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Trump Wins!

Trump and his team spent the last 4 years trying to cast doubt on our entire system of government.


What the hey, missed this line before, might as well comment on it. More opposite day shit from a lib. Would that include the idiot lying Schiff and Pelosi and company wasting millions on the Russian Collusion influencing the 2016 election hoax? Now that's Trumps fault too?:laughing: :thud:
What, you don't want to comment on the second half of my message?

Sure, fine. I don't support impunity for rioters, but there's not much I can do there because those decisions were made a local level in places that I don't live, so I can't vote them out. The voter fraud thing is bullshit. Even fox news wont touch suggestions of voter fraud with a 10 foot pole right now. I also can't vote for who runs the media. All I can do is try to vote by proxy with my viewership/readership. And since my vote for one of the two big parties doesn't really count for much living in the state of California, I didn't vote for Biden I voted for Jo this time around(even though she was as terrible candidate), hoping that others would too and maybe give some more legitimacy to a 3rd party in this country.

Now answer my question.
So because he wasn't smooth and polished like a slime ball salesman and made you fell all warm and fuzzy he is bad? Because he talks like an ass hole and calls it as he sees it he is undermining democracy? Even though the vast majority of his policies are helping pretty much everyone. He has put the usa first on the world stage vs bowing and putting other countries interests before ours.

Do you honestly think biden has a chance of negotiating with any foreign government and coming out on top or making a call in the moment for the military to execute an action plan or not?
Sure, fine. I don't support impunity for rioters, but there's not much I can do there because those decisions were made a local level in places that I don't live, so I can't vote them out. The voter fraud thing is bullshit. Even fox news wont touch suggestions of voter fraud with a 10 foot pole right now. I also can't vote for who runs the media. All I can do is try to vote by proxy with my viewership/readership. And since my vote for one of the two big parties doesn't really count for much living in the state of California, I didn't vote for Biden I voted for Jo this time around(even though she was as terrible candidate), hoping that others would too and maybe give some more legitimacy to a 3rd party in this country.

Now answer my question.

The fact you say even Fox news tells me you have blind faith in people. The only difference between the big 3 is the ownership and the lies told to bring in the money. Fraud is rampant, but very few people are willing to rock the boat.

let me ask you this. Had this gone 180deg opposite and Trump was leading and Biden was accusing fraud do you honestly think the media would be this silent?

be honest at least with yourself when answering.
What the hey, missed this line before, might as well comment on it. More opposite day shit from a lib. Would that include the idiot lying Schiff and Pelosi and company wasting millions on the Russian Collusion influencing the 2016 election hoax? Now that's Trumps fault too?:laughing: :thud:

I wasn't' referring to Russia at all. Just Trump showing up and opening his mouth in front of a camera with zero care or thought to if it was true, or what impact it would have on the leader of the free world uttering what he was saying. It was the number one way to tell he didn't give a shit about the American people: he just said whatever he thought would benefit him directly without worrying about the consequences. When you're the leader of over 320 million people and at the head of the number one economy in the world, you shouldn't do that.
What the hey, missed this line before, might as well comment on it. More opposite day shit from a lib. Would that include the idiot lying Schiff and Pelosi and company wasting millions on the Russian Collusion influencing the 2016 election hoax? Now that's Trumps fault too?:laughing: :thud:

I already tried to use logic with him on that point, it didn't work very well. It's my fault really, I knew better at the time and engaged him anyway.

Another thing that drives me up the wall about his rhetoric is the "Trump wants to stop the counting" BS that everyone is parroting. Anyone who actually watched Trump's speech heard him say "Stop the Voting" meaning, the cutoff for casting a ballot (i.e. Voting) is the cutoff for casting a ballot, plain and simple. The fact that the stop the counting narrative is the one that's getting pushed (and that Harry is obviously buying into) is difficult to watch happen right now.

Well, we all know you can educate ignorance but stupid is forever.
The fact you say even Fox news tells me you have blind faith in people. The only difference between the big 3 is the ownership and the lies told to bring in the money. Fraud is rampant, but very few people are willing to rock the boat.

let me ask you this. Had this gone 180deg opposite and Trump was leading and Biden was accusing fraud do you honestly think the media would be this silent?

be honest at least with yourself when answering.

