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Certified Asshole
May 19, 2020
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Say they release a magic injection in January...would you get the shot? What if they mandated that to work or shop you get have to?
I say NO and I'll find a work around any mandates. What about testing? I see no good from being on a, "list," for being tested whether positive or not.
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Say they release a magic injection in January...would you get the shot? What if they mandated that to work or shop you get have to?
I say NO and I'll find a work around any mandates. What about testing? I see no good from being on a, "list," for being tested whether positive or not.

This, this is exactly how I'll approach it myself. I do believe this is exactly where we are headed with this as well which is a big part of my anti mask stance.
If that is what it takes to get to be back to normal normal, not whatever BS "new" normal that we are now living in, sign me right up to be first in line. That is once we have a fully vetted and approved vaccine, and that means not approved on January 19th so Trump can claim to have got it done while he was on the job, nor on the 21st with Biden claiming that it was the first thing he got done as president.
It's just the fucking flu. How many millions had it and didn't even know? All we hear about is CASES, CASES, CASES; not how many people are actually sick. Now they're saying the vaccine will require annual injections? Fuck that. This is a scam and a racket from every angle. They're testing how much they can intrude upon your liberty and privacy. The horrifying part is just how many sheep are willing to sign up and lead themselves to slaughter. Maybe that's how that walking corpse and the affirmative action ho got elected.
absolutely will not , play into the scamdemic..

Yes people are getting sick and dying daily.

Havent people been sick and dying before this strain..

Yes and itll never quit.. may it be scamdemic related or a multitude of other reasons...

We live ...we get sick.... and at some point whether we are sick or not we die.. pretty simple really. .

good luck on forcing a ghost to take a shot or do anything federally mandated....:flipoff2::smokin:
Wouldn’t be surprised if wife and I already had the wutang flu in March, don’t see a need for the shot. Fuck them and the scam.
We all already got it the hard way. Still trying to get a little strength back. I’m guessing we won’t have to decide. It already decided for us.
Not a snowballs chance in hell will they come anywhere near me nor my family with their miracle cure. If it has been tested, vetted and proven safe over a period of 5-10 years like other vaccines then sure but there is no way I'll be some guinea pig for them to try it out on.
Day 1? Nah...give it a few months of widespread use? Sure.

Sounds like a whole bunch of anti-vaxxer idiots in here right now. My view is that even if it's unnecessary (which I don't think it is, but whatever), if that's what it takes to get the world back on track, I'll bite the bullet and take that shit so we can end the madness.
Day 1? Nah...give it a few months of widespread use? Sure.

Sounds like a whole bunch of anti-vaxxer idiots in here right now. My view is that even if it's unnecessary (which I don't think it is, but whatever), if that's what it takes to get the world back on track, I'll bite the bullet and take that shit so we can end the madness.

This isn't polio we're dealing with it's a scam from the start in the form of the sniffles. I'm definitely not a conspiracy type guy but this whole deal screams bullshit from the mountain tops from day 1.

I will not be getting the shot if I have any recourse to not do it.
Day 1? Nah...give it a few months of widespread use? Sure.

Sounds like a whole bunch of anti-vaxxer idiots in here right now. My view is that even if it's unnecessary (which I don't think it is, but whatever), if that's what it takes to get the world back on track, I'll bite the bullet and take that shit so we can end the madness.

Until the next flu hoax with a different name comes along.
This isn't polio we're dealing with it's a scam from the start in the form of the sniffles. I'm definitely not a conspiracy type guy but this whole deal screams bullshit from the mountain tops from day 1.

I will not be getting the shot if I have any recourse to not do it.

Granted it's not super deadly like some diseases...but it is still capable of killing. I'd be happy if we had a common cold vaccine too, getting sick sucks and for 100's of thousands each year it's the end of them.
Granted it's not super deadly like some diseases...but it is still capable of killing. I'd be happy if we had a common cold vaccine too, getting sick sucks and for 100's of thousands each year it's the end of them.

It kills the weakest amongst the population and a handful of people that just have bad genes. Very few people get really sick so I say roll the dice and let's get back to living. Everyone dies eventually so stop living in fear.
I keep thinking about the movie "I am Legend" when they talk about the vaccine and how quickly they are rushing to bring it to market. So no vaccine for me and mine.

This 100%, I just watched that movie a few weeks ago.

it all started with a vaccine that 'cured' cancer.
This 100%, I just watched that movie a few weeks ago.

it all started with a vaccine that 'cured' cancer.

And resident evil had a drug that turned everyone into zombies!

OMG it's the illuminaughty bilderberg chemtrail spraying lizard people from the hollow flat earth turning us into slave labor :eek:
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