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Trump’s Taxes

It’s kinda hard to deny the numbers have been inflated, when doctors are admitting that they were calling deaths covid without even testing and even seeing the patient in many cases. :lmao:

those are just conspiracy theorists... duh
no, not at all.

150,000 isn't a "huge or shocking" number because they were expected to die anyways edit: "shitload of bodies" no, it isn't a shitload of bodies.

i'm not saying they didn't die, i am saying it shouldn't be some great surprise. the honest tragedy is the great minority, they are buried and overshadowed by the dishonesty and the damage.

Fuck, can you imagine not being able to be next to your child dieing of covid because a whole fucking bunch of people who were going to die regardless, died and people grandstanded on them to create a panic? Fuck, i'm pissed FOR those people, take a tragedy and amplify it.

yes, the 12k deaths are more important than the 190k deaths. No, those numbers aren't enough to justify the great tragedies of suspending liberty on a grand scale

Yea but if we save just one life its worth it, to quote fettuccini alcuomo......

The human tragedy caused by the government overreaction to this has been mind bending.

Well cant wait until these 2 weeks are up to flatten the curve, at least we will be somewhat back to normal then!!:rolleyes:
Yet that narrative hasn't been part of any of the threads here... no on has denied that it exists. But if you don't think that the numbers are being inflated and inaccurate, then there will be no convincing you. And that's the problem - no one really cares about the facts if it invalidates their feelings...

Uhh, there are threads here talking about how it was fake, especially at the beginning. Are there some deaths that shouldn't have been ruled as rona? Sure, and probably some that were rona related but died at home or wherever and didn't get counted. That doesn't mean the whole thing is one gigantic fabrication.
Uhh, there are threads here talking about how it was fake, especially at the beginning. Are there some deaths that shouldn't have been ruled as rona? Sure, and probably some that were rona related but died at home or wherever and didn't get counted. That doesn't mean the whole thing is one gigantic fabrication.

there are certainly people that died at home without a test, initially i was very happy to say it was likely offset by the died-in-car-crash rona deaths. But really only for the first few weeks, maybe a month, max, and then every death was tested. plenty of time, easy to do. There is now no way, at all, that the uncounted at home deaths are anywhere near the unrelated deaths that are counted.

the open admission of the amounts broke my faith on that, then moving to accept and record "probable with no test" as "accepted" during a time when people actually getting tested were running 50-90% Negative results, destroyed every little bit of faith i had left.

now we've had multiple admissions of "glitches" for people not getting added, added falsely, it's all over the fucking place. April 15 was the END of our little prognostication game because it was that long ago when the admissions started really rolling out hard.

April 23rd was also the original "we will have kids back in school by then" which was about 30 or 45 days after the initial "two weeks" of seattle being 'locked down' :laughing:
Yet that narrative hasn't been part of any of the threads here... no on has denied that it exists. But if you don't think that the numbers are being inflated and inaccurate, then there will be no convincing you. And that's the problem - no one really cares about the facts if it invalidates their feelings...

just realize that the reverse is true. If the world seems intractable to you, it might be you as well. Our family has known 4 folks who have perished during COVID. Not from anything other than COVID, not fat, not anything other than brave people on the front line helping people who wouldn't wear masks, weren't careful and then needed help...

1 million people is very small versus 8 billion... statistically. If Bob Seger sang "I feel like a number" he concludes the song with 'dammit I'm a man' and the people who we know who died were real and didn't deserve it. To honor them, we are following the guidelines. I get tested every week for work and I'm glad I do. When our kids come to visit, they get tested. Because of our work, I simply cannot take risks that could impact others... the key is doing what you can to not infect others.

There will be some clever counterpoint (or not so much clever, but someone who self qualifies as being the mask guy or this part of a larger truth is up for debate,) The net is, a bunch of people are dead that shouldn't be, and we could have kept the number much lower had we tried harder and been dedicated to it... and we own that.
just realize that the reverse is true. If the world seems intractable to you, it might be you as well. Our family has known 4 folks who have perished during COVID. Not from anything other than COVID, not fat, not anything other than brave people on the front line helping people who wouldn't wear masks, weren't careful and then needed help...

