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Trump Wins!

Divide and conquer. Keep the masses distracted so they can't angry and get rid of the ruling class, Democrats and Republicans.
All states he won in 2016 except NV. How does this happen when his base actually grew and dems nominated a candidate arguably worse than Hillary?

Flu hoax?

Or maybe enough people got fed up with his juvenile bullshit tweets and voted for "anyone except Trump". Trump didn't win the popular vote in 2016 either.
Didn't take a huge swing in many of the states for the vote to go for Biden instead of Trump.
Or maybe enough people got fed up with his juvenile bullshit tweets and voted for "anyone except Trump". Trump didn't win the popular vote in 2016 either.
Didn't take a huge swing in many of the states for the vote to go for Biden instead of Trump.

Yep. Most of his policies the majority of people would support and the less popular decisions people would overlook if he wasn’t such a juvenile dickhead. Being an asshole got him voted in in 2016 and being an asshole got him voted out in 2020.
Its done. We lost. Oh well.

I can't wait for this weekend. Get out of the house and out in front of this stupid screen. Get some hunting in. I'm so tired of all this nonsense.

Trump lost. Biden (read Harris) won. Fraud or no fraud, Dems got the White House. Masks are here to stay. Gas is going to sky rocket. Ammo is continue to be non-existent. :mr-t: will continue to kill :mr-t:. And everything is :homer:'s fault.
Trust the court. 4 more years
And this all could have been avoided if during the first 2 years of trumps term, when the house, senate, and white house were held by the Rs, they had pulled their heads out of their collective asses and done anything. Made any kind of change, delivered on any campaign promises any of the worthless fuckers made. But no, they just sat there in their chambers twiddling their thumbs, and wondered why they weren’t able to hold a fucking majority when midterms rolled around. They could have rammed any legislation they wanted through and just laughed at their opposition crying about it, but they chose to stick their thumbs up their asses yet again.

Fuck the Republicans. I will never vote for anyone with an r next to their name again. I’ll go back to pissing my vote away on a losing L ticket again, just like I did before Trump. And I’ll laugh in their faces as the are bitching about universal healthcare, reparations, and all the other liberal happy day horse shit being rammed down our throats. It’s your fault you stupid mother fuckers. You hamstrung a man pushing for change, when for the past 12 years it’s been very clear that’s who middle America was swayed by. You did your very best to make sure he didn’t deliver any change. You made him an ineffective leader. And now we all have to reap what you’ve sown:flipoff:

Pretty damn accurate. Rs, the party of NO, and the do nothing party. I stopped voting for them a while back. They're just as corrupt as the Ds, just with different goals, all of which fuck us in the ass with no lube.
You guys still don't get it do you?:laughing:

It does not matter if Biden is President. He's literally just a place holder...

A republican owned Senate. A divided House that just got mangled and a 6-3 Supreme Court that leans so far right it could summon Ben Franklin from the dead to hear court cases.

WGAF who the President is with all that goin on? :flipoff2:

Everyone who voted for Biden GAF, myself included. Trump and his team spent the last 4 years trying to cast doubt on our entire system of government. His last hurrah is to try and call into question our electoral system. He spread fear, doubt, and disinformation in America his entire tenure and for that, I'm glad he's gone. Do I particularly like Biden? Nope. Am I a bit worried about the Democratic party's swerve toward socialism? Yep. For all those reasons, I'm also glad it looks like Republicans hold the senate. Shoot, if they have a decent candidate in 2024, I may even vote Republican if they can leave religion and abortion out of it.

But screw Trump. He would regularly stand up in front of the american people and flat out lie to their faces for personal gain.
Worst candidate in US history got the most votes in US history...... Nothing to see here, move along.

Well, in the Dem's defense they weren't exactly voting for Biden.
I get that. But without saying "not Trump" why do you feel that Biden will be a better leader?

Well for 1, He doesn't throw tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants (subjective).
2. He is more trusting of Science.
3. He will prioritize cleaner energies over oil.
4. He can use Twitter responsibly and like a mature adult.
5. He will have more support from the population. (winning popular vote)
You know how we can all tell you work for the .gov?

