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*The official* "It's a Clown World, after all." thread.

Putting this here because... I actually agree with Warren on this one... Consolidation isn't in the best interest of the citizenry.

Schiff is also correct re: total debt.

Putting this here because... I actually agree with Warren on this one... Consolidation isn't in the best interest of the citizenry.

Schiff is also correct re: total debt.

Meh, They don't give any marketshare figures in that article, and i'm having a hard time believing that discover ( being like 4th in marketshare after visa/MC/amex; and in front of.... diners club ... in us domestic marketshare.) will be appreciably bigger than a chase or citi card division in a union with capital one.

the only authority the government has is in antitrust, and as long as its below 49% marketshare and never crosses that threshold, it's game on.

Credit cards are less than half a degree of separation away from loansharks. I'd be more supportive of means tested consumer credit card bailout than student loans. ( I don't support my tax dollars going to either, but you know big . gov gonna print money and big-gov...)
{ and in my imaginary CC bailout, any person who got a debt cancellation bailout would be put on a 7-10 year no-fly list for unsecured credit card issuance; this used to exist- it was called declaring chapter 7 bankruptcy; but CC companies figured out it was too profitable to issue BR filers 22% credit 1-2 yrs after the ink dried on BR paperwork.}

In terms of truly being near mathematically impossible to dig out from under without bankruptcy, or a third party debt consolidator sticking their hands in the pie, credit card debt takes the cake from predatory practices. once they get that 24.9% interest accrual juice hooked up and meter ticking, your ass is about to be theirs. :mr-t: BHPH car lots do at least provide a physical asset backing the debt, which can be used to enable income production/ productivity for the debt-holder.
Meh, They don't give any marketshare figures in that article, and i'm having a hard time believing that discover ( being like 4th in marketshare after visa/MC/amex; and in front of.... diners club ... in us domestic marketshare.) will be appreciably bigger than a chase or citi card division in a union with capital one.

the only authority the government has is in antitrust, and as long as its below 49% marketshare and never crosses that threshold, it's game on.

Credit cards are less than half a degree of separation away from loansharks. I'd be more supportive of means tested consumer credit card bailout than student loans. ( I don't support my tax dollars going to either, but you know big . gov gonna print money and big-gov...)
{ and in my imaginary CC bailout, any person who got a debt cancellation bailout would be put on a 7-10 year no-fly list for unsecured credit card issuance; this used to exist- it was called declaring chapter 7 bankruptcy; but CC companies figured out it was too profitable to issue BR filers 22% credit 1-2 yrs after the ink dried on BR paperwork.}

In terms of truly being near mathematically impossible to dig out from under without bankruptcy, or a third party debt consolidator sticking their hands in the pie, credit card debt takes the cake from predatory practices. once they get that 24.9% interest accrual juice hooked up and meter ticking, your ass is about to be theirs. :mr-t: BHPH car lots do at least provide a physical asset backing the debt, which can be used to enable income production/ productivity for the debt-holder.
That interest can be avoided by paying the debt off.

And if I knew there was a credit card bailout coming, I would go out and buy a damn car on my credit card and default on that fucker, especially if the only penalty was no new ISSUANCE of a credit card/unsecured debt for 7-10yrs, and I have a 800+ credit score right now. I'm getting some of my damn tax money back that has been stolen from me.

Bailouts are fucking dumb, you rack up shitloads of CC debt because you can't even read the damn paper work they send with it, that's on you and to some extent your shitty parent for failing at one of their basic jobs raising you.
And if I knew there was a credit card bailout coming, I would go out and buy a damn car on my credit card and default on that fucker, especially if the only penalty was no new ISSUANCE of a credit card/unsecured debt for 7-10yrs, and I have a 800+ credit score right now.
I've been kinda wondering what kinda bankruptcy retardation I could wrangle.
I've probably got a good credit score, no debt and basically no 'valuable assets' other than a bunch of scrap metal and my house, but they don't take your house in a bankruptcy, so...
I've been kinda wondering what kinda bankruptcy retardation I could wrangle.
I've probably got a good credit score, no debt and basically no 'valuable assets' other than a bunch of scrap metal and my house, but they don't take your house in a bankruptcy, so...
I mean we live in a society built on bad decisions and irresponsibility around taking on debt with just about zero accountability for the person taking on that debt, may as well use it to your advantage.
I mean we live in a society built on bad decisions and irresponsibility around taking on debt with just about zero accountability for the person taking on that debt, may as well use it to your advantage.
cue TDS: 45 filed bankruptcy! :flipoff2:
I mean we live in a society built on bad decisions and irresponsibility around taking on debt with just about zero accountability for the person taking on that debt, may as well use it to your advantage.
At one of my jobs, a co-worker's newborn baby died & the wife died later on. A shit load of medical debt vastly incurred, his wages + paltry union benefits didn't even put a dent on the outstanding bill. His best option was to declare bankruptcy & start fresh-
most rich people around here openly brag about strategic bankruptcy.

i could put myself in a position to gain 1-200k from a bankruptcy, in a year or twos time. and that could catapult me to be rich in 8-10yrs time. i have thought about it too much. i have a allot of available credit and a great credit score. but i really dont need credit, trashing my score for some years wouldn't hurt me at all.

i cant do it. right now with young kids would be the easiest, but i dont think i'd be a good role model, i couldn't justify it to them, i'd have to lie.. just cant do it. i aint poor, but i'm content knowing i'll never be rich
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I've been kinda wondering what kinda bankruptcy retardation I could wrangle.
I've probably got a good credit score, no debt and basically no 'valuable assets' other than a bunch of scrap metal and my house, but they don't take your house in a bankruptcy, so...
Look up your state's exemptions and start from there.
At one of my jobs, a co-worker's newborn baby died & the wife died later on. A shit load of medical debt vastly incurred, his wages + paltry union benefits didn't even put a dent on the outstanding bill. His best option was to declare bankruptcy & start fresh-

totally legit. i cant imagine being pushed to the point of having to declare bankruptcy.

when i was 21 i had well over a mil in medical bills. thankfully my out of pocket was $1200. if i didn't have insurance i imagine i'd have filed.
totally legit. i cant imagine being pushed to the point of having to declare bankruptcy.
Re: post 3192~
I didn't add on what the guy did, that he received big monetary donations afterwards... Buys a new house up in the mountains, new truck & cap w/custom paint job, gets an antique AMC as a daily & lived high on the hog. I said nothing as he was grieving in his own way but others said that as "taking advantage."

Glad you weaseled your way out of debt in an honest way-
At one of my jobs, a co-worker's newborn baby died & the wife died later on. A shit load of medical debt vastly incurred, his wages + paltry union benefits didn't even put a dent on the outstanding bill. His best option was to declare bankruptcy & start fresh-
Yea that's a bit different than someone taking a loan out for a college degree that they will never be able to pay back, or over leveraging their household with new cars and toys all on payments, then expecting, and potentially getting rewarded with bailouts. Even worse are businesses knowingly over extending the self and using the system to their advantage, i.e banks.

I mean your damn right I would be taking out loans and all kinds of credit if my wife or myself was in some sort of an accident, or random unexpected sickness, and had medical bills up the ass.
That interest can be avoided by paying the debt off.

And if I knew there was a credit card bailout coming, I would go out and buy a damn car on my credit card and default on that fucker, especially if the only penalty was no new ISSUANCE of a credit card/unsecured debt for 7-10yrs, and I have a 800+ credit score right now. I'm getting some of my damn tax money back that has been stolen from me.

Bailouts are fucking dumb, you rack up shitloads of CC debt because you can't even read the damn paper work they send with it, that's on you and to some extent your shitty parent for failing at one of their basic jobs raising you.

Yes I agreed that no bailouts would be my preference, but I said id do credit card bailout instead of student loan bailout is I had to pick a bailout. And said it would be means tested so you’re need to quit your job and default on the new car credit card to Exploit it.

And of course smart people know not to carry balances on credit cards, but cc’s are for dummies who don’t math. And once that 22% interest starts racking up it’s a pretty steep hole/ fast moving payment treadmill jog to nowhere. A cc is just a white collar payday loan scheme.

And you actually probably could pull off the credit card new car default/chargeoff. If you keep paying everything else but 1 card you’ll probably keep a credit score above 650 through the whole thing too. Since the card is unsecured, The cc company has to sue you, and most just give up and eventually sell the account to a collection agency for Pennies on the dollar and make it up in no time charging other schmucks 22.9%. Another possible resolution is they could negotiate a settlement payment amount less than the full balance amount just to be done with you. There’s All sorts of tricks out there to being a deadbeat.

So what the student loan kids need to do is payoff all their student loans on credit cards and then declare bankruptcy..
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? No weaseling.

Can't you read or comprehend what I wrote..?
Glad you weaseled your way out of debt in an honest way-
I'll chime in~ my daughter was born at 30 weeks & had to be admitted to NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). Even though I was working & had union benefits, the financial director thought it was best to go on *state aid for paying the medical bill(s).
I did get sued by the county later on for under $20k though.
Edit~ *Medicaid from NY State/county

Better stick to making memes- :flipoff2:
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Yes I agreed that no bailouts would be my preference, but I said id do credit card bailout instead of student loan bailout is I had to pick a bailout. And said it would be means tested so you’re need to quit your job and default on the new car credit card to Exploit it.

And of course smart people know not to carry balances on credit cards, but cc’s are for dummies who don’t math. And once that 22% interest starts racking up it’s a pretty steep hole/ fast moving payment treadmill jog to nowhere. A cc is just a white collar payday loan scheme.

And you actually probably could pull off the credit card new car default/chargeoff. If you keep paying everything else but 1 card you’ll probably keep a credit score above 650 through the whole thing too. Since the card is unsecured, The cc company has to sue you, and most just give up and eventually sell the account to a collection agency for Pennies on the dollar and make it up in no time charging other schmucks 22.9%. Another possible resolution is they could negotiate a settlement payment amount less than the full balance amount just to be done with you. There’s All sorts of tricks out there to being a deadbeat.

So what the student loan kids need to do is payoff all their student loans on credit cards and then declare bankruptcy..

Fuck any sort of bailout like that. All it is is a subsidy to the banks.

The people who got themselves into that predicament will go right back out and bury themselves in debt anyway.
Fuck any sort of bailout like that. All it is is a subsidy to the banks.

The people who got themselves into that predicament will go right back out and bury themselves in debt anyway.
like I said- No denying subsidies/ debt cancellation are bullshit. But until we successfully burn the current system all the way to the ground, both sides of the duopoly are going to sign the bills to print the money we don't have to pay the peasant class whose votes/ loyalty the politicians thin think they're buying.

also as stated- 10 year no-fly list for CC's not backed by cash/hard asset if you take my imaginary bailout ( shit i'd try to extend that to any ssn attached to your joint tax return within 3 yrs. ex wife? tough shit- divorce is expensive- you get what you get for putting them on your 1040.)

bailout going to all deadbeat citizens on equal eligibility criteria, not just smug deadbeat college goers.
And paying printed funny money to private enterprise is probably less worse than the .gov paying their own obligations back so they can just squander the payback proceeds some other idiotic overreaching way.
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Yay. we are arguing about a more fair way to distribute government sourced monies.

The argument should be: I dont care what way you want to distrbute money. Not gonna happen. Funding is now cut off. It isnt your money to hand out like crack candy.
the argument is about how far fawked up student debt cancellation is, that there are so many other fawked up ways to recklessly waste printed money, that would still be less mentally disabled that watching the .gov pay itself back billions of dollars for debt incurred in a system they had a direct hand in supplementing the bloat that tuition has risen ~10x in under 2 decades, and they're now diluted to function essentially as adult daycare facilities.
the argument is about how far fawked up student debt cancellation is, that there are so many other fawked up ways to recklessly waste printed money, that would still be less mentally disabled that watching the .gov pay itself back billions of dollars for debt incurred in a system they had a direct hand in supplementing the bloat that tuition has risen ~10x in under 2 decades, and they're now diluted to function essentially as adult daycare facilities.

Let me just point out....

bailout going to all deadbeat citizens on equal eligibility criteria, not just smug deadbeat college goers.
And paying private enterprise is probably preferable to the .gov paying their own obligations back so they can just squander the payback proceeds some other idiotic overreaching way.
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