Still do not know a single individual that has contacted medical tested Coivd, never mind been hospitalized or died. Just sayin.
Still do not know a single individual that has contacted medical tested Coivd, never mind been hospitalized or died. Just sayin.

I know a couple, they said they had a headache. One was a habitual smoker, the other was a 100 lb girl. They worked a a restaurant that the entire staff "tested" for covid. All of them just said it was similar to a hangover.

I dont know of, who knew of someone, who was hospitalized. Much less died.

I've quit wearing a bandana all together, no one gives a shit.
just realize that the reverse is true. If the world seems intractable to you, it might be you as well. Our family has known 4 folks who have perished during COVID. Not from anything other than COVID, not fat, not anything other than brave people on the front line helping people who wouldn't wear masks, weren't careful and then needed help...

1 million people is very small versus 8 billion... statistically. If Bob Seger sang "I feel like a number" he concludes the song with 'dammit I'm a man' and the people who we know who died were real and didn't deserve it. To honor them, we are following the guidelines. I get tested every week for work and I'm glad I do. When our kids come to visit, they get tested. Because of our work, I simply cannot take risks that could impact others... the key is doing what you can to not infect others.

There will be some clever counterpoint (or not so much clever, but someone who self qualifies as being the mask guy or this part of a larger truth is up for debate,) The net is, a bunch of people are dead that shouldn't be, and we could have kept the number much lower had we tried harder and been dedicated to it... and we own that.

the only thing i take exception to is "bunch dead that should be" or "could have kept it much lower".

If you know front line people who where otherwise healthy and you work in an area that is high risk, i am greatly curious what they were doing "wrong" at the time they contracted it? At a certain point, there are always unavoidable deaths.

People wearing masks and washing hands religiously, "well you can still get it thru your eyes" ER doctors and hospital heads "well, i don't know where it came from"

I think, strongly, that there are more unavoidable deaths due to the prevention and think, strongly, that while we could have traded a few more disease related deaths for a great many prevention related deaths, and i think the USA plays an outsized role in that, based on the amount of aide and charity we 'fund' globally

likely millions of the people who tested + for covid were, in their mind, following the distance/mask/washing guidelines very well.
I know a couple, they said they had a headache. One was a habitual smoker, the other was a 100 lb girl. They worked a a restaurant that the entire staff "tested" for covid. All of them just said it was similar to a hangover.

I dont know of, who knew of someone, who was hospitalized. Much less died.

I've quit wearing a bandana all together, no one gives a shit.

I had it, a friend had it and a friend's mom had it. She was going to die anyway from cancer, she was already on her way out. My friend and I both lost our taste, had the shits, a headache and felt like crap for a few days as well as a fever. Giant meh.

I only wear a mask in a few places just to avoid Karen's. I went to Wally world today where I never wear a mask and was surprised to see a handful of others without them too. Made me feel better knowing more are getting back to normal.
The net is, a bunch of people are dead that shouldn't be, and we could have kept the number much lower had we tried harder and been dedicated to it... and we own that.

Who's we? And what exactly do you mean by "trying harder and being more dedicated"? I have always made an effort to not cough and sneeze on people so what am I supposed to do? Don't try and put responsibility on me for something I had no involvement with.
It’s kinda hard to deny the numbers have been inflated, when doctors are admitting that they were calling deaths covid without even testing and even seeing the patient in many cases. :lmao:

Here is a pretty good example. Milwaukee County goes through each case and decides if Covid was the main cause of death and only reports cases that covid was determined to the main cause of death as a covid death. The state goes through and marks any death where the person has covid as a covid death. So the state is reporting 527 covid deaths in Milwaukee County, but Milwaukee County is only reporting 425....102 less. That a 20% difference, not a small amount by any means.

