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Vice Presidential debate 2020

She is a shit candidate, but she's still better than the big two.

Tom even said afterward. Im pretty sure the Libertarian party just pulls a name out of the hat each year and says. Well its your turn to run this year.

Dont get me wrong I like the idea of the Libertarian party, but until they change how people are elected. You seriously are just throwing your vote away.

I think the way an election should be like some states. If you dont get over 50%. It goes to a second election with the top two going against each other. That way the first time around you could vote 3rd party and not feel completely useless.
Some Americans are self-centered, high-school (if that) educated and don't care about the world and it's climate. In that light, Pence did a greater job.
People that are intelligent, think globally, understand that the current system cannot work, and America cannot go backward in time, that of course taxes must go up to support the weak, in that light Kamala did a greater job.

In essence, another bipartisan shit show of "flags" and "propaganda speech".
Terrible. Nobody's vote was swayed...

Trump's recent behavior is so bad it doesn't really matter what Pence said.
What a weak troll attempt tw@. Same old song and dance to spin up the same old suckers that willingly participate in your retarded game will be along soon no doubt. :homer:
Some Americans are self-centered, high-school (if that) educated and don't care about the world and it's climate. In that light, Pence did a greater job.
People that are intelligent, think globally, understand that the current system cannot work, and America cannot go backward in time, that of course taxes must go up to support the weak, in that light Kamala did a greater job.

In essence, another bipartisan shit show of "flags" and "propaganda speech".
Terrible. Nobody's vote was swayed...

Trump's recent behavior is so bad it doesn't really matter what Pence said.

I was half a page into a rebuttal, but it boils down to this FUCK YOU, I am glad my Great grand parents left your workers paradise
My country has been overtaken by Muslims and is becoming an absolute shithole. I’m very upset about this, so I’m a strong believer in the term “misery loves company”.

Since I tried repeatedly to become a US citizen and was denied for reasons that may or may not include theft, I am going to preach my upsetness and make it clear I’m butthurt every single day.

I wanted so bad to be an American because it’s fuckin awesome, but since you won’t let me in, fuck that place, I hope it burns to the ground!

(but seriously, any of you guys have connections at immigration? I really want to come)

We know.
My country has been overtaken by Muslims and is becoming an absolute shithole. I’m very upset about this, so I’m a strong believer in the term “misery loves company”.

Since I tried repeatedly to become a US citizen and was denied for reasons that may or may not include theft, I am going to preach my upsetness and make it clear I’m butthurt every single day.

I wanted so bad to be an American because it’s fuckin awesome, but since you won’t let me in, fuck that place, I hope it burns to the ground!

(but seriously, any of you guys have connections at immigration? I really want to come)

You are so weird dude.

I love all people. I want America to succeed. How can you say that?
I want to be a Californian. BTW. Because it's BY FAR the best state.
You are so weird dude.

I love all people. I want America to succeed. How can you say that?
I want to be a Californian. BTW. Because it's BY FAR the best state.


I'm glad I saw this. Now I know you don't actually believe anything you post. Thanks!
First my take on the debate. Pence killed her.

Second, one of her best lines was about Lincoln not nonminate a justice in his last 27 days before reelection. It was great except for the fact that it wasn't true. He couldn't nominate because the senate was out of session till after the election. He did it as soon as possible.

Third, I never knew that Breaonna Taylor drove around with a dead drug dealer in her trunk. Irate is a great place to learn!

and finally, when You guys read this post, Am I the only one who thought of the State Farm commercial where the guy says "well, jakes is a man, so"

Would Hillary or the other Obama have been able to pull it off?
I want to be a Californian. BTW. Because it's BY FAR the best state.

