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Who Plays the Lottery


Red Skull Member
May 22, 2020
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Picked up a couple tickets for both the Mega Millions and Powerball. Mega sitting at $625 Mil and Power at $550 Mil. I’ll drop a couple bucks when it catches my eye but not a normal player. Someone’s gotta win right????
I'll buy a couple of the smaller games when the big ones get to absurd payouts and everyone and their brother is buying them. Figure there's less people buying the smaller games then. That said, I'm still not a millionaire so who knows how well that logic holds up. :laughing:
Oooo I meant to get tickets on the way home tonight. I'll grab some for the pb tomorrow. Can't win if you don't play...
they're a tax on the poor
they tax you when you earn the money, they tax you when you buy the ticket, they tax the ABSOLUTE FUCK outta you when you win the money, then they tax you when you spend the money
fuck that
That's my retirement. I pay into it every week, by the time I'm retiring age I'll be rich.
it is the only gambling I do. I'm not against gambling, I just don't enjoy it. But, the lotto is fun. While I don't expect to win, I do have a plan for when I do.
I think i bought a ticket 35 years ago. Someone gave me one 30 years ago. Neither won.

i might play powerball or mega millions once every 5 years. i still havent bought a ticket for this big jackpot
Only when there's a work pool going, would totally suck to be the only one not retiring...
I buy a couple mega millions tickets a year... usually $10 worth or so. I probably spend $200/year on scratchers randomly and am pretty confident I am way ahead on them.
Nevada doesn't do Lottery tickets. neither does Utah which is the state I go to most often when I leave Nevada. That said when I go to Idaho or other Lottery state I buy a couple. A couple times I was in Vegas I drove to Stateline to buy some In California. You can't win if you don't play.
Spending money on lottery tickets is right up there with cigarettes and cheap booze, as things that poor people can spend money on to momentarily feel good, while staying poor.

*edit* I just saw it's over half a billion, goddamn I think I'll go buy one just for the hell of it. My comment above really only applies to people who do those things habitually anyway, not me :rolleyes:
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Two tickets per drawing for powerball only. A few months back I matched powerball plus the first 3. Talk about an adrenaline rush.
[486 said:
;n268858]they're a tax on the poor AT MATH.
they tax you when you earn the money, they tax you when you buy the ticket, they tax the ABSOLUTE FUCK outta you when you win the money, then they tax you when you spend the money
fuck that


I also don't live in terror of shark attack, or lay awake nights waiting for Charlene the Princess of Monaco to call.
I’ll pick up a smaller state one every now and again. Usually once they get to around 5 mill. I figure that my two plays both with a kicker ($4) is less than a coffee that I never ever buy anyway, so why not splurge six times a year?
Spending money on lottery tickets is right up there with cigarettes and cheap booze, as things that poor people can spend money on to momentarily feel good, while staying poor.
Nah. Its more like cheap entertainment.
I always considered it an idiot tax. But I buy 5 bucks worth every couple of years. May be when I’m worth 5 million, I’ll have enough money to give it to the state for a “thrill”.
I always think I should pick one up when I fill up the car, but it always seems to slip my mind until im back in the car and halfway back home...
I always considered it an idiot tax. But I buy 5 bucks worth every couple of years. May be when I’m worth 5 million, I’ll have enough money to give it to the state for a “thrill”.

the idiot tax is when you buy more than one ticket. buy one. buying the second does not improve your chances. I buy one of the super, mega and power. 5 bucks, three drawings. about the price of a fancy coffee... and, hey, you get to wonder about which accountant you'll hire, which tax attorney, and who you will give your current (pretty nice) stuff to.
[486 said:
wouldn't it double them?

Yes, well as long as you pick different numbers for them. Maybe he means in a practical sense... going from .0000001% chances to .0000002% might be double, but it's all still pretty solidly in the hands of lady luck at that point so why bother?
[486 said:
wouldn't it double them?

Buy one ticket, and you have a one in 292,201,338 chance of winning the jackpot. Buy two tickets, you have a two in 292,201,338 chance. Essentially, you are wasting the second ticket.
Woman at work was obsessed with scratch off’s. She won 3 million a few months ago on a scratch off.

I can’t justify spending the money. So I don’t play and my luck sucks.
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