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Thefishguy77’s attempt at chainsaw art...

you have enough product, you will have to start issuing part numbers to control inventors soon :grinpimp::beer:

Painted one of the tops. Need a bit of detail sanding but figure it looks different so maybe it will sell.

First attempt at a relief carving. Not great. Still needs work. Probably turn out ok for a first one when done.
Coming into craft fair season now! Gotta get going on the fall and Christmas themed stuff!
Yea. Should have my carving bar back on by next week. Been carving with a stock 18” bar for a while because hell broke loose with that fire. Then it’s Christmas trees and whatever else people will give me money for. ITS STILL ALL NEW TO MEEEEE!:lmao:

Last Christmas I was woefully unprepared for the tree demand. This year I should be a lot further ahead of the curve. Still
Probably behind where I need to be but better than last year by far.

Also trying to figure out a system for cookie cutter type signs. Not opposed to a cnc setup but need/want about $3k more in saws and tools ahead of that though.
Yea. Should have my carving bar back on by next week. Been carving with a stock 18” bar for a while because hell broke loose with that fire. Then it’s Christmas trees and whatever else people will give me money for. ITS STILL ALL NEW TO MEEEEE!:lmao:

Last Christmas I was woefully unprepared for the tree demand. This year I should be a lot further ahead of the curve. Still
Probably behind where I need to be but better than last year by far.

Also trying to figure out a system for cookie cutter type signs. Not opposed to a cnc setup but need/want about $3k more in saws and tools ahead of that though.
Yep. After my flea market today and maybe a last minute craft fair next weekend, I’m going all in on churning out the Xmas junk. I booked table space two weekends in a row at a huge craft fair event at the Bangor mall in November. Want to make sure I have plenty of stock to get me thru both weekends.
Just out of curiosity, have you figured out about what you are making hourly between carving and selling?
Probably somewhere between 20-50/hr on the farmers market stuff. Some of the smaller commission ones closer to 100/hr but they were big trees that I got to keep simple.

Those mushrooms are easy and somewhat fast but I dont think I can get more than $20-25 each. Thinking 5/$100. Realistically if I wanted I could probably turn out 50 in 2 days. Maybe more depending on the days. After all some days I still make firewood. An owl could end up a small gnome on occasion. :lmao::homer:
The local doppelganger(s)~
The Carvin Spot in Gardiner NY



And The Chainsaw Bear. Can't find his business but he's on Fagbook-
Been thinking about focusing of small items. Keep on with the bigger shit like finally figure bears out and make benches for local stuff. But have talked to a few hobby wood workers that are very rural. They all say the same thing. Figure put small stuff you can sell for a shipped price. Then put that shit on etsy and pay for the basic advertising. Have enough shit to keep up and go. 2 went from making 10-15k yearly on work to over double that with the small etsy shit. Like the mushrooms, small trees, bear faces, owls in logs and signs and shit like that. Might give it a go.
Started carving again. Handful of mushrooms and small trees done. A few redwood framed trees done, an owl in a log and a small full bodied owl. And a framed redwood sea turtle. I think I will be a able to sell those for good money. People love turtles and apparently I carve them. Will post some pictures of this and some other stuff in the next day or 2. Just feels good to start carving again.
Nice work! There's a guy that does these work up in La Porte in CA, always enjoyed seeing the work. Keep it up!
Ok side tracked again. Needing to get some fencing done before spring. Got my
Posts set but still needed my corner bracing in before stretching wire. Well that means my cheap ass is goingmto need to cut some rough stock into usable wood. Burning them them going to gently knock off the loose stuff and then touch up and oil with Linseed oil. Hopefully help keep it from rotting right away. It’s hemlock after all. Only got about 1/2 way it started raining.
Great work on all the carvings. The sasquatch looks great for a first attempt, I like it.
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