When people ask why dont wear a mask just answer we've needed a good plague for awhile trying to do my part to kill as many people as possible. If they say anything I start fake coughing have yet to had a problem. We've been mandated masks for 2 weeks at this point and I always laugh when I never wear one and 75+% of employees will take theirs down to tak to me.
I have found the random Karen super easy to deal with, I have a long beard and hair so just talk a little bit to myself then look at them they scurry like a rat to cheese. A lot of the employees know who and laugh, I've legitimate gotten compliments.
It amazes me if you look back in history ever 100-500 years pretty much every civilization had between 5%-50% of the entire Male population wiped out. Yet they all survived.
I've actually got called out for 'white Male privilege' in the last few weeks in a normally extremely liberal area by white and black women helping them load their cars with heavy objects. At this point the majority of blacks know ade voting for trumpster and a few union Democrats so wouldn't be surprised if he pulls it.
Red eagle checking out