5 times a day 7 days a week. You open the passenger door of his truck and piles of them fall out. He does win a lot, but with as much as he buys them I don't see how you couldn't and I doubt he breaks even.

On the plus side, it makes it easy on me for getting him birthday and Christmas gifts. I pick him up two packs of Marlboro Reds, 2 $5 scratchers, a Bic, and a 711 coffee and he's thrilled to death every time. Costs me like $20. :laughing:

Why does he keep the losers?
it is the only gambling I do. I'm not against gambling, I just don't enjoy it. But, the lotto is fun. While I don't expect to win, I do have a plan for when I do.

I don’t understand this. The lotto is gambling. Literally gambling. You don’t enjoy it, but you do it. Maybe you don’t enjoy slots or cards and keno is more your thing. Explain how you don’t like gambling but gamble and expect to lose.
On the plus side, it makes it easy on me for getting him birthday and Christmas gifts. I pick him up two packs of Marlboro Reds, 2 $5 scratchers, a Bic, and a 711 coffee and he's thrilled to death every time. Costs me like $20. :laughing:

Sounds like a jeff foxworthy bit. Is there also a Camaro and double wide involved?
Why does he keep the losers?

VA has some shit where you can go online with them and get a second shot at money, that's the reasoning anyway. I don't suspect he actually does it. I think it's more that just ends up tossing them in the passenger side floor board without any thought.

I borrowed his truck once when mine was in the shop. It's an 03 that he's probably never cleaned. He sits in it playing video poker smoking cigs and drinking coffee like 10 hours a day. I cleaned the whole thing out and detailed it for him. He chewed my ass off when I gave it back to him because he thought I tossed out all the the floorboard scratchers. :laughing: I threw them all in freezer bags because I had no idea if any of them were winners or not.

Love the guy, but he's stuck in his weird ways and doesn't like change. He's had that truck since he bough it new and it's a huge pile of shit. Bed has a huge gash in it from turning a trailer too sharp. Driver's seat doesn't work unless you sit in it just right, will fly back if you put too much pressure on it. He drives around with a ratchet strap holding the doors shut because he never fixed a loose hinge and it eventually smashed in the striker on the door. :laughing: I've offered to pick up junk yard parts for free for him for years and he always gets mad about it because its shit he'll supposedly get to one day. He'll probably buy the parts at some point, but it will take him another 10 years to ever get around to putting them on if ever.
Sounds like a jeff foxworthy bit. Is there also a Camaro and double wide involved?

No Camaro, but there is a double wide in Florida that his dad lives in that he goes down to afroengineer stuff on a few times a year. :laughing:
I throw a few bucks at it randomly. Usually forget to check the tickets for a couple weeks. :rolleyes:

I got 10$ worth today just for fun.
VA has some shit where you can go online with them and get a second shot at money, that's the reasoning anyway. I don't suspect he actually does it. I think it's more that just ends up tossing them in the passenger side floor board without any thought.

I borrowed his truck once when mine was in the shop. It's an 03 that he's probably never cleaned. He sits in it playing video poker smoking cigs and drinking coffee like 10 hours a day. I cleaned the whole thing out and detailed it for him. He chewed my ass off when I gave it back to him because he thought I tossed out all the the floorboard scratchers. :laughing: I threw them all in freezer bags because I had no idea if any of them were winners or not.

Love the guy, but he's stuck in his weird ways and doesn't like change. He's had that truck since he bough it new and it's a huge pile of shit. Bed has a huge gash in it from turning a trailer too sharp. Driver's seat doesn't work unless you sit in it just right, will fly back if you put too much pressure on it. He drives around with a ratchet strap holding the doors shut because he never fixed a loose hinge and it eventually smashed in the striker on the door. :laughing: I've offered to pick up junk yard parts for free for him for years and he always gets mad about it because its shit he'll supposedly get to one day. He'll probably buy the parts at some point, but it will take him another 10 years to ever get around to putting them on if ever.

Clean it out, check for winners, and return the losers. Might take a weekend, but you might win $100 for detailing his car and not have to get rid of the trash.
I don’t understand this. The lotto is gambling. Literally gambling. You don’t enjoy it, but you do it. Maybe you don’t enjoy slots or cards and keno is more your thing. Explain how you don’t like gambling but gamble and expect to lose.

I don't like cards and I don't get a charge out of the spin of the wheel or throwing dice... I don't like Vegas type stuff.

I like the lotto because there is an insanely limited chance that I could win, but it would be an interesting thing to experience. I know the odds are so long that I cannot expect to win, but, hey, who knows. Somebody has to.

Extremely low risk opportunity for often generational money. I'm in.