The fact that these words came out of you shows just how truly retarded you really are. California WAS a great state once. Many moons ago. Before the liberals took over and ran this state into the ground. Obscene taxes on everything, massive homeless problems, sanctuary state for illegal border jumpers, can’t buy stuff for your vehicle unless it’s been CARB approved, hell pretty soon you will need a permit to fart in this state so you aren’t contributing to global warming. They want every internal combustion engine vehicle off the roads, they are shutting down our nuclear power plants for the wet dream of solar and wind which can’t come close to keeping up with our current power needs, abysmal management of natural resources, need I go on?
The fact that these words came out of you shows just how truly retarded you really are. California WAS a great state once. Many moons ago. Before the liberals took over and ran this state into the ground. Obscene taxes on everything, massive homeless problems, sanctuary state for illegal border jumpers, can’t buy stuff for your vehicle unless it’s been CARB approved, hell pretty soon you will need a permit to fart in this state so you aren’t contributing to global warming. They want every internal combustion engine vehicle off the roads, they are shutting down our nuclear power plants for the wet dream of solar and wind which can’t come close to keeping up with our current power needs, abysmal management of natural resources, need I go on?

You missed the part where you said "current power needs." Come 2035, after everyone with a brain flees California, there won't be as much need. :flipoff2:
You are so weird dude.

I love all people. I want America to succeed. How can you say that?
I want to be a Californian. BTW. Because it's BY FAR the best state.

Are you drunk? The only thing Cali has going for it is the weather and ocean. Everything else you can get better, cheaper, faster, without the piss smell. With the current trajectory in 10 years Cali will be done. My parents lived there for 4 years in the early 70's. I'm just glad they left.
You are so weird dude.

I love all people. I want America to succeed. How can you say that?
I want to be a Californian. BTW. Because it's BY FAR the best state.

As a native(born,raised and lived here my entire life,except for 3 years I spent in Germany), we don't want you.

We don't want you or your kind.Stay the fuck out.
Personally I like Trumps demeanor. He seems to just cut through the bullshit and lays it out on the table black and white. I'm sick of politicians trying to tell people simply what they want to hear.

The cut through the shit is fine.....I don't care for the childish vindictive behavior.....
Personally I like Trumps demeanor. He seems to just cut through the bullshit and lays it out on the table black and white. I'm sick of politicians trying to tell people simply what they want to hear.

You mean the demeanor of a lying conman / sleazy businessman whose 1st term was predicated on a Mexican-only funded border wall? Black and white, alright.

If you're "...sick of politicians trying to tell people simply what they want to hear" then you should have barfed a few yrs back. :flipoff2:
First my take on the debate. Pence killed her.

Second, one of her best lines was about Lincoln not nonminate a justice in his last 27 days before reelection. It was great except for the fact that it wasn't true. He couldn't nominate because the senate was out of session till after the election. He did it as soon as possible.

Third, I never knew that Breaonna Taylor drove around with a dead drug dealer in her trunk. Irate is a great place to learn!

and finally, when You guys read this post, Am I the only one who thought of the State Farm commercial where the guy says "well, jakes is a man, so"

she didnt drive around with the dead dude in her trunk. they found a car rented in her name with some dead guy in the trunk. the car was last driven by and borrowed by one of a plethora of drug-dealing ex-boyfriends she was laundering drug money for and who would talk about her and to her on recorded jailhouse phone calls.
Are you drunk? The only thing Cali has going for it is the weather and ocean. Everything else you can get better, cheaper, faster, without the piss smell. With the current trajectory in 10 years Cali will be done. My parents lived there for 4 years in the early 70's. I'm just glad they left.

Aren't you one of the people that's never been to California? :laughing:

Economy, dude. Take away what California has brought to the table for the last 50yrs and your life would be different. And I'm not talking about avocados here. :flipoff2:

better, cheaper, faster = wut?
Are you drunk? The only thing Cali has going for it is the weather and ocean. Everything else you can get better, cheaper, faster, without the piss smell. With the current trajectory in 10 years Cali will be done. My parents lived there for 4 years in the early 70's. I'm just glad they left.

California is fricken awesome, so much more than just beaches. Just too many people, and too many bad tudes.
California is fricken awesome, so much more than just beaches. Just too many people, and too many bad tudes.

That's cool, but you need to be convincing the almost 200,000 people who moved out of california in 2019. That's what is unfortunate
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