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So are you saying you’re pro vaccine? If so then prove your not a retard and be ok with your vaccines keeping you and yours safe. If it works it works. Kind like masks correct? If you dont think it work or doesn’t work that well, then why are you being retarded? At that point, if you dont think it works, getting it and getting over it is the best choice. Either way using your fear to infringe on others liberty is cowardly at best.

I figured being pro vaccine was pretty self explanatory, but since you're really slow on the uptake here it goes: I am pro-vaccine.

The problem with idiots like yourself running around as big tough anti vax warrior defenders of whatever the fuck trump tells you to say is that you end up being hosts for these viruses. Viruses mutate in the host because they don't do a whole lot of anything outside of one. That leads to new versions of the virus that may make the vaccine less effective or even ineffective.

So in effect your little "but muh liberty" fucks over the liberty of everyone else that took the shot.
I figured being pro vaccine was pretty self explanatory, but since you're really slow on the uptake here it goes: I am pro-vaccine.

The problem with idiots like yourself running around as big tough anti vax warrior defenders of whatever the fuck trump tells you to say is that you end up being hosts for these viruses. Viruses mutate in the host because they don't do a whole lot of anything outside of one. That leads to new versions of the virus that may make the vaccine less effective or even ineffective.

So in effect your little "but muh liberty" fucks over the liberty of everyone else that took the shot.

I didn’t expect a flying dildo to get it. I am vaccinated and so are my kids. I believe in vaccinating against dangerous stuff. This cold is a joke for 99% of the population. The lack of a pile of bodies is evident. So if you want to be somewhat intelligent about it you offer a vaccine to ayone but do not force it upon them. Then you probably recommend a vaccine for people that work in direct contact with high risk people. And if you are going to mandate it then it would be for people living in assisted living homes and the such. And even them I think mandating it is a mistake.

If a vaccine works them it works. If you think that someone else needs to get a vaccine so your works then you’re retarded. If you think that mass vaccination will somehow make the virus go away refer back to my previous sentence. And if your a healthy person who is afraid of this you’re a fucking pussy:flipoff2:

I understand I have a higher chance dying driving to work than I do of dying from the china virus.
I didn’t expect a flying dildo to get it. I am vaccinated and so are my kids. I believe in vaccinating against dangerous stuff. This cold is a joke for 99% of the population. The lack of a pile of bodies is evident. So if you want to be somewhat intelligent about it you offer a vaccine to ayone but do not force it upon them. Then you probably recommend a vaccine for people that work in direct contact with high risk people. And if you are going to mandate it then it would be for people living in assisted living homes and the such. And even them I think mandating it is a mistake.

If a vaccine works them it works. If you think that someone else needs to get a vaccine so your works then you’re retarded. If you think that mass vaccination will somehow make the virus go away refer back to my previous sentence. And if your a healthy person who is afraid of this you’re a fucking pussy:flipoff2:

I understand I have a higher chance dying driving to work than I do of dying from the china virus.

I'm thinking beyond next month. If you don't believe that safeguarding against the threat of plague rat people helping this virus mutate, you don't understand how vaccines work.
The word asymptomatic means nothing eh?

Asymptomatic COVID 19 positive test counts as a case just as much as a symptomatic case. There is no "well he isn't showing signs of being sick so we just won't count this one" exemption for asymptomatic COVID 19 positive test.
Asymptomatic COVID 19 positive test counts as a case just as much as a symptomatic case. There is no "well he isn't showing signs of being sick so we just won't count this one" exemption for asymptomatic COVID 19 positive test.

Apparently you missed what he Trindu was saying in the first place. A positive test result doesn't mean someone is sick. Hence asymptomatic.
Half the people here:

1987: “so i just lick this stupid little stamp with mickey mouse on it?”
2020: “hell no i’m not going to put something like that in my body: it might be a government plot”
Half the people here:

1987: “so i just lick this stupid little stamp with mickey mouse on it?”
2020: “hell no i’m not going to put something like that in my body: it might be a government plot”

I don't get it. You did a lot of blotter back in 87' ???? And a lot of dick in your mouth in 20' ?? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
The problem with idiots like yourself running around as big tough anti vax warrior defenders of whatever the fuck trump tells you to say is that you end up being hosts for these viruses..

Trump doesn't tell people what to say, the people that say stuff you don't like are just free. Nobody forces you to continue argue the stupid crap you blather on about either.

"Hey guys, if you don't all take the vaccine it won't work!", meanwhile people have been ignoring flu shots for years and not hiding it but this is different? Herd compliance is the answer? Fuck off. I ignored all Trumps talk about vaccine and wished he would shut up about it. Put that in your crackpipe and smoke it.

What if there was a Felchingdildo****, and it attempted to influence social media but could not fly, only thump into the wall?
I'm all for a vaccine, the sooner the better. The economy and regular life will be on hold until people feel safe again.

