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The Crypto Mining & Crypto Stock Thread

So I understand

-bitocin takes servers to mine(ie to big math calculations) but running the servers cost more than the mining gets you.

-Pi is an app on your phone? click it once a day and it mines something with an unknown/undetermined value?

-there are other crypto's some with a dollar value, some with out.

Is that correct?
So I'm curious how many of us Pi miners here have been KYC'd?

I got KYC early last summer after only about 3 months of mining. I think I just got lucky, maybe they were testing the system or something.

Did one of you say you can add already active miners to your security circle? I though you could only add people to your circle if they used your invitation code. If we can add active miners, we should set up an Irate4x4 circle to beef up all our circles.

Oh, and since you guys are whoreing out invitation codes, I thought I'd share the best invitation code out there. I heard yours are all junk.:flipoff2:

Anyone that wants to get involved can just follow this link, you'll get a gift of 1 Pi to start you off:
and use my username (GraveyardShift) as your invitation code.
used you code i better get rich :homer: :flipoff2:

Thanks. I hope to fuck you get rich too. Trust me. Lol.

If you invite other people, your mining rate will increase as a result. It's not a pyramid though, so if they invite people your rate will not increase, only theirs. You only get credit for the people that used your code. The more people though, the better the potential for It's future.

Keep in mind this is a long term project. I've been active for about 8 months now, and its supposed to go mainnet early next December. Mainnet is when it goes live as a crypto currency.
I really want to get into crypto currency but... reading this shit makes my brain itch like when I used to try to act interested in my son telling me about playing WOW... :laughing: #boomer

I need to take some time to study up because I do think it's a legit investment.
So is this like multi-level marketing?
Get all your peers to joint otherwise it never goes anywhere?

The goal is to get a little bit of PI coin in as many people's hands as possible so it turns into an actual currency instead of kind of an "investment" thing. So I don't see it getting to be worth tens of thousands like Bitcoin, but maybe like being worth $20, $50 or even $100.

At least that is how I understand it. They have halved the mining rate since I started to make it more scarce. I was at 3 PI an hour when I started and now I am at 1.5.

The goal is to get a little bit of PI coin in as many people's hands as possible so it turns into an actual currency instead of kind of an "investment" thing. So I don't see it getting to be worth tens of thousands like Bitcoin, but maybe like being worth $20, $50 or even $100.

At least that is how I understand it. They have halved the mining rate since I started to make it more scarce. I was at 3 PI an hour when I started and now I am at 1.5.


Shit I'm at like .3
The goal is to get a little bit of PI coin in as many people's hands as possible so it turns into an actual currency instead of kind of an "investment" thing. So I don't see it getting to be worth tens of thousands like Bitcoin, but maybe like being worth $20, $50 or even $100.

At least that is how I understand it. They have halved the mining rate since I started to make it more scarce. I was at 3 PI an hour when I started and now I am at 1.5.


So can we add existing uses to our team? I thought it was only people that used your invite code that got added to your team. Would there be any benefit to doing that either for us, or for the network jtself? If there is, us Pi miners on irate should maybe think about joining each other's security teams.
So can we add existing uses to our team? I thought it was only people that used your invite code that got added to your team. Would there be any benefit to doing that either for us, or for the network jtself? If there is, us Pi miners on irate should maybe think about joining each other's security teams.
Now this is interesting...

Im not the most social creature, and definitely won’t go out to sell stuff to get others below me. But if it’s more of a community base then yes, I like the idea.
I think you can only add to your security team from people you have invited. I just looked on my phone and that's how it appeared to me. No clue how all of this works to tell the truth but i am almost up to 20 coins.
I think you can only add to your security team from people you have invited. I just looked on my phone and that's how it appeared to me. No clue how all of this works to tell the truth but i am almost up to 20 coins.

I did a little poking around in the app. It looks like you can add people to your security circle that are already Pi users if they are currently mining and in your phone's contact list. I'm assuming phone number contacts or FB contacts. I just added someone to my security circle that I didn't sign up, but I had a phone contact for. It didn't make a difference for my account though because my security circle was already at 100% (strong).

It may be helpful though for some of you that are at less than 100% to check you contacts, you might find someone.
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Well I tried to download and it said come back later or some shit like that. Guess I'll never be Pi rich
Well I tried to download and it said come back later or some shit like that. Guess I'll never be Pi rich

Keep trying. I ran into that the other day due to them doing a maintenance. I couldn't invite my girlfriend till it was complete.
Everyone who's recently started mining Pi should also keep in mind that at some point they will have to verify their identity (KYC - Know Your Customer) in order to claim their Pi and transfer it to their "wallet". That's going to involve taking a picture of a photo id (passport or D/L) and uploading it. Currently that's being done in a seemingly randomly selected basis where you are directed to an app named "Yoti", but they may use other apps in the future. I thought I'd mention that because some of you paranoid fuckers might not be cool with uploading your ID to an app like that. It's how they restrict people to one account and one device though.

It's all in the White Paper, which i suggest you read.

And remember, the best invitation code is "GraveyardShift"

Lol. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
I started the thread! MemphisIBB for referral you dick heads
[memphis said:
;n268882]I started the thread! MemphisIBB for referral you dick heads

I was just gonna start this up with your referral but decided to read to the end. Now you call me a dick head? :flipoff2: Once I figure this out on my phone I'll click your referral ya ****.
Sceep, I just gave you another hit. That's the last one for you, the website is only taking "zlathim" for referrals now for some reason.
From the sound of it, there are a lot of new Pi miners due to this thread. I just thought I'd mention to them that to continue mining, you have to go back into the app and click on the "start mining" button after every 24 hour cycle. If you simply install the app and hit "start mining" the day you install it, you will only ever gain one day's worth of Pi. So keep at it, hopefully it will be worth it.

oh, and the only referral code that I could find on my phone was "GraveyardShift" and the only link I could find was:
so those must be the only ones working right now.

:flipoff2: :laughing:
So, I've jumped into this since I had some money laying around that needed invested. I dropped $3K into Ethereum and just day trading I have made 10%-ish daily by moving it back and forth between various other "coins".

Hell, I could transfer a bit more money and make better than I do at my day job.

What am I missing? Capitol gains and fees consume some of it, but not a lot.
Just signed up for Pi.

I guess I have to wait a couple days for the referral code?
Holy fuck some of these posts are hilariius
I was just thinking of starting a thread like this a few min ago. What got my curiosity going was a little something I caught the tail end of about some coin called Dogecoin. I saw it was going for something like 1K coins for a dollar. It got me to thinking about dumping maybe $100 into it and sitting on it to see what happens.
Your $100 would currently be worth $10k+

I had almost 1k n dogecoin at one time. It honestly felt like I was propping it up since I would buy and it would go up. Hundreds of thousands of shares before I sold it all. Wish I would have held on to it since it’s up 200% since.


I sold 275k shares at .003 and it’s at .009 now.
your 275k dogecoins would be worth $85k+

annnd here's the drop I expected to see again at $20k when I sold most of my BTC holdings. Kind of hoping it drops down to $10K or so, I'll buy back in for another long-term hold but pocket a couple thousand.

i'm convinced that the signal for the massive drop is coworkers talking about BTC in the office :laughing: 2nd time it's been true
And BTC is currently sitting at 50k+ with a huge value of 63k a couple of weeks ago


I got in late with Doge but fuck i wish I had those 275k coins.
Just signed up for Pi too. We will see how it goes. Java230 if anyone wants to use me :lmao:
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