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Which conspiracy theories do you believe.

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^this guy would fit in here.:idea: MChat he speaks your language. If you haven't already seen/listened to it you should do so.

About an hour in some of the things he said aligned with some of what I've been saying, but sitting through his Shaman philosophies was eye-rolling for me (but then I'm sure there are those here whose eyes roll at some of the things I've posted). One thing I got from watching this video is that if QAnon is real, he/they are working for the Antichrist -- knowingly or unknowingly.

The whole Age of Aquarius thing he talked about, and the Fall of the Cabal series also talked about is absolutely preparing humanity for the arrival of the Antichrist. He is correct in that nearly all religions are related: nearly every religion is a version of the pre-flood religion introduced to humanity by The Fallen. The "pure" Judeo-Christian religion stands apart from that, but so many versions or branches of it have absolutely become entangled with that ancient false religion as well.

But yes, the programming is real, and there is a collection of families (a.k.a. The Elite or The Cabal) that have been controlling not only the monetary systems, but also the narratives (and therefore the programming of society) for millennia.

There is a reason the Q-Shaman was escorted around the Capitol Building; it all fits in with the QAnon/Antichrist's exposing (and destruction) of The Elite in order to bring about the Antichrist's final one-world government. Now, everyone knows who he is enabling him to further spread his message, a message that ultimately is a herald of the false light of the Antichrist.

In Revelation 17 we see the One World Government come into existence (verse 3) under the control of The Cabal (verse 4 - the woman in purple and red is Lillith, whom The Elite claim to descend from). But in verse 16, we see that it is the Antichrist via the 10 "kings" who are given power with the Antichrist (verse 12) that destroys the Cabal.

According to the Fall of the Cabal / QAnon movement it is the destruction of The Cabal that will finally usher in the Age of Aquarius (under the Antichrist, but they don't realize it, or understandably don't mention it if they do realize it).

IMO, more darkness must come in order for the false light of the Antichrist to shine bright enough for people to believe that the Antichrist is God.
That dude is different than I was les to believe he would be. Super smart and articulate and influential. Probably also one of the reasons they kept him locked up.

Also way too religious for lots here.
MChat he lost me with the shaman talk, but I do believe that he believes it. I'm also not gonna deny that there is some truth to it, but that wasn't why I posted this.
The 'end times' talk is also lost on me as anytime someone talks end times I feel like it can't be as we aren't supposed to know the day or the hour, and I've always felt that it's intentionally not supposed to be notices.

That said, I think he's way more right than wrong regarding the 'less than 1%' class war stuff and Q being a psyop. It may be a 'good' psyop as he believes but it was always way to out in the news for me to believe it was 100% organic.
I'm also way more convinced of J6 being an astroturf color revolution than an organic protest. Plenty of useful idiots on both sides. I believe in the principles of MAGA but I'm not an orange man worshipper like so many that showed up that day.

This is why you don't worship Man, any man or woman. They can be role models, some can even be heroes, but none deserve blind trust. Part of the reason I'm not a Trump 'supporter' (even though I voted for him twice and would do it again) is the fact he's never apologized to his supporters for goading them into this bullshit. Yes, almost all were peaceful who were there, almost all were well within their rights, and almost all who have faced consequences are being railroaded. The biggest criticism of Trump is this: He's not articulate enough to communicate in a way that would leave him insulated from blame when the feds are trying to stir up trouble. He's not willing to apologize for him not being clear enough regarding what he wanted that day (or not having any plan but just running off at the mouth out of frustration). If you have a bunch of useful idiot followers you are responsible for their actions.
Look at the Canadian trucker protests. Ended in kinda the same way for those involved due to El Presidente Trudeau trying to outdo his sperm donor, but you can't find a fucking thing those guys and gals did that warranted condemnation. Yes, you have to look for it but some of the Trump crowd was involved in bad shit that day, stirred up by the Feds of course, but also stirred up by Trump's rhetoric. Without one or the other it probably would have been as wild as a Pat Boone concert.
I feel like it can't be as we aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
That is a modern interpretation of that passage, primarily held by believers in a Pretribulation Rapture (the doctrine of which is only a couple hundred years old). However, the audience Jesus said that passage to understood completely that the Jewish festival Rosh Hashanah was known (at the time) as "the day and hour which no man knows" because it took two Rabbi's to agree they could see the sliver of the new moon to begin the month (and the festival). Modern celebration of this feast is calculated, and the two Rabbi's agreeing is ceremonial, if done at all. Rosh Hashanah is also known as the Feast of Trumpets, as there are several times where trumpets are blown, but it is the final trumpet, the blowing of the Shofar which marks the final blowing of the trumpets, it is "The Last Trump."

Even if you do hold to the Pretrib view of that passage, there are other passages where Jesus says there will be signs telling us that we're getting close. In fact, Matthew 24 is in answer to the disciples asking what the signs of the end times will be. Note that Jesus gives them signs; He doesn't tell them "You won't know".

This is why you don't worship Man, any man or woman. They can be role models, some can even be heroes, but none deserve blind trust. Part of the reason I'm not a Trump 'supporter' (even though I voted for him twice and would do it again) is the fact he's never apologized to his supporters for goading them into this bullshit.

