not directly,
person hurt bad and a down bike on the lip of a dune. saw it from camp. took the truck i never intended to take out to get a high point, just above. a common one way most will blindly send it off of.
the cop, doesn't help just hassles me. stupid fuck gave me a no flag/ $10 pass ticket. ($2xx ish irrc) the incident was cleaned up no help from him and he takes off smiling.... only to get stuck in the same bad spot. he politely got out and stopped me to get a tow out, i politely told him to take the ticket back or fuck himself. then we watched for a little less than an hour as the patrol monkeys got another to help.... it was a show. sand lake, or.
the next month a person was killed in the same spot. similar incident. a person i know was driving the rail that caused the damage. femeral artery tore, it was horrible. rail driver hasn't stepped foot on the sand since. some of the locals know a guy named Randle sp? bad as rail and a good dude. the person that died was doing the same thing i stopped many from doing when i drove out to the wreck.
i have no sympathy for those that will site a ticket to a person whose clear and obvious reason to break a rule is to help someone in need. its like they want more death to shut down the sand. i have not seen a single OR cop on the sand do anything that promotes good behavior, just revenue collectors.
i'm told the sand lake cop, whos somehow family of the closest fuel store is trying to change that. but that was years ago. i still ride OR but its not where i want to be.
i'm no cop hater, at all. but really. fuck those cops. and never seen a decent one on the sand.
and to be clear this is Oregon. i've met with cops on the sand in id, ut. az, and ca. multiple times and oregon is the worst i've met. not about safety, its about revenue.