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This is my reply when hearing of someone’s truck getting stolen, house being burgled, seeing a bum full on tuckered out in the gutter etc…
Well, in some of the junkies defense... when the doctor has you lit on time release patented "non addictive" heroin 24/7 for years on end... then one day says "sorry you can't have this anymore, maybe try ibuprofen"... well we get what we get.
That’s no shit. I live and grew up in wv and saw it first hand. Drs prescribed opiates like candy then the feds came in and said no more. Left a lot of the functioning addicts to turn to full blown heroin junkies.

Lots of people that legit had a bad back, fucked up shoulder, bum knee whatever from working in the mines, cutting timber etc that popped a pill here and there to get through the day suddenly couldn’t get them but still had the pain and started experiencing withdrawal. They started buying them on the black market for huge amounts of money then along came heroin. Cheap, worked better, easier to get etc and it was and still is a shit show.
Take away the narcan and let the problem sort itself out.
They forced me to BUY a prescription of that shit to allow me to continue on tramodol for a fawked back. Something i take as little of as possible and is relatively mild anyhow.

over the dozen or so years it's nearly gone from treated like it's OTC to must be a crackhead.

I have to bring the pill bottles in for them to count to make sure im not selling them. I forget once, worked a 6pm to am shift (plus 2hrs of drive) and went over right after work.

I just had the small bottle i keep in my lunch bag with maybe 15-20 pills. They about read my rights over it till the OG owner doctor stepped in.
That’s no shit. I live and grew up in wv and saw it first hand. Drs prescribed opiates like candy then the feds came in and said no more. Left a lot of the functioning addicts to turn to full blown heroin junkies.

Lots of people that legit had a bad back, fucked up shoulder, bum knee whatever from working in the mines, cutting timber etc that popped a pill here and there to get through the day suddenly couldn’t get them but still had the pain and started experiencing withdrawal. They started buying them on the black market for huge amounts of money then along came heroin. Cheap, worked better, easier to get etc and it was and still is a shit show.
I work(ed) with a few. One was a super church guy around 50, didn't even drink. Married since getting out of HS, good kids, grandkids, etc. Had a couple botched back surgeries and was on oxy from late 90's till maybe 2015 when he was cut off. Life fell apart over the course of the next year, quit work like 1 year away from retirement, probably moved to SanFran... dunno. He just disappeared. Pretty sure he's not alive anymore.
Getting addicted to pain pills scares me, since I have come close a couple of times back when I was having eye surgeries they wouldn't even ask if you needed them they would just bring them in. My dad figured it out the figured itout, told them unless I ask don't bring them, after that I learned to tough it out. Of course now days they give you the stuff that is 75% Tylenol which does nothing.
Well, in some of the junkies defense... when the doctor has you lit on time release patented "non addictive" heroin 24/7 for years on end... then one day says "sorry you can't have this anymore, maybe try ibuprofen"... well we get what we get.
When I lived in eastern Kentucky. In allergy season, I'd go see the Dr. and everyone called the local dr's 'shot doctors' which meant, you couldn't go in without getting a shot.

Anyway, I'd go in, dripping and coughing and wheezing and come out on top of the world... only to find out later that they had a cocktail of steroid and B12... the doc called it 'the teacher special' man, for 3 weeks I thought I was superman.

I told my family doctor about it later and he shook his head and said, 'those guys should be in prison.'
Well, in some of the junkies defense... when the doctor has you lit on time release patented "non addictive" heroin 24/7 for years on end... then one day says "sorry you can't have this anymore, maybe try ibuprofen"... well we get what we get.
Someone i cared about went through this first hand. fawk them all
I live and work in central Fl And if we are at the bottom of the list, then I would truly hate to see what it’s like in the bad states.
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