Exactly. I never pegged Trump as the Antichrist, but I thought he might be one of the 10 "horns" that are given power for "a short time". Meanwhile, there will come a man that people will (incorrectly) come to worship as God and he will manage to unite the world in peace (for about 3 1/2 years). And I don't think he will be divisive like Trump was (or like the media caused Trump to be).

^^ that one

In 1947 the C.I.A. was founded, its sole responsibility to watch and survey tens of thousands of Americans suspected of doing communist things. This orchestrated stalking epidemic went on for almost 5 years, and few were found guilty of any real crimes. However, it became clear in the early 1950s that the threat of communism was only going to rise, and a broader system was needed to track any individual who was suspected of such activity. The fears were only encouraged when in 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were wrongly arrested and convicted of espionage against the United States- accused of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union (the big boy communist people.) This highly publicized event gave the government a small window to implement a new program that would place the first CCTV surveillance cameras in areas with a high Russian immigrant concentration.

This went on for a few years or so, when in 1953 Allen Dulles was made the first civilian director of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and made it his mission to ramp up the surveillance program; hiding cameras in thousands of locations and ordering his staff to plant them in areas that would be impossible to detect (although let’s face it, in the 1950s- you could walk into a bank with a slingshot and steal thousands of dollars. Security was one big joke.) He knew that the possibilities for this camera program were endless, and on April 15th, 1956 met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and proposed a plan that would putcameras in the sky. Dulles knew that the sky was the future for his surveillance program, as you could truly track someone with a moving camera- much easier than having to switch between cameras on street corners and hidden in storm drains. One camera in the sky could do the work of hundreds on the ground…

Eisenhower approved the initial idea and asked him to return when he had figured out how to make it possible. Dulles left the oval office and immediately flew to an undisclosed location- meeting with various members of his inner circle, to discuss the plan in more intricate detail. It is believed that the initial plan for killing all of the birds and replacing them with flying cameras was thought up one weekend in May of 1956. Dulles and his team hated birds with a passion, and were heard on many occasions calling them,” flying slugs” and,” the scum of the skies,” as they would often poop on their cars in the parking lot of the C.I.A. headquarters, and quite frankly- all over the D.C. Metro area. I believe this was one of the driving forces that led Dulles to not only implement robots into the sky, but actually replace birds in the process. They did not need to kill all of the birds, and could have launched a quarter of the robot birds that they did, but the pigeons in D.C. at the time were absolutely ruthless… they were eating very well, as American moral was high- people were feeding them much more in public parks and on the street. This in turn created huge amounts of pigeon feces, that would inevitably find its way to the windshield of many men and women- all of whom grew to not only hate pigeons, but all birds. In a stolen transcript from an ex-CIA deputy, she says,” yeah, the higher ups were so annoyed that birds had been dropping fecal matter on their car windows that they vowed to wipe out every single flying feathered creature in North America.”

In this meeting they sought to kill two birds with one stone and remove all birds from the United States (thus eliminating their fecal problem), but also replacing these birds with billions of sophisticated robot look a likes- capable of mimicking real birds in every way. Dulles and his team wanted to create the greatest surveillance system ever imagined, with the capability of tracking someone on foot, in a vehicle, or even in their personal home.


In 1947 the C.I.A. was founded, its sole responsibility to watch and survey tens of thousands of Americans suspected of doing communist things. This orchestrated stalking epidemic went on for almost 5 years, and few were found guilty of any real crimes. However, it became clear in the early 1950s that the threat of communism was only going to rise, and a broader system was needed to track any individual who was suspected of such activity. The fears were only encouraged when in 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were wrongly arrested and convicted of espionage against the United States- accused of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union (the big boy communist people.) This highly publicized event gave the government a small window to implement a new program that would place the first CCTV surveillance cameras in areas with a high Russian immigrant concentration.

This went on for a few years or so, when in 1953 Allen Dulles was made the first civilian director of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and made it his mission to ramp up the surveillance program; hiding cameras in thousands of locations and ordering his staff to plant them in areas that would be impossible to detect (although let’s face it, in the 1950s- you could walk into a bank with a slingshot and steal thousands of dollars. Security was one big joke.) He knew that the possibilities for this camera program were endless, and on April 15th, 1956 met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and proposed a plan that would putcameras in the sky. Dulles knew that the sky was the future for his surveillance program, as you could truly track someone with a moving camera- much easier than having to switch between cameras on street corners and hidden in storm drains. One camera in the sky could do the work of hundreds on the ground…

Eisenhower approved the initial idea and asked him to return when he had figured out how to make it possible. Dulles left the oval office and immediately flew to an undisclosed location- meeting with various members of his inner circle, to discuss the plan in more intricate detail. It is believed that the initial plan for killing all of the birds and replacing them with flying cameras was thought up one weekend in May of 1956. Dulles and his team hated birds with a passion, and were heard on many occasions calling them,” flying slugs” and,” the scum of the skies,” as they would often poop on their cars in the parking lot of the C.I.A. headquarters, and quite frankly- all over the D.C. Metro area. I believe this was one of the driving forces that led Dulles to not only implement robots into the sky, but actually replace birds in the process. They did not need to kill all of the birds, and could have launched a quarter of the robot birds that they did, but the pigeons in D.C. at the time were absolutely ruthless… they were eating very well, as American moral was high- people were feeding them much more in public parks and on the street. This in turn created huge amounts of pigeon feces, that would inevitably find its way to the windshield of many men and women- all of whom grew to not only hate pigeons, but all birds. In a stolen transcript from an ex-CIA deputy, she says,” yeah, the higher ups were so annoyed that birds had been dropping fecal matter on their car windows that they vowed to wipe out every single flying feathered creature in North America.”