Winining 5K in video poker? yawn.
Clean it out, check for winners, and return the losers. Might take a weekend, but you might win $100 for detailing his car and not have to get rid of the trash.

Nope, I don't touch anything around there anymore. Not worth the hassle.

On the other hand, I'm currently his boss at the place he's worked for 20 years, so that's an interesting dynamic. :laughing:
We get along great, I've just learned it's not worth the hassle on the personal side. He gets pissed as fuck at me at work fairly often, but knows how much worse it was prior to me being there so he mostly gets over it. :laughing:
I don't like cards and I don't get a charge out of the spin of the wheel or throwing dice... I don't like Vegas type stuff.

I like the lotto because there is an insanely limited chance that I could win, but it would be an interesting thing to experience. I know the odds are so long that I cannot expect to win, but, hey, who knows. Somebody has to.

Extremely low risk opportunity for often generational money. I'm in.

Winining 5K in video poker? yawn.

There is an insanely limited chance you hit blackjack, bingo, or get struck by lightening.

5 k on video poker doesn’t even get your photo in the paper.
4 million bucks off $5 and you can be a loser all day long on the insanely limited chance you win a low risk opportunity.

it’s gambling. It’s a low risk high reward until you’re mortgaging you’re house to play another round.
“When the runs stops.....”
I buy a $10 combo ticket once a week. Cards don't do anything for me, never been to Vegas. I don't do drugs anymore (do em a lot less actually), so I figure $10 on a chance at early retirement...or even just a bump on the bank account isn't gonna hurt. I buy groceries, then stop at the smokes and lotto counter for a $10 double dip pack. I've won around $50 in the last 2 months. Slightly behind, but I've spilled more than that in coffee in a week too.:laughing:
I'm picking some tomorrow. Probably $5 on each.
last of the big spenders.
I could count on one hand the amount of lotto/powerball/scratch off tickets I've bought in my lifetime. My mom usually gets us all a few scratch tickets for a stocking stuffer at Christmas time. 99% of them are losers and then someone might win a buck or two.
I'm shocked my stepdad hasn't lucked out on that yet.

He buys scratchers all day long. He goes to 711 for them probably 4-5 times a day 7 days a week. You open the passenger door of his truck and piles of them fall out. He does win a lot, but with as much as he buys them I don't see how you couldn't and I doubt he breaks even.

On the plus side, it makes it easy on me for getting him birthday and Christmas gifts. I pick him up two packs of Marlboro Reds, 2 $5 scratchers, a Bic, and a 711 coffee and he's thrilled to death every time. Costs me like $20. :laughing:

shit, i'd be thrilled to death with that for christmas :laughing: beats a card or something expensive
I play when the pot is large, odds are stupid, but there is a chance, someone has to win.
also put money at work if they do it, I don't want to be the only guy showing up.
I donated $40 and didn’t even get 2 numbers. When it gets big we have a group text with 4-8 families and we all go in $10-$20 each for a group buy.
the idiot tax is when you buy more than one ticket. buy one. buying the second does not improve your chances. I buy one of the super, mega and power. 5 bucks, three drawings. about the price of a fancy coffee... and, hey, you get to wonder about which accountant you'll hire, which tax attorney, and who you will give your current (pretty nice) stuff to.

Now I know why you are a democrat, you can’t do math.
I play in a work pool and a friend pool of 5 people when the pot gets 200M+. It's stupid, but you gotta pay to play. We were joking when both pots started to get big: What if..... WHAT IF you some how, some way, won both jackpots???? You'd probably be investigated or some shit.:stirthepot:

Anyway, what's the difference between odds an chances? I figured if you buy two tickets they still have the same odds of winning, but having two tickets would give you two chances at winning.
I buy some every blue moon for my girlfriend and I because she loves it. She's hooked on keno. Won 60k on it once. Took home around 40. Probably spends that much in a month on it.:laughing:

Anyone else ever win a nice chunk of change?
Every once in a while. Sometimes I forgot I had them and they expired.

I only play big one like these after winner are won. In case I win the jackpot lotto (I think like 10 to 15 mil?) No one will give a fuck about the itty bitty jackpot lotto vs half bil+.
I'll grab a couple dollar scratchers once a month or so. That's about it
I buy one each of Mega and PB when they get to 300 million plus. That's 100 mil after taxes with lump sum.
it is the only gambling I do. I'm not against gambling, I just don't enjoy it. But, the lotto is fun. While I don't expect to win, I do have a plan for when I do.

Opposite for me. I've played poker for 20 years and go to Vegas at least 4 times a year. Never bought a lottery ticket or scratcher of any kind.
I'll randomly buy the wife a few scratches because she enjoys them, and only buy lotto tix when the jackpot gets yuge.
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