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The Irate list of advice for teenaged boys

Inch by inch life is a cinch. Yard by yard life is hard.
Sub’d. Step boy turns 11 this spring and I’m struggling with “fatherhood”. Never had kids of my own and now live with an only child. His mother raised him by herself till I showed up. Now we’re in a power struggle of sorts. The little pre Madonna thinks he’s the boss and I beg to differ. I’m definitely in the market for parenting advice

My Dad's advice...."Listen to your mother or I'm getting the belt".
The same intellect you use to hammer nails can be applied to most anything else.

The measure of a man is taken by watching his hands, not his mouth. Lots of folks say lots of shit, what they do is always who they are.

Good men do bad things, bad men do good things, neither is wholly definitive of who they are.

Strive to be right. If you find that you weren't, apologize and fix it.

Do not loan any money that you can't live without. Plan on not getting it back, be surprised if you do.

Do not borrow a tool you are not willing to buy. Do not return a borrowed tool in worse condition than you borrowed it.

Never loan out your trailer. It does not matter who you loan it to, they will not treat it correctly and will not fix it before they give it back.

If you borrow someone's vehicle, return it full of fuel and clean.

If you hang out with scumbags, you are a scumbag.

Take care of your friends.

If you owe someone, handle it and if you can't, square the why with them until you can. Don't leave them hanging, they will remember that long after the debt is paid.

Never ask someone to do a job you aren't willing to do.

Knowledge is yours, it is one of the few things that can't be taken from you.

The guy who can kick your ass rarely brags about being able to kick your ass, the same is true for the motherfucker who will take you out.

Every bar fight in the world can be avoided by not going to bars.

Yelling at your kids is like trying to steer your car with the horn.

Believe none of what you hear and about half of what you see.
one from my grand father. he said "it is wrong to love the money, but there is nothing wrong with loving where the money is". this was after he met my fiancé and I told him how she made a good bit more than me. then a year and a half later she quit work. and hasn't worked the last 30 years.
Do what you think is best until they turn 18...................................then ship them off to the Marines for finishing school.
The easy way is the hard way

We are all on the list, just don't know where

its only expensive if you don't use it
I wasn't a teenager but he did warn me:

BOY, That vasectomy won't stop your wife from getting pregnant, all it does is change the color of the babies.
When I grew taller than my dad he told me "You can be bigger than me, but you'll never be meaner than me". I tell my 17yr old 6'8" tall son that weekly. Luckily for me, he's a really good kid
I dont know if its been said but its damn good advice and bears repeating.

Both my dad and grandad gave me the same advice. My father who was a very rational calm man for the most part, was more dignified in his message. My grandfather being a man whore well into his 70s put it much more bluntly and told me word for word "Don't stick your dick in crazy". Advice that looking back would have saved many moments of grief had I listened. If I impart 1 thing to my boys it will be that message.

A case Im working reminded me of the sage advice. It involves a young man who's life has been utterly turned upside down by fucking an absolute lunatic. I honestly feel for him.
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