Holy Jesus christ, what thread am i in??? Where did the tax talk go?

The tax thing died when it was pointed out that taxes don’t tell you shit and simple math was brought into the equation, so the mouth breathers went back to the same ol.

Per liberal playbook, they diverted back to “covid is real” and began the same retarded rants about how many people they personally know that died of covid “nothing else” and “we should’ve done more”. :lmao::lmao:
More sayin for the comedians . . . . First news lie splashed out was that 20% of Americans know someone that has had Covid 19. Next it was 1/2. :confused: FAct checked, Righhhhhhhhhhhttttt. Now, we have sleepy Joe in the debate SAYIN how many dinner tables have a blank stare, I mean chair ? I know someone that knows, and I know another person that knows someone that had covid. I still do not. Confirmed by test. Not symptoms. Wife, daughter and friend all went in with "symptoms" that were not Covid19.

On the TAX thread because there is a shitload of noise going around.

Leaving for out of state . .. destination location peaked at 77 cases for the entire county. No, it's not San Diego. Never shut down or restricted except at the state level, which was widely ignored. No fatalities.

The tax smear is sooooooooooooo typical. I say again I am leaning towards the CCP way, shut the media down and control it. For politics and 50% of all the other shit it is entirely bullshit. Might as well take control from Zuckerberg, Soros and CNN and give it to the Party to use.
well he caught the hoax and claims that the tax returns that were released are fake... I am sensing a pattern, not that it matters.

that pattern is, no matter what he did the liberal bunch will cry foul. hell if he cured cancer they would bitch about him putting doctors and nurses out of business.
well he caught the hoax and claims that the tax returns that were released are fake... I am sensing a pattern, not that it matters.

The actual tax returns were released, or was it just another story?

Not that there's a pattern or anything that matters, but that same story in the Times says the $750 was final payments after some other millions in payment...
The actual tax returns were released, or was it just another story?

Not that there's a pattern or anything that matters, but that same story in the Times says the $750 was final payments after some other millions in payment...

No, his actual returns have not been released. The NYT pieced together info for their story.

Personally I don't think he should have to release his tax returns. If it is a law and he's violating that, then that's one thing, but it is not a law. Now I do believe he's crooked as fuck in his business dealings, and if the IRS does do an audit and they find fraud then he should be prosecuted like anyone else. If they're going to demand his returns, then how about everyone in Congress pony up their returns as well.

From CNN :rolleyes:

New York (CNN)The Manhattan district attorney can obtain President Donald Trump's tax returns a federal appeals court ruled, dealing the president another setback in his effort to shield his tax returns from prosecutors but the case is heading to the Supreme Court in a further delay of the investigation.

In a 35-page opinion, the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals broadly rejected the President's arguments that the state grand jury subpoena to his long-time accounting firm for his financial and tax records was overly broad and issued in bad faith.
"There is nothing to suggest that these are anything but run-of-the-mill documents typically relevant to a grand jury investigation into possible financial or corporate misconduct," the judges ruled.
"We have considered all of the President's remaining contentions on appeal and have found in them no basis for reversal," the ruling said. The panel of three judges dismissed the president's lawsuit with prejudice, which means he cannot revive it on these grounds.
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READ: 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals ruling on Trump's tax returns
The tax returns and other financial records will not immediately be turned over to prosecutors. The appeals court stayed the enforcement of the subpoena based on a joint agreement between the Manhattan district attorney and the President's legal team. Under that arrangement, there is a 12-day briefing schedule for Trump to ask the Supreme Court to stay the ruling enforcing the subpoena. The timetable suggests it is unlikely that the district attorney will obtain the records before the presidential election.
Jay Sekulow, a lawyer for the President, said Wednesday that they would ask the Supreme Court to stay the ruling. A spokesman for Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance declined to comment. A representative for the Justice Department said it is reviewing the ruling.