In this meeting they sought to kill two birds with one stone and remove all birds from the United States (thus eliminating their fecal problem), but also replacing these birds with billions of sophisticated robot look a likes- capable of mimicking real birds in every way. Dulles and his team wanted to create the greatest surveillance system ever imagined, with the capability of tracking someone on foot, in a vehicle, or even in their personal home.

Fact check false!

Can't really argue against the rest...:flipoff2:
I got one for you. Go to the old site, search when I posted "George Soros" I called out that he was buying DAs to create political change, long before it became widely accepted among the right, got called chicken little over it too :flipoff2:
I got one for you. Go to the old site, search when I posted "George Soros" I called out that he was buying DAs to create political change, long before it became widely accepted among the right, got called chicken little over it too :flipoff2:
I listened to the same radio program. You're not speshul.:flipoff2:

In 1947 the C.I.A. was founded, its sole responsibility to watch and survey tens of thousands of Americans suspected of doing communist things. This orchestrated stalking epidemic went on for almost 5 years, and few were found guilty of any real crimes. However, it became clear in the early 1950s that the threat of communism was only going to rise, and a broader system was needed to track any individual who was suspected of such activity. The fears were only encouraged when in 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were wrongly arrested and convicted of espionage against the United States- accused of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union (the big boy communist people.) This highly publicized event gave the government a small window to implement a new program that would place the first CCTV surveillance cameras in areas with a high Russian immigrant concentration.

This went on for a few years or so, when in 1953 Allen Dulles was made the first civilian director of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) and made it his mission to ramp up the surveillance program; hiding cameras in thousands of locations and ordering his staff to plant them in areas that would be impossible to detect (although let’s face it, in the 1950s- you could walk into a bank with a slingshot and steal thousands of dollars. Security was one big joke.) He knew that the possibilities for this camera program were endless, and on April 15th, 1956 met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower and proposed a plan that would putcameras in the sky. Dulles knew that the sky was the future for his surveillance program, as you could truly track someone with a moving camera- much easier than having to switch between cameras on street corners and hidden in storm drains. One camera in the sky could do the work of hundreds on the ground…

Eisenhower approved the initial idea and asked him to return when he had figured out how to make it possible. Dulles left the oval office and immediately flew to an undisclosed location- meeting with various members of his inner circle, to discuss the plan in more intricate detail. It is believed that the initial plan for killing all of the birds and replacing them with flying cameras was thought up one weekend in May of 1956. Dulles and his team hated birds with a passion, and were heard on many occasions calling them,” flying slugs” and,” the scum of the skies,” as they would often poop on their cars in the parking lot of the C.I.A. headquarters, and quite frankly- all over the D.C. Metro area. I believe this was one of the driving forces that led Dulles to not only implement robots into the sky, but actually replace birds in the process. They did not need to kill all of the birds, and could have launched a quarter of the robot birds that they did, but the pigeons in D.C. at the time were absolutely ruthless… they were eating very well, as American moral was high- people were feeding them much more in public parks and on the street. This in turn created huge amounts of pigeon feces, that would inevitably find its way to the windshield of many men and women- all of whom grew to not only hate pigeons, but all birds. In a stolen transcript from an ex-CIA deputy, she says,” yeah, the higher ups were so annoyed that birds had been dropping fecal matter on their car windows that they vowed to wipe out every single flying feathered creature in North America.”

In this meeting they sought to kill two birds with one stone and remove all birds from the United States (thus eliminating their fecal problem), but also replacing these birds with billions of sophisticated robot look a likes- capable of mimicking real birds in every way. Dulles and his team wanted to create the greatest surveillance system ever imagined, with the capability of tracking someone on foot, in a vehicle, or even in their personal home.

Damn robot Mallards and forest chickens are tasty. :laughing:
Easy on the 9/11 stuff, lots of feelings and bias there, I mean, we like totally fought a 20 year on terror before losing it


This has always rubbed me wrong

Data from Whitehouse. Gov years ago, which has since been scrubbed...

Afghanistan was a 1-3% player in global opiate production for years. Come 2002, skyrocketed to #1 spot and produced 90% of global opiates for dang near the duration of us occupation. Occupied by us troops fighting the war on terror, at the same time there is a federal war on drugs.

Planes dropping off supplies all day long, I imagine they weren't empty coming back

For grins, look up how hard it is to find global opiate production by country over the years, lots of fancy wording to dance around it
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