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I've had this old-school BFG Krawler sign hanging on the wall in my garage for years. I got it from the local tire shop my buddy worked for many years ago when they got it with some promotional material from BFG.

I don't own a vehicle with Krawlers any more, and the 35's on my LJ get me over the pesky curbs at the mall just fine, so I passed it on to my buddy's son that is getting into competing with his YJ on BFG stickies.

I did some poking around, and I can't find any other images of this particular sign. I was wondering if anyone knows who's rig this is from back then or perhaps what vintage it might be from?

I've had this old-school BFG Krawler sign hanging on the wall in my garage for years. I got it from the local tire shop my buddy worked for many years ago when they got it with some promotional material from BFG.

I don't own a vehicle with Krawlers any more, and the 35's on my LJ get me over the pesky curbs at the mall just fine, so I passed it on to my buddy's son that is getting into competing with his YJ on BFG stickies.

I did some poking around, and I can't find any other images of this particular sign. I was wondering if anyone knows who's rig this is from back then or perhaps what vintage it might be from?
Mike Shaffer. Shaffer’s Offroad. Lance was his spotter. They won a lot of competitions. I wanna say late 90s early 2000s
Am I gonna die of CO poisoning if I use red RTV to seal up the seams in a gas furnace exhaust manifold I had to modify?
Haven’t mowed the lawn in like 3 weeks. Finally got around to it today. Managed to snap one of the wheels off the push mower (mount rusted out) and the blade hit a rock hard when it fell down. Bent the fuck out of the shaft to the point the blade made contact with the side of the deck. It’s 8:30am and I think I’m done doing things for the day
Heat and beat it straight again. The old timer that taught me said to really smack it and try to do it in one shot, the more you mess with it the weaker the shaft gets
Probably gonna leave out late tonight to go deliver in Round Rock tomorrow morning. Seems I can't even be home for 2 days without some bs drama.
Worked 6 days in a row. This isn’t impressive by any means but it is when all OT was by approval only for the last 18 months. I worked Tuesday and today that were OT. My schedule is Wed-Sat.
Saw this F150 on Friday. Little bit crispy. Guessing stolen and torched since it is sitting on blocks and the engine bay looks to be untouched?

Three of us went downtown today. Picked up my bait buckets from the bakery. Went to the park afterwards. They had a truck show today. All cranes, firetrucks, tow trucks, etc. Bunch'a games for the kids. He had fun. Got home, kiddo went down for nap. I took down another three trees. Two came down east. Another, stuck in a god damned tree. It was a bit far in and couldn't reach with the two chains and tractor. Have a tow strap from high school in my truck used that. While backing up, something snapped throwing my chain dead nuts into the FEL. Thought for sure it was my 20+ year old strap. Nope, freaking chain link broke. No idea who makes my two strap, but goddamn.

Finally got the tree down, went in, showered, headed to the tree stand. About a dozen coyotes on the deer cam at the bear barrel. Climbed the tree for two hours. Saw nothing.
My buddy's 'gender reveal' for their upcoming kiddo...she loaded the colored powder in the exhaust of his 1960s David Brown tractor and had him start it up, he didn't know prior to this. Usually I think these are dumb and overdone, maybe just because it's my friend but I thought this was cool.

My buddy's 'gender reveal' for their upcoming kiddo...she loaded the colored powder in the exhaust of his 1960s David Brown tractor and had him start it up, he didn't know prior to this. Usually I think these are dumb and overdone, maybe just because it's my friend but I thought this was cool.

My niece and her husband did the same thing with his semi. Pretty cool.
Have today off. Spent a couple hours in the tree stand. Watched a field mouse for two hours. Desperately wanted a coffee, so packed up.

Checked propane prices. Welp, looks like its going to be wood heat this year. Replacing the stovepipe then working on filling the last wood shed. Got two more pines that need dragging out. Then clearing the lot a bit. I've got loads and loads of boulders and slash I need to move out before I can get the tractor in there any further. Thought about a motorcycle ride, but I've got chorin' to do.
Apparently 4160v 1200 rpm 400 HP motors aren't super easy to acquire on short notice. So tbe boys yanked this one and I got to haul it to the motor repair shop. The ole 6.0l wasn't a big fan of hauling over 2 mountain passes but at least it kept up with the semis.


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Apparently 4160v 1200 rpm 400 HP motors aren't super easy to acquire on short notice. So tbe boys yanked this one and I got to haul it to the motor repair shop. The ole 6.0l wasn't a big fan of hauling over 2 mountain passes but at least it kept up with the semis.

Let there be light!

The garage has needed a new ballast in the main light for years, I've just coped, I have secondary lighting that I added years ago, and have a good head lamp.

Ballast went out in the kitchen this week too. Damn. They're both old, dual, 4', T12 florescent, not the most efficient things. For less than the price of "name brand" ballasts I got these 4' LED bulb replacements. No harder to wire in than a new ballast, and holy cow are they bright! Plus the efficiency! They've only been installed for about 30 minutes, but so far 10/10!


Apparently 4160v 1200 rpm 400 HP motors aren't super easy to acquire on short notice. So tbe boys yanked this one and I got to haul it to the motor repair shop. The ole 6.0l wasn't a big fan of hauling over 2 mountain passes but at least it kept up with the semis.
That thing looks tiny. The 4160v must really help shrink its size. What does it go on? What went wrong with it? How did they notice it was bad?

My cone crushers have a 400hp 460v motors. They look way bigger than that guy. Hopefully they get you fixed up and back running in a quick hurry. :flipoff2:

Edit: You need to watch that YouTube video of that foreign dude and how he takes care of the tails on his straps. I have started using his method and it’s awesome. I have yet to have one come loose. So awesome my employees want me to show them how I do it every time we strap shit down. :lmao:
Edit: You need to watch that YouTube video of that foreign dude and how he takes care of the tails on his straps. I have started using his method and it’s awesome. I have yet to have one come loose. So awesome my employees want me to show them how I do it every time we strap shit down. :lmao:
I keep meaning to start doing that but with the van I have no need. :laughing:
I ate too much at lunch and now I have a stomach ache. blech
Shit boys it's party time...
man, there's been jets flying overhead for like three weeks now. The coolest was a few Ospreys flying in sync. No signs of the stealth bomber like we saw about eight years ago, so there is that.
Edit: You need to watch that YouTube video of that foreign dude and how he takes care of the tails on his straps. I have started using his method and it’s awesome. I have yet to have one come loose. So awesome my employees want me to show them how I do it every time we strap shit down. :lmao:
Dunno what foreign dude you watched but this is how I deal with tails.

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