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Too, "Racist,?"


Certified Asshole
May 19, 2020
Member Number
How about we take things back a bit and only property owners can vote? Those with mortgages in good standing would also be eligible... I think this would more truthfully reflect the leanings of the USA. No matter how much or how little you own or are legitimately purchasing, you get one vote. Just sayin'
Taxpayers and those not suckling the .gov teat as a "career".
Your voter ID would be a current pay stub, a mortgage receipt (November's), and a 1040 form. :laughing::laughing::laughing:
One of the reasons we kicked the British out was taxation without representation. You need to let taxpayers vote.

Thats right. Taxpayers not welfare bums. Tax returns from the previous year showing you are a net taxpayer (with the exception of ACTIVE military) and a copy of your birth certificate or naturalization papers should be required to vote and it needs to be in person, including military overseas. Theres no reason a secure voting station cant be set up on military bases.
I agree with this in principal with the addition of tax payers / military as mentioned before BUT there would be a lot of ways for people to get around it. Right off the top of my head would be people buying and selling 1sqft pieces of useless land for next to nothing. What about those who own multiple properties? Do they get more than 1 vote? What about partners in a property?

Believe me I've put a lot of thought into this over the years as it irritates the living fuck out of me that some useless non contributor to society can vote and theirs counts the same as mine.
I agree with this in principal with the addition of tax payers / military as mentioned before BUT there would be a lot of ways for people to get around it. Right off the top of my head would be people buying and selling 1sqft pieces of useless land for next to nothing. What about those who own multiple properties? Do they get more than 1 vote? What about partners in a property?

Believe me I've put a lot of thought into this over the years as it irritates the living fuck out of me that some useless non contributor to society can vote and theirs counts the same as mine.

Buying a a 1sqft piece of land would never pass the Technical Review Committee. Half acre lots, sure.
Thats right. Taxpayers not welfare bums. Tax returns from the previous year showing you are a net taxpayer (with the exception of ACTIVE military) and a copy of your birth certificate or naturalization papers should be required to vote and it needs to be in person, including military overseas. Theres no reason a secure voting station cant be set up on military bases.

What about us retired military guys? I draw more out of the system then I put in.
What about us retired military guys? I draw more out of the system then I put in.

Were you a net taxpayer before you retired? Are those draws from retirement or mil disability? Retirement and military disability benefits arent welfare. Those are earned.
Thats right. Taxpayers not welfare bums. Tax returns from the previous year showing you are a net taxpayer (with the exception of ACTIVE military) and a copy of your birth certificate or naturalization papers should be required to vote and it needs to be in person, including military overseas. Theres no reason a secure voting station cant be set up on military bases.

The problem with that is how taxes are paid. If you buy something you pay sals tax. Then there is property tax, tax on vehicles, school taxes, all the other stuff that pays your salary. :flipoff2:
100%. And while we're at it, folks that don't have kids don't have to pay that portion of the tax bill to support school systems.

That would make sense, except that the future generations being even more ignorant might also effect people who don't have kids :flipoff2:
Thats right. Taxpayers not welfare bums. Tax returns from the previous year showing you are a net taxpayer (with the exception of ACTIVE military) and a copy of your birth certificate or naturalization papers should be required to vote and it needs to be in person, including military overseas. Theres no reason a secure voting station cant be set up on military bases.

Deployed ships (submarines) might be a challenge though.
Buying a a 1sqft piece of land would never pass the Technical Review Committee. Half acre lots, sure.

What about the folks that live in $500,000 homes on much smaller than a 1/2 acre? They don't get to vote?
Go READ, HEINLEIN'S 'Starship Trooper' the only ones who were allowed to vote, hold office or have a civil service job were vets!

Yes, let’s take a terrible idea from science fiction and run with it. :laughing:
I believe there should be a test each year that you should have to pass, but it should be fairly difficult. Just basic high school civics shit, government structure, constitution, etc.
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i own numerous property's, it needs to be tax payers, as in you pay money into the system. none of the leaches should get a vote to steal other peoples money. because that is all it comes down to. no skin in the game, no vote.
These are all great ideas but it's just mental masturbation.
The system is fucked.accept that and make across changes.
Start cutting strings, starve the beast, go galt as much as you can. Have an exit strategy
teach the next generation
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