You trust the government. I’ve doubted everything the state and fed have said and done since long before trump came around, and I won’t trust them until I’m 6 foot under

hey hey hey. I work for gov't and I don't trust gov't. Don't group us all together. :flipoff2:
Everyone who voted for Biden GAF, myself included. Trump and his team spent the last 4 years trying to cast doubt on our entire system of government. His last hurrah is to try and call into question our electoral system. He spread fear, doubt, and disinformation in America his entire tenure and for that, I'm glad he's gone. Do I particularly like Biden? Nope. Am I a bit worried about the Democratic party's swerve toward socialism? Yep. For all those reasons, I'm also glad it looks like Republicans hold the senate. Shoot, if they have a decent candidate in 2024, I may even vote Republican if they can leave religion and abortion out of it.

But screw Trump. He would regularly stand up in front of the american people and flat out lie to their faces for personal gain.

When gas is back at 4 bucks + per gallon and we're sending more kids off to die in some stupid mideast conflict because the Boltons want it, I hope you choke on the bullshit you've swallowed instead of regurgitating it. Fucking ignorant sheep.:flipoff2:
Yep. Most of his policies the majority of people would support and the less popular decisions people would overlook if he wasn’t such a juvenile dickhead. Being an asshole got him voted in in 2016 and being an asshole got him voted out in 2020.

So you would fuck yourself over because you don't like someone's demeanor? If you like what he was doing and you benefited from that but he was mean....is a reason to vote for someone who tells you up front they are going to fuck you over?

If so....you get what you fucking deserve and you deserve kicked in the nuts if you complain about it.
When gas is back at 4 bucks + per gallon and we're sending more kids off to die in some stupid mideast conflict because the Boltons want it, I hope you choke on the bullshit you've swallowed instead of regurgitating it. Fucking ignorant sheep.:flipoff2:

I live in California. Gas is always 4 bucks a gallon.

I'm an ignorant sheep, rather than everyone else on the board parroting the exact same thing that you are. It wasn't if I was going to get a reply like yours, it was just who was going to beat the other irate sheep to it.
Everyone who voted for Biden GAF, myself included. Trump and his team spent the last 4 years trying to cast doubt on our entire system of government. His last hurrah is to try and call into question our electoral system. He spread fear, doubt, and disinformation in America his entire tenure and for that, I'm glad he's gone. Do I particularly like Biden? Nope. Am I a bit worried about the Democratic party's swerve toward socialism? Yep. For all those reasons, I'm also glad it looks like Republicans hold the senate. Shoot, if they have a decent candidate in 2024, I may even vote Republican if they can leave religion and abortion out of it.

But screw Trump. He would regularly stand up in front of the american people and flat out lie to their faces for personal gain.

If you want to place the blame on Trump for casting doubt on our system of government you're sorely mistaken. Even from the days of his run for candidacy one of his main focuses was shining a light on the corruption in the government and his plan was do something about it, does "drain the swamp" ring a bell? If you have a pimple, does that mean you cut off the head? No, it means you pop the fucking pimple! Most people should be able to tell the difference but the way you present your argument suggests you're not one of those people.

On the other hand, take a look at everything else that's been going on in this country. Impunity for rioters, blatant voter fraud that we're experiencing right now, the media trying to paint the right as white supremacists while the left gets a pass because "antifa is just an idea". Meanwhile you and many people like you want to vote in the people that are trying to do the very thing that you're afraid of and you don't even see it right in front of your face!
I live in California. Gas is always 4 bucks a gallon.

I'm an ignorant sheep, rather than everyone else on the board parroting the exact same thing that you are. It wasn't if I was going to get a reply like yours, it was just who was going to beat the other irate sheep to it.

Ok, enjoy gas at $8/gallon then.
Sorry... are you describing Trump, or literally EVERY politician in America right here?

Trump blatantly did not respect the integrity of the office he held and called our very system of government into question with his actions, either on purpose or because deep down he's a spoiled child.

Sure, every politician is a is out for some form of narcissistic personal gain, they at least have the good grace to stay within the lines of the rules, decorum and precedent set out by our founding fathers to game the system. Trump shit all over any of that to try and quickly get what he wanted. One of the biggest hallmarks of our republic is a peaceful transition of power every 4 years. Everyone who has ever served in the office of the president has upheld the integrity of that piece of our electoral system. Until this fuckwad. Not even crooked Hillary dared to pull the bullshit he's pulling now, because everyone else in the world understands that if we undermine this system, we undermine a huge part of what makes our country great.