We already know how that played out, because it happened in 2016. ...except Hillary actually had the good sense to only imply meddling in the election rather than claiming it was possible to fake votes and calling the entire system into question. Even that bitch respected SOME boundaries in her grab for power.
Sure, fine. I don't support impunity for rioters, but there's not much I can do there because those decisions were made a local level in places that I don't live, so I can't vote them out. The voter fraud thing is bullshit. Even fox news wont touch suggestions of voter fraud with a 10 foot pole right now. I also can't vote for who runs the media. All I can do is try to vote by proxy with my viewership/readership. And since my vote for one of the two big parties doesn't really count for much living in the state of California, I didn't vote for Biden I voted for Jo this time around(even though she was as terrible candidate), hoping that others would too and maybe give some more legitimacy to a 3rd party in this country.

Now answer my question.

Okay, I'll answer yours first, RBG. Granted he didn't kill her, but he sure filled that spot from the swamp quick fast and in a hurry.

The point of the second half of my message was to try to get you to recognize that the media is who's really controlling your emotions and they're directing what you should be focusing on and getting you to believe that it's all Orange Man's fault. I'm sorry you can't see that.
We already know how that played out, because it happened in 2016. ...except Hillary actually had the good sense to only imply meddling in the election rather than claiming it was possible to fake votes and calling the entire system into question. Even that bitch respected SOME boundaries in her grab for power.

So impeachment hearings that her 'implications' directly led to and the impeachment had no effect on anything. Not like that dominated the news cycle for the entire year leading up to the rona........... I have no problem with half of what you say but call a spade a spade. Not just spew partisan bs.
Okay, I'll answer yours first, RBG. Granted he didn't kill her, but he sure filled that spot from the swamp quick fast and in a hurry.

The point of the second half of my message was to try to get you to recognize that the media is who's really controlling your emotions and they're directing what you should be focusing on and getting you to believe that it's all Orange Man's fault. I'm sorry you can't see that.

I don't spend much time following the media, ask most people here. I'm usually the last to know what's going on and I get called out for that on the regular. Shit, over half of my news I get from reading what people write here and asking questions. I formed my own opinions about Orange Man listening to him speak and reading what he tweets then comparing that to my personal ideals about how a President should conduct themselves.
So impeachment hearings that her 'implications' directly led to and the impeachment had no effect on anything. Not like that dominated the news cycle for the entire year leading up to the rona........... I have no problem with half of what you say but call a spade a spade. Not just partisan bs.

Fair point Pocahontas, fair point. I revise my statement: she called into question the man and not the institution. Turns out it couldn't be factually substantiated and the whole shitshow that ensued was the tail wagging the dog.
When gas is back at 4 bucks + per gallon and we're sending more kids off to die in some stupid mideast conflict because the Boltons want it, I hope you choke on the bullshit you've swallowed instead of regurgitating it. Fucking ignorant sheep.:flipoff2:

How quickly you murder... You are what's actually wrong with this country.
We shall see what happens and what people are begging for next. I am not happy to say that the Butterfly effect from this is going to be hugely negative for the average american middle class working person.

Unless Joe somehow pulls out a great impersonation of the second coming of Jesus during these next four years, I have no doubt he'll lose in 2024. He barely won against Trump- a terrible candidate in his own right who barely won against someone as blatantly corrupt and power hungry as Hillary Clinton in 2016. I wouldn't even be sad about that. It will mean that most likely, the Republicans figured out it's a bad move to go full retard when electing a candidate and the picked someone decent to run against him. Both parties would benefit greatly from edging a bit more centrist in their policies and I will enthusiastically vote for which ever one does that first instead of unenthusiastically picking the Libertarian ticket.
I don't spend much time following the media, ask most people here. I'm usually the last to know what's going on and I get called out for that on the regular. Shit, over half of my news I get from reading what people write here and asking questions. I formed my own opinions about Orange Man listening to him speak and reading what he tweets then comparing that to my personal ideals about how a President should conduct themselves.

It would be good to recognize 4 things:

1. When you listen to Trump speak, it's getting filtered by the media, maybe not 100% of the time, but definitely less than 0%, this includes his tweets.
2. A large majority of what people write here can also be directly tied to the media. Think about Landslide, we don't call him Linkslide for no reason.
3. If your largest barometer for what makes a good president is the manner of their speech, you're completely missing what's actually being said.
4. edit: And don't lie, in one post you said you voted for Biden and in another you said you voted for Jo
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Whatever you want to call it, he has more voter turnout.

