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Vice Presidential debate 2020

MOTHER has a terminal case of TDS.... She is dancing around all happy thinking that Pence lost the debate. I am going to let her run with that....:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
Wow this recap is worse than the debate. Did they not watch the same thing I just did??? I mean WTF are they spinning... oh wait just realized I was streaming from CNN never mind...
Pence wins, Class act as usual. She's just a screechy whiney bitch.

Black men are defecting for Trump and Harris's ratchet attitude just made Trump/Pence a few more voters.
no runs, no hits, no errors.

The pink eye angle is kind of funny (if you know how you get pink eye)

the problem is he needed to change the conversation and he wasn't able to do that... he is behind right now... this was a missed opportunity.
Black men are defecting for Trump and Harris's ratchet attitude just made Trump/Pence a few more voters.

I was sitting here telling my mom inlaw and wife that she’s chasing off black male voters at an impressive rate right now:lmao:
no runs, no hits, no errors.

The pink eye angle is kind of funny (if you know how you get pink eye)

the problem is he needed to change the conversation and he wasn't able to do that... he is behind right now... this was a missed opportunity.

Disagree. Pence nailed the last answer. The Trump admin is largely touted as being self-absorbed, but Pence talked about having disagreements and through it all coming together as Americans. Ending the debate on a message of healing and unity is something, I believe, that the majority of Americans want to hear. Pence's answer was directly to the student and all of us. Harris got tree'd on that one and her answer was garbage- vote for us in 5 years.
I had to work late, but have access to a tv so I was able to catch parts of the debate. More or less what I was expecting, the media will give the win to her even though I feel the VP did well

I came here to get a feel of what my e-community thought. I wasn’t disappointed... :lmao:
Pence nailed the last answer. The Trump admin is largely touted as being self-absorbed, but Pence talked about having disagreements and through it all coming together as Americans. Ending the debate on a message of healing and unity is something, I believe, that the majority of Americans want to hear. Pence's answer was directly to the student and all of us. Harris got tree'd on that one and her answer was garbage- vote for us in 5 years.

This was my take on the last question.
Smile and shake your head. She did alot of that. Must be her tell.
Disagree. Pence nailed the last answer. The Trump admin is largely touted as being self-absorbed, but Pence talked about having disagreements and through it all coming together as Americans. Ending the debate on a message of healing and unity is something, I believe, that the majority of Americans want to hear. Pence's answer was directly to the student and all of us. Harris got tree'd on that one and her answer was garbage- vote for us in 5 years.

Not to mention the straight up PLEA for ppl to vote for them. How sad is it that you need to use a debate to beg for voters. Wow, just wow. We told you what we want you to hear, so VOTE for US.

Sad that it was better than the Presidential debate but not by much.

Moderator leading should be not allowed. However He handled it well. Saw it coming and somewhat replied as he should have
Pence handled himself well, was not a pussy and handled the bias moderator without being rude, Harris stuck to the script.The MSM will declare her winner. Trump’s only hope is pissed off people not talking to pollsters.
How many times did she say Joe?

Is that the tactic where you just put something in people's ear so many times that it makes them prefer it?
It's mind blowing how her and Joe just keep citing the Rona death number but also that the economy is down like its Trumps fault.

Well what do you want a slowed economy or a magical "safe" public? :rolleyes:

Do not think, do not pass go, do not collect any more free money. 7 months of a 'lock down' that they claim was not enough, then in the same breath say the economy is down... um you THINK- wait that is asking to much.
Just now able to watch.

Biden/Harris keep stating they have "a plan", all theyve stated is ideas.
From her record if you have something she wants she can be had, if your willing to pay the price

Your argument would be stronger with specific examples.
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Your argument would be stronger with specific examples.


AN Francisco’s former Mayor, Willie Brown reportedly had an affair with Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris when she was in her late 20’s. Brown, who was 60 years old at the time met Harris in 1993 when he was a lawyer and civil rights leader in California. ?? Follow our US election 2020 live blog […]

From Snopes

What's True

Harris did date former San Francisco Mayor and State Assembly Speaker Willie Brown for a period of time between 1994 to 1995. In his capacity as speaker, Brown appointed her to two political posts — first to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and then to the Medical Assistance Commission.
What's False

Although Brown was technically still married during the time period that he dated Harris, he had been estranged from his wife Blanche Brown for more than a decade. Harris' first, successful run for office in 2003 happened well after the relationship ended, and Harris sought to distance herself from Brown.
Your argument would be stronger with specific examples.
How does that support your argument?

Why do I get the feeling you support her?

She was sleeping with Willie Brown who helped her get her political carreer by appointing her to

first to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, and then to the Medical Assistance Commission
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