So yeah, other politicians shouldn't be trusted any farther than they can be thrown, but they are nothing like Trump. I'll take a deadlocked US government over 4 more years of blatantly shitting on the integrity of the United States system of government any day.
So you would fuck yourself over because you don't like someone's demeanor? If you like what he was doing and you benefited from that but he was mean....is a reason to vote for someone who tells you up front they are going to fuck you over?

If so....you get what you fucking deserve and you deserve kicked in the nuts if you complain about it.

What I’m saying is that Obama got away with a lot of shit because he was smiling as he did it, something Trump couldn’t figure out how to do.
I live in California. Gas is always 4 bucks a gallon.

I'm an ignorant sheep, rather than everyone else on the board parroting the exact same thing that you are. It wasn't if I was going to get a reply like yours, it was just who was going to beat the other irate sheep to it.

We all know your true colors anyway, you are not near as openminded as you think you are. Enjoy your Kool-aid and it's artificial ingredients.
Trump blatantly did not respect the integrity of the office he held and called our very system of government into question with his actions, either on purpose or because deep down he's a spoiled child.

blah blah....

Just say you don't like him. No big deal. He did NOTHING illegal though. You know that.

And on the flippity flip, you will stand by Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and etc.? Are these the upstanding, moral choices you seem to be referring to?

Real question.
If you want to place the blame on Trump for casting doubt on our system of government you're sorely mistaken. Even from the days of his run for candidacy one of his main focuses was shining a light on the corruption in the government and his plan was do something about it, does "drain the swamp" ring a bell? If you have a pimple, does that mean you cut off the head? No, it means you pop the fucking pimple! Most people should be able to tell the difference but the way you present your argument suggests you're not one of those people.

On the other hand, take a look at everything else that's been going on in this country. Impunity for rioters, blatant voter fraud that we're experiencing right now, the media trying to paint the right as white supremacists while the left gets a pass because "antifa is just an idea". Meanwhile you and many people like you want to vote in the people that are trying to do the very thing that you're afraid of and you don't even see it right in front of your face!

Give me one example of Trump actually draining the swamp in his last 4 years. Everyone who has benefited from his time as president were hard core swamp dwells. He fed you guys a line and you took it.
Give me one example of Trump actually draining the swamp in his last 4 years. Everyone who has benefited from his time as president were hard core swamp dwells. He fed you guys a line and you took it.

What, you don't want to comment on the second half of my message?
Just say you don't like him. No big deal. He did NOTHING illegal though. You know that.

And on the flippity flip, you will stand by Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and etc.? Are these the upstanding, moral choices you seem to be referring to?

Real question.

Trump did nothing illegal any more than any of those other politicians do. He did do a great job of calling into question the institution that is the President of the United States however. He would make public statements that were just flat out wrong. It was obvious he was speaking off the cuff, just saying whatever popped into his head with no thought of the consequence of his actions, but because it was uttered by basically the leader of the free world, people everywhere had to take what he said literally until shit could get cleared up later. Look at his 2 am election night speech for an example. The focking President of the United States of America ordering people to stop counting votes?!?! Then suggesting the supreme court will decide the winner. In one fell swoop he manages to accidentally threaten our process of democracy while at the same time making himself, THE President of the United States, look like a buffoon by not understanding the legal process that would have to happen to request a recount. Yeah, screw that guy.

And to your second point. Fuck Pelosi and team. They were only in it for themselves as well. There were no good moral choices this time around, only choices that were not as shitty as Trump. I bet a lot of people felt the way I did, which is why you see Trump losing the presidential election while at the same time the Republicans are picking up seats in the house and holding the senate. There's a whole lot of people out there that voted Anyone Other Than Trump while checking the boxes next to republicans the rest of the way down the ticket.
The first part of your statement is subjective.

The second part of your statement is factual and objective.

Well for 1, He doesn't throw tantrums when he doesn't get what he wants (subjective).
2. He is more trusting of Science.
3. He will prioritize cleaner energies over oil.
4. He can use Twitter responsibly and like a mature adult.
5. He will have more support from the population. (winning popular vote)

You are stupidity and irony personified. And also a worthless ****.
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