The lawsuit was the latest attempt by the President to try to block the subpoena to Mazars USA following a Supreme Court ruling this summer that said the President did not have broad immunity from a state grand jury subpoena. Following that ruling, the President's lawyers amended their lawsuit against the district attorney alleging the subpoena was too broad and issued in bad faith in an effort to harass the president. US District Court Judge Victor Marrero rejected those arguments last month and Trump's attorneys appealed.
Trump's lawyers argued the district attorney's investigation was limited to hush-money payments Michael Cohen made to cover up Trump's alleged affairs and that the subpoena, which seeks personal and business records dating back to January 2011, was too broad. Trump's attorneys argued the district attorney's investigation was limited based on an earlier subpoena it sent to the Trump Organization that only referenced the hush money payments.
The appeals court rejected Trump's argument saying it was "nothing more than implausible speculation."
"It is far from reasonable to infer that a single subpoena would define the entire scope of a grand jury's investigation, particularly in complex financial investigations," the judges wrote.

5 things we still don't know about Donald Trump's finances
In court filings, the district attorney's office said the investigation was much broader than those payments and suggested it could encompass tax fraud, bank fraud and insurance fraud.
In anticipation that the appeals court would reject the President's legal arguments, lawyers for both sides agreed to hold off on enforcing the subpoena to allow the President's lawyers to ask the Supreme Court to "stay" the ruling.
Under the agreement, which the appeals court endorsed, the President's lawyers have five calendar days to file a motion with the Supreme Court seeking a stay of subpoena. The district attorney would have five days to file a reply brief and the President's lawyers would have two days to respond.Five Supreme Court Justices are required to agree to grant a stay. The court currently has eight members following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Republicans in Congress are pushing to confirm Trump's nominee Amy Coney Barrett to fill the seat in the next few weeks.
If the Supreme Court doesn't grant the stay it is possible Trump's lawyers would still ask the court to hear the case on the merits, but at that point the subpoena would be enforced and the documents turned over to investigators. If the court grants the stay then the legal battle over the subpoena would continue beyond the election.
No, his actual returns have not been released. The NYT pieced together info for their story.

Personally I don't think he should have to release his tax returns. If it is a law and he's violating that, then that's one thing, but it is not a law. Now I do believe he's crooked as fuck in his business dealings, and if the IRS does do an audit and they find fraud then he should be prosecuted like anyone else. If they're going to demand his returns, then how about everyone in Congress pony up their returns as well.

From CNN :rolleyes:

I would like to see POTUS and all congress/representatives release their taxes.
With all Trumps properties and employees I can guarantee you he's paid plenty in taxes, property taxes, payroll taxes, sales tax on everything the business bought and that's just off the top of my head. We know and everybody else knows how Trump became rich, I WANT TO KNOW HOW CAREER POLITICIANS GOT SO RICH OFF THEIR SALIERIES AND BECAME MULTI MILLIONIERS!
Let's see every bodies taxes who's wanting to see Trumps taxes, that would shut them right up!!!!
Lol they are dropping trumps tax returns. He paid 750 in 16-20 :lmao:. Good for him to beat the irs.

How convenient!

With all Trumps properties and employees I can guarantee you he's paid plenty in taxes, property taxes, payroll taxes, sales tax on everything the business bought and that's just off the top of my head. We know and everybody else knows how Trump became rich, I WANT TO KNOW HOW CAREER POLITICIANS GOT SO RICH OFF THEIR SALIERIES AND BECAME MULTI MILLIONIERS!
Let's see every bodies taxes who's wanting to see Trumps taxes, that would shut them right up!!!!

They were plenty wealthy before they got in, you have it backwards. They just bought into a game that they like to play called "public servant".
Lol they are dropping trumps tax returns. He paid 750 in 16-20 :lmao:. Good for him to beat the irs.

You do understand how filing a loss works...right? You claim a loss, it checks out, you take that off your taxes. You can even take it off future taxes.

What they fail at reporting....

How many fucking times do we need to go through this?
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