Biden has gotten more votes than ANY candidate in ANY U.S. Election in history.

A corrupt pedophile, and molester, hellbent on taking guns, ending fracking, and raising taxes.

Nothing to see here folks, just keep moving.
So because he wasn't smooth and polished like a slime ball salesman and made you fell all warm and fuzzy he is bad? Because he talks like an ass hole and calls it as he sees it he is undermining democracy? Even though the vast majority of his policies are helping pretty much everyone. He has put the usa first on the world stage vs bowing and putting other countries interests before ours.

Do you honestly think biden has a chance of negotiating with any foreign government and coming out on top or making a call in the moment for the military to execute an action plan or not?

All he ever did was play "you". By saying exactly the things you want to hear and then turning around and shitting on it. In every regard. For personal gain. Can you admit the con, I understand how great it felt, but its not reality.

There is no "USA" first in this global world. Hasn't been for a while now. All must work together, its not 1865, even though you wish it was.

There is only humanity first in the long run and in the big picture that people like you, for some strange reason, just cannot see. Why?
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It would be good to recognize 4 things:

1. When you listen to Trump speak, it's getting filtered by the media, maybe not 100% of the time, but definitely less than 0%, this includes his tweets.
2. A large majority of what people write here can also be directly tied to the media. Think about Landslide, we don't call him Linkslide for no reason.
3. If your largest barometer for what makes a good president is the manner of their speech, you're completely missing what's actually being said.
4. edit: And don't lie, in one post you said you voted for Biden and in another you said you voted for Jo

1. Sure, I was basing my opinions about him on live speeches and tweets. So press conferences, state of the unions, covid updates, etc. I figured those would be the most raw, and least "edited"
2. That's true as well. I'm not sure if you have noticed, but this site leans fairly pro-Trump. So anything I get here *should* sway my opinion in a favorable manner, no?
3. It's not the way he speaks(that's a whole other discussion), it's what he's talking about and how he frequently asserts his uninformed opinion as though it is fact. For most people it would just get written off as bullshit, but because he's the president of the united states, it has to get taken seriously 100% of the time. That can often be damaging to others.
4. Where did I say I voted for Biden??? I have been a proponent of voting for your favorite 3rd party if you're a California vote who is disenfranchised by the two party system for a long time. I voted Jorgensen this time around and I voted for Johnson in 2016.
You're cool, you get a pass

Probably because you are smart enough to see how fucked up everything they touch operates. And not being a gigantic communist dick suck prevents you from putting your green tinted glasses back on, and continuing to see the city as a glorious emerald jewel

I’m contracted by the government. I tell everyone if you want the most inefficient operation handled in the most fucked up way, let the government do it. They hire contractors so shit actually gets done.
I did nazi this coming. A German turning their nose up at invading a country/ starting a war, Poland rejoices.

Yer such a dork.
You're barely surviving fascism and can't even see it.

Thanks again. And thank the Russians more. Idiot. Move to Poland, they are just like you. They also hate everyone else....

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A corrupt pedophile, and molester, hellbent on taking guns, ending fracking, and raising taxes.

Nothing to see here folks, just keep moving.

Elected by the most corrupt municipalities in the nation. Clearly, the city faggots know what's best.
Everyone who voted for Biden GAF, myself included. Trump and his team spent the last 4 years trying to cast doubt on our entire system of government. His last hurrah is to try and call into question our electoral system. He spread fear, doubt, and disinformation in America his entire tenure and for that, I'm glad he's gone. Do I particularly like Biden? Nope. Am I a bit worried about the Democratic party's swerve toward socialism? Yep. For all those reasons, I'm also glad it looks like Republicans hold the senate. Shoot, if they have a decent candidate in 2024, I may even vote Republican if they can leave religion and abortion out of it.

But screw Trump. He would regularly stand up in front of the american people and flat out lie to their faces for personal gain.

There you go, you said you voted for Biden.

And if you believe any politician is feeding you anything but complete bullshit anytime words are coming out of their mouth hole I've got nothing for you. As others have pointed out, one of the biggest differences between Trump and another politician is that the other politicians are simply better at lying to you.

The words that are coming out of their mouth are usually not what's actually being said, this goes tenfold when the media opens their mouths.
Elected by the most corrupt municipalities in the nation. Clearly, the city faggots know what's best.