I find it odd that people are willing to take their chances with a novel virus over a vaccine. I'd rather my immune system recognize it than not.
I'm all for a vaccine, the sooner the better. The economy and regular life will be on hold until people feel safe again.

I find it odd that people are willing to take their chances with a novel virus over a vaccine. I'd rather my immune system recognize it than not.

When it's proven to work more than a annual flu shot does we can talk about it.
When it's proven to work more than a annual flu shot does we can talk about it.

Which is basically an unprovable statistic. It’s right up there with if you were to get a vaccine against ebola or something, then swear up and down that the only reason you didn’t get ebola in the middle of the US last year was because you were vaccinated.

You don’t know what flu they selected for the shot that year, if a different strain shows up, it may not work against it, that’s not provenance against the concept of a flu shot working, however. If you look at the larger picture, however, influenza has probably taken a pretty good decline in our population now that yearly shots for it are a pretty common thing.
I don't get it. You did a lot of blotter back in 87' ???? And a lot of dick in your mouth in 20' ?? :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Well, if you didn’t understand that, you’re probably not going to be able to understand a further explanation, either. I’m sure you’ve got windows that need licked, i’ll let you get back to it.
Which is basically an unprovable statistic. It’s right up there with if you were to get a vaccine against ebola or something, then swear up and down that the only reason you didn’t get ebola in the middle of the US last year was because you were vaccinated.

You don’t know what flu they selected for the shot that year, if a different strain shows up, it may not work against it, that’s not provenance against the concept of a flu shot working, however. If you look at the larger picture, however, influenza has probably taken a pretty good decline in our population now that yearly shots for it are a pretty common thing.

Yeah yeah, old news. I'm not telling you not to be a guinea pig test subject and I'm not clamoring for it for me or anyone like it's the best thing for all.
Apparently you missed what he Trindu was saying in the first place. A positive test result doesn't mean someone is sick. Hence asymptomatic.

Thank you. Sometimes I think my sarcasm is laid on too thick, but then I dont feel like getting into it.
Are the middle seats still out of the three seat rows ?? Or, is there some other seat control in use ??

They were when I flew out in Aug and returned in Oct. Beside that the flights were pretty empty.

I should be getting my itenery tomorrow, so I'll be able to see how the seating is.

Looking at seats now. The middle seats in the three wide rows are NOT marked as taken like they were before. That's for the flight from Dallas to Doha, Qatar.

The flight from Qatar to Jakarta, Indonesia does have all the middle seats X'd out. Both flights are on Qatar airways, so that's a head scratcher.

Now trying to upgrade to my very own little pod.:flipoff2:
9/10 irates don't know how vaccines work and are scared little bitches. Amazingly stupid.

Some are sparking diamonds of rational, educated thinking, but you fucksticks Salem then. Fucking morons... :flipoff2:

In 2020...

I'm gonna limit my time here, this place will get marked on internet lists as antivax conspiracy / right wing extreme soon anyhow.
I don't need to be on that list, more so in a Biden presidency.
9/10 irates don't know how vaccines work and are scared little bitches. Amazingly stupid.

Some are sparking diamonds of rational, educated thinking, but you fucksticks Salem then. Fucking morons... :flipoff2:

In 2020...

I'm gonna limit my time here, this place will get marked on internet lists as antivax conspiracy / right wing extreme soon anyhow.
I don't need to be on that list, more so in a Biden presidency.

Good , now fuck off already .

BTW no one and I mean no one will miss your stupid ass. :flipoff2:
In 2020...

I'm gonna limit my time here, this place will get marked on internet lists as antivax conspiracy / right wing extreme soon anyhow.
I don't need to be on that list, more so in a Biden presidency.

Hmm, hello? It is 2020 yet here you are.
9/10 irates don't know how vaccines work and are scared little bitches. Amazingly stupid.

Some are sparking diamonds of rational, educated thinking, but you fucksticks Salem then. Fucking morons... :flipoff2:

In 2020...

I'm gonna limit my time here, this place will get marked on internet lists as antivax conspiracy / right wing extreme soon anyhow.
I don't need to be on that list, more so in a Biden presidency.

Bring on your lists. We ready.

Stay safe 😘
Looking at seats now. The middle seats in the three wide rows are NOT marked as taken like they were before. That's for the flight from Dallas to Doha, Qatar.

The flight from Qatar to Jakarta, Indonesia does have all the middle seats X'd out. Both flights are on Qatar airways, so that's a head scratcher.

Now trying to upgrade to my very own little pod.:flipoff2:

Have a good flight. I don't really miss the patch by the way. :flipoff2: Or the flights over water or anywhere actually. Keep all your $$$$$ :laughing:
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