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Which conspiracy theories do you believe?

Which conspiracy theories do you believe.

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There was a previous flu, maybe Sars?, I can’t remember exactly but the media played it up so big that people were waiting in lines for hours to get the shot and I said right away this was just a test to see how people reacted and something much, much bigger was in the works.
9/11 was an inside job.

Not in a holographic planes, nano-thermite, disappearing passengers, pentagon missile way, but in a spooks facilitated details way.

Kinda like the fist time:

1993 World Trade Center bombing
Emad Salem, an FBI informant and a key witness in the trial of Ramzi Yousef, Abdul Hakim Murad, and Wali Khan Amin Shah, stated that the bomb itself was built under supervision from the FBI.[7] During his time as an FBI informant, Salem recorded hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers, and reports submitted in court. In tapes made after the bombings, Salem alleged that an unnamed FBI supervisor declined to move forward on a plan that would have used a "phony powder" to fool the conspirators into believing that they were working with genuine explosives.[8]
None of the above.
Everything is hearsay, how can you prove anything? Prove to me we killed OBL. You can't. Someone said they did.

. But there's eyewitnesses have Oswald in NO with Carlos Marcello in the days before the assassination.

There's a lot of signs and things that can't be explained.

What if Oswald did it with the backing of the Mafia? A little convenient a terminally ill depraved mob underling killed Oswald before he could talk.

I'm sure Oswald did it all on his own though. 6.5 carcano , like a master.
Just as I thought, hearsay, speculation, and assumptions.
Nothing much at all. Until irrefutable proof is presented I don't get excited about much. Confirmation bias goes right over people's heads these days.
Should be able to pick more than one. Johnson was involved in JFK assassination.
I only selected JFK. Most elections are/have been a sham.

Still too early to tell if wuflu was a social experiment or just a massive fuck up with a bunch of attempts at CYA from government officials.
I only selected JFK. Most elections are/have been a sham.

Still too early to tell if wuflu was a social experiment or just a massive fuck up with a bunch of attempts at CYA from government officials.
Even JFK's election
2. I used to think the moon landing was fake. Evidence seemed compelling and believable. Then I watched Buzz Aldrin knock a motherfucker out at 72 for saying it was fake. Started listening to some of his speeches and whatnot after that and I just don't believe that man is a liar.

If you were around in the 50s and 60s, you'd never question it at all.
I definitely don't buy the official narrative on JFK. There's way too much smoke and the Warren commission was an investigation with a predetermined conclusion.

Same with Roswell.

COVID very likely leaked from that Wuhan lab. I definitely don't think it was a bioweapon though and I think the leak was most likely completely accidental

We know MK Ultra was real. We know the Tuskegee experiments were real. We know the government framed and executed a woman for espionage (Ethel Rosenberg) in a misguided effort to get her husband to squeal (who was later confirmed to legit be a spy, albeit a pretty useless one). The elite pedophile island conspiracy virtually no one believed lol and behold proved true when Epstein got arrested. You can't so confidently thumb your nose at government conspiracies when some of the wildest ones were proven to be stone cold fact.
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I definitely don't buy the official narrative on JFK. There's way too much smoke and the Warren commission was an investigation with a predetermined conclusion.

Same with Roswell.

COVID very likely leaked from that Wuhan lab. I definitely don't think it was a bioweapon though and I think the leak was most likely completely accidental

We know MK Ultra was real. We know the Tuskegee experiments were real. We know the government framed and executed a woman for espionage (Ethel Rosenberg) in a misguided effort to get her husband to squeal (who was later confirmed to legit be a spy, albeit a pretty useless one). The elite pedophile island conspiracy virtually no one believed lol and behold proved true when Epstein got arrested. You can't so confidently thumb your nose at government conspiracies when some of the wildest ones were proven to be stone cold fact.
All of this adds up...

I have a pretty tough time making fun of conspiracy theorists for the last while now.

Is God a conspiracy theory too? :laughing::flipoff2:
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