Everyone votes what they believe is best for them. There are a lot of "city faggots", yes. Fair representation is something we have struggled with from the beginning.

There's not real good solution to it. People in cities want more government regulation because they live in such close proximity to one another. I'm a believer that those regulations shouldn't spill over to smaller population centers, but I have no idea how to get those ideals to take hold other than casting my one little vote every time I get the chance.
There you go, you said you voted for Biden.

And if you believe any politician is feeding you anything but complete bullshit anytime words are coming out of their mouth hole I've got nothing for you. As others have pointed out, one of the biggest differences between Trump and another politician is that the other politicians are simply better at lying to you.

The words that are coming out of their mouth are usually not what's actually being said, this goes tenfold when the media opens their mouths.

Ok, I see. Yes, that could have been worded better. I said I give a fuck that Biden is president, along with the 74 million people that voted for him.

I realize that most politicians lie. I have reserve no belief that Biden is somehow morally better. I can live with that. What I can't live with is Trump's attempts(either accidental or otherwise) to trample all over the world's respect for the office of the president. The words coming out of a president's mouth when he's speaking during a crisis (covid), or discussing our economy(trade with China), or talking about the election(threatening to involve the supreme court and demanding vote counting stop) are all things that have consequences. Stock markets are listening, other world leaders are listening, other leaders in his political party are listening. Other presidents sound more slick in their lying because they're taking into account the consequences of what they're saying or about to say(there's a reason Obama spoke slowly). Trump doesn't care about any of that, he just thinks he gets to say whatever he wants and who cares how that impacts the world.
Ok, I see. Yes, that could have been worded better. I said I give a fuck that Biden is president, along with the 74 million people that voted for him.

I realize that most politicians lie. I have reserve no belief that Biden is somehow morally better. I can live with that. What I can live with is Trumps attempts(either accidental or otherwise) to trample all over the world's respect for the office of the president. The words coming out of a president's mouth when he's speaking during a crisis (covid), or discussing our economy(trade with China), or talking about the election(threatening to involve the supreme court and demanding vote counting stop) are all things that have consequences. Stock markets are listening, other world leaders are listening, other leaders in his political party are listening. Other presidents sound more slick in their lying because they're taking into account the consequences of what they're saying or about to say(there's a reason Obama spoke slowly). Trump doesn't care about any of that, he just thinks he gets to say whatever he wants and who cares how that impacts the world.

Let's be frank, the last 4 years was basically Trump giving the middle finger to a lot of people, I don't think there's much if any disagreement there. It would be good to recognize that a large part of this country not only accepts that behavior in a leader, but actively encourages it, the sheer number of Trump supporters support this idea. It would also be good to recognize that a leader doesn't have to fit into any certain mold, they don't have to play the nice guy to the rest of the world leaders. Have we forgotten that Trump's made immense progress with relations with North Korea as well as Israel and the Middle East. A large part of this is because other countries leaders respect strength in other leaders. Have we forgotten that Trump backed out of the Paris agreement? Yeah, the media ripped him apart for that, and if all you do is listen to the media that might piss you off. If you agree with is policy then maybe you think that was a great decision. I'm not talking about you specifically, but people in general, a lot of people supported that but the media will never allow that narrative to be pushed, all we get is Orange Man bad.

Believe it or not Trump is a very intelligent person, so was Obama, so was Bush Jr, so was Clinton, so was Bush Sr, and Reagen. Stupid people don't get elected president, I'll even make the case for Biden, he knew his job running for office was to shut the fuck up when he needed to shut the fuck up and let his people do their thing, He's also a politican with 47 years of experience, he knows how to talk to stupid people and tell them the bullshit they want to hear, if you're running for president that's the smart thing to do. On the flip side Trump knows his base, he knows he needs to grandstand and say the election is rigged, and the media is out to get him because that's his base and he caters to them.

I'll make my last point, successful people in general don't care what others think of them. There are caveats and exceptions to this (Trump actually really cares what people think about him, but he does a really good job of not letting it show). This is actually a very good quality in a leader because it allows them to make decisions without some irrational fear of basing that decision in part or whole of what people think about them. This allows the to make the best decision based on the circumstances and not feelings.

So Biden's your guy, great, he's a lot of people's guy. It would be good to realize that Trump isn't quite the monster you think he is and he's also a lot of other peoples guy for good reason.
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