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The Kamala thread.


bordering on illiterate
May 19, 2020
Member Number
So I think Kamala is going to get the nod, and we are going to see a PR campaign put forward not just by the official party, but by the media. She will be portrayed as the second coming of MLK combined with Joan of Arc & Cleopatra, BY THE MEDIA.

I KNOW it's coming.

She will get ZERO negative coverage.

But what I KNOW conflicts with what I believe SHOULD be.
How did the media abandon any form of non-biased coverage?
It'll go like her primary campaign. She'll get a big media push and fall flat on her face because with some people it's just plainly evident to everyone that this person is completely fake and a complete fucking moron. That's Kamala in a nutshell.
You guys keep her in the US we don't want her back in Canada. We've got enough of that socialist dogma here already. It would be a freaking idiototic idea to vote either of them back in...

As a cdn I watched the RNC last night and hope y'all the best in taking back your country.

Then you can send that common sense love back up north to Canada and help fix our ruined country.
Won't matter, she's always been unpopular and unelectable. The Trump hate rhetoric has been overplayed. She can't beat him.
Common sense says you are 100% right, but there is a huge faction out there that if you left the ticket vacant (TBD) they would vote for that over a vote for Trump. Out of shear hatred and fear.
So I think Kamala is going to get the nod, and we are going to see a PR campaign put forward not just by the official party, but by the media. She will be portrayed as the second coming of MLK combined with Joan of Arc & Cleopatra, BY THE MEDIA.

I KNOW it's coming.

She will get ZERO negative coverage.

But what I KNOW conflicts with what I believe SHOULD be.
How did the media abandon any form of non-biased coverage?

While I do think this will be the case, if she is put forward...

It'll go like her primary campaign. She'll get a big media push and fall flat on her face because with some people it's just plainly evident to everyone that this person is completely fake and a complete fucking moron. That's Kamala in a nutshell.

...I think this will also be the case (or certainly, very-much hope so).
It'll go like her primary campaign. She'll get a big media push and fall flat on her face because with some people it's just plainly evident to everyone that this person is completely fake and a complete fucking moron. That's Kamala in a nutshell.
She looks like an idiot any time she's speaking publicly.

Won't matter, she's always been unpopular and unelectable. The Trump hate rhetoric has been overplayed. She can't beat him.
She'll still get support from the anti-Trump crowd, but I don't see how she could possibly win.
I KNOW it's coming.

She will get ZERO negative coverage.

But what I KNOW conflicts with what I believe SHOULD be.

I think you are right. For me it’s going to be entertaining in not a good way. Because the MSM is going to have to go harder than has ever been done before to try to make her look electable. They’ll triple down on the Trump is literally hitler rhetoric. How they play her up to their intended target is what’s going to bring the funny. The things she’s on record saying is going to be insurmountable and they have to try anyway.
I think you are right. For me it’s going to be entertaining in not a good way. Because the MSM is going to have to go harder than has ever been done before to try to make her look electable. They’ll triple down on the Trump is literally hitler rhetoric. How they play her up to their intended target is what’s going to bring the funny. The things she’s on record saying is going to be insurmountable and they have to try anyway.
I'd love to see a debate with her and Trump.
I think you are right. For me it’s going to be entertaining in not a good way. Because the MSM is going to have to go harder than has ever been done before to try to make her look electable. They’ll triple down on the Trump is literally hitler rhetoric. How they play her up to their intended target is what’s going to bring the funny. The things she’s on record saying is going to be insurmountable and they have to try anyway.
The memes will be legendary though.
Common sense says you are 100% right, but there is a huge faction out there that if you left the ticket vacant (TBD) they would vote for that over a vote for Trump. Out of shear hatred and fear.
I don't think the 'anyone but Trump' crowd is anywhere near what it was. This admin has driven off way more voters than it had in 2020. Especially among black and Hispanic voters.
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I check on this kid's youtube channel almost everyday. He keeps up with the polls and crunches numbers.

Here's what a Trump vs. Kameltoe election would currently look like with the polls that are currently out. And these poll numbers are pre-assassination attempt and RNC, so it may get even worse for the knob polisher.

You guys keep her in the US we don't want her back in Canada. We've got enough of that socialist dogma here already. It would be a freaking idiototic idea to vote either of them back in...

As a cdn I watched the RNC last night and hope y'all the best in taking back your country.

Then you can send that common sense love back up north to Canada and help fix our ruined country.

It’s interesting to me that nobody down here really takes into consideration the cautionary tale that You snowbacks have seen/ are living in in which trudeau: an ‘unpopular’ complete buffoon can get elected/ installed and then shit all over rights and liberties of citizens, be universally despised, and still get re elected/ remain in power.
So I think Kamala is going to get the nod, and we are going to see a PR campaign put forward not just by the official party, but by the media. She will be portrayed as the second coming of MLK combined with Joan of Arc & Cleopatra, BY THE MEDIA.
I think Kamala is an improbable candidate at best. About the only way she gets it is if everyone else says "no", which is also improbable. If this was going to be a real election, rather than one with tens of millions of fake votes thrown in to make sure the Deep State's Puppet wins (whomever that ends up being), then I would say that "everyone else saying 'no'" would not be all that improbable. Nobody in a legitimate election would want to come in this late in the game, unless they were already a long shot at getting a nomination at all.

But this isn't going to be a legitimate election, the Deep State is going to pull out all the stops to make sure the Anti-Deep-State Candidate loses, at all costs. So, why wouldn't anyone else jump in the ring knowing the fight is extremely rigged in their favor?

Yet, while the election is going to be rigged for whomever the Deep State puts forth as the (D) candidate, they do need someone whose illegitimate win will be at least plausible. A Kamala win is not plausible, no matter how much the Deep State's propaganda machine (a.k.a. The Mainstream Media and Social Media Platforms) prop her up and sing her praises.

How did the media abandon any form of non-biased coverage?
This isn't something that happened overnight; this has been decades in the making. When all of the media corporations are ultimately owned by the same group of people that have the same agenda and same mindset, it becomes easy to manipulate the media corporations into only hiring and/or keeping likeminded employees.

The sad thing is because all of these people live in their own self-built echo chamber, they honestly believe that the majority of the U.S. (the majority of the world even) believes as they do. They live the lie so deeply that they actually believe it to be true; thus (in their minds) they aren't the biased ones, we are.
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So I think Kamala is going to get the nod, and we are going to see a PR campaign put forward not just by the official party, but by the media. She will be portrayed as the second coming of MLK combined with Joan of Arc & Cleopatra, BY THE MEDIA.

I KNOW it's coming.

She will get ZERO negative coverage.

But what I KNOW conflicts with what I believe SHOULD be.
How did the media abandon any form of non-biased coverage?

You are probably right. It will be real hard for the Dems to pass over a black woman that is already VP. But palossee wants her nephew. In fact, is there any notable dem that wants Kamala? Since they really don’t care about democracy, they could pick anyone. Remember, they don’t have to pick someone that can beat Trump. They only have to pick someone that can get close and cheat the rest.
Only way she would win potus if Joe backs out and they put her in place of Joe, is if they heavily steal the election by fraudulent votes. There’s nothing else to discuss about it